T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
What I find fascinating is how jokers like you love to hype any bad gov't run by non-corporatist or autocrats and such, but you ignore the history of such bad gov't when it's done by dictators, autocrats, corporatists, etc.
Such is the history of Venezuela.
Also, since your fat ass isn't inconvenienced, you ignore the unnecessary levels of poverty in your own country. Nope, you'll back the status quo until it's in your backyard....then you'll blame any and everything else because stubborn pride won't let you do otherwise. Pathetic.
Venezuela was doing pretty good until Chavez, then Maduro, both autocratic dictators, took over and socialized the country. They destroyed the oil industry, then started running businesses out of business.
A good example of the later were bakeries. Bakers wanted to sell their goods at a profit, even if only enough to keep their own families fed and such. Maduro took control of flour supplies and rationed it to bakeries. The bakeries were then told they had to make bread and sell it at a loss because people couldn't pay full price with the collapse of the local currency. Bakers who refused saw their businesses taken from then and incompetent, but loyal, Maduro supporters were put in charge. This just fucked things up further as the incompetent Maduro supporters didn't know how to make bread properly so they wasted the flour they were given.
Same thing with the oil industry. All the skilled workers fled the country and got jobs somewhere else. The management went to prison and reliable supporters of the dictator were put in charge. The machinery quickly fell into disrepair and the new management didn't know anything about managing so the whole thing became a disaster.
Venezuela pre Chavez / Maduro didn't suffer frequent blackouts like it does now because the electric grid and generating stations are falling apart due to mismanagement and lack of skilled operators (who fled).
Socialism leads to suffering and poverty.