T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
I do not agree with your assessment.
Have you ever had to use a government health care system like the VA, military, PHS, or the like?
I do not agree with your assessment.
Then what is your point regarding defunding Israel?
Have you ever had to use a government health care system like the VA, military, PHS, or the like?
Force them to negotiate peace.
How does stripping them of less than one-half of one percent of their gdp do that? It won't force anything on them. So, now what?
We are giving Israel weapons.
So let them fend for themselves. The US is the only one supporting Israel in the world.
They'll just acquire new allies instead. Before we were supporting them militarily, it was France, before that, Czechoslovakia and Britain. They'll just go elsewhere and won't be hurt by it. We on the other hand, lose in that deal.
Okay, so who pays for all that?
Right now, the US is second in the world on total net social welfare spending and tenth in terms of per capita social welfare spending.
How much more do you recommend we spend?
What makes you think that people will want to work if they are getting paid as much or more on welfare?
Same goes for why work harder if the government is guaranteeing you a certain paycheck regardless, or making your firing difficult or impossible.
What you want is forced altruism and expect people to accept that. People won't, and history proves it.
For example, if I get the same basic stuff as everyone else, but am motivated to want more, and know that the harder I work the more the government will take, I simply go into the black market and work under the table and not give the government a goddamned dime of my earnings while, on paper, still qualifying for all the basic stuff everybody else gets. People will prefer my lower prices, quality work, and they too won't give a shit that the government is getting fucked. In fact, most will applaud that and willingly join in.
Sounds harsh, but that's reality. Few people are going to be happy being forced to be altruistic and will spend their time instead finding ways to get around the system rather than work with it.
I'll even show you:
The Left wants or prefers:
An authoritarian, dictatorship with a huge government bureaucracy.
A command economy directed or even owned by the government.
That society and government is all important and the individual within it is nothing.
The Right prefers:
A government accountable to the people with limited powers and can only do specific things the people allow.
A free-market economy where the government has little or no say or control.
The individual is who is important and elevated in society, not society as a whole or government.
Six sentences. It's that simple. It is also consistent and measurable.
In Venezuela, this is what the government calls "sufficient" for a week for a family of 4
Maybe we could have bread lines as "sufficient."
When others get to decide for you what is "sufficient," you won't get anywhere close to sufficient...
Socialism doesn't work because it requires that basic human nature be radically altered, and that's not happening.
The thing is..I can get my own food. I got bullets, I can hustle up chickens, beef, I can trap and fish and hunt.
Until the government takes your guns, bans fishing and hunting, and makes you get a bunch of expensive licenses to raise chickens and cows... Leftist government is an onerous and totalitarian disaster.
In Venezuela, this is what the government calls "sufficient" for a week for a family of 4
Maybe we could have bread lines as "sufficient."
When others get to decide for you what is "sufficient," you won't get anywhere close to sufficient...
Socialism doesn't work because it requires that basic human nature be radically altered, and that's not happening.
Sure. Health Care universal. Defund Israel. Raise federal minimum wage. Tax upper 1% higher.