Oh that's just complete non-sense. Reagan's policy was a continuence of the Truman doctrine and he didn't spend appreciably more, as a percentage of GDP, for defense then his predecessors did. In fact he spent less then either Nixon or LBJ. What he didn't do was pay for it.

Actually, Reagan's policy was more of a reinstatement of Eisenhower's New Look, which emphasized high-tech expenditures (such as missile technology) and de-emphasized conventional warfare as an area to plan and spend money for on the Cold War.

The Truman Doctrine never really accomplished much. Particularly since Truman was the first in a line of presidents to ignore what George F. Keenan was really saying about halting the spread of communism, and instead got us stuck in a messy war in Korea.
Actually, Reagan's policy was more of a reinstatement of Eisenhower's New Look, which emphasized high-tech expenditures (such as missile technology) and de-emphasized conventional warfare as an area to plan and spend money for on the Cold War.

The Truman Doctrine never really accomplished much. Particularly since Truman was the first in a line of presidents to ignore what George F. Keenan was really saying about halting the spread of communism, and instead got us stuck in a messy war in Korea.

The "follies of men", fraught with the best of intentions.....
You're so stupid. The economy grew under Reagan. So did the spending...vulgarly.

ah yes, Reagan's "vulgar spending".......a mere drop in the spittoon compared to Obama's spending, of course......but that's neither here nor there to a true liberal.........and yes, the economy grew under Reagan, following the horrendous Carter years......which of course were worse than the Bush years.....too bad Obama didn't limit spending to the vulgarities of Reagan......then the economy might have grown under his administration as well......
ah yes, Reagan's "vulgar spending".......a mere drop in the spittoon compared to Obama's spending, of course......but that's neither here nor there to a true liberal.........and yes, the economy grew under Reagan, following the horrendous Carter years......which of course were worse than the Bush years.....too bad Obama didn't limit spending to the vulgarities of Reagan......then the economy might have grown under his administration as well......
Ah, the rewriting of history. There are reasons that Reagan and Bush II are deemed the worst presidents, ever. The Carter administration didn't throw the American economy off a precipice, impacting the global economy. Carter didn't embroil us in 2 unnecessary wars....or lie to the American populace, repeatedly. Your blind hatred for Obama, has distorted your view of reality, making it impossible to be rational. Pity.
Ah, the rewriting of history. There are reasons that Reagan and Bush II are deemed the worst presidents, ever. The Carter administration didn't throw the American economy off a precipice, impacting the global economy. Carter didn't embroil us in 2 unnecessary wars....or lie to the American populace, repeatedly. Your blind hatred for Obama, has distorted your view of reality, making it impossible to be rational. Pity.

Who are these people that deemed Reagan and Bush II as the worst Presidents ever? There are reasons why Obama is deemed a socialist thug. We can deem whatever we want, just like you.

Who told you that you had some kind of authority in "deeming" anything?

If you ever happen to come across a Republican on television these days, chances are that you will hear the name Ronald Reagan. Recent Republican debates are the perfect example of the love fest that the current

1. Reagan cut taxes for the Rich, increased taxes on the Middle Class - Ronald Reagan is loved by conservatives and was loved by big business throughout his presidency and there's a reason for it. When Reagan came into office in January of 1981, the top tax rate was 70%, but when he left office in 1989 the top tax rate was down to only 28%. As Reagan gave the breaks to all his rich friends, there was a lack of revenue coming into the federal government. In order to bring money back into the government, Reagan was forced to raise taxes eleven times throughout his time in office. One example was when he signed into law the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. Reagan raised taxes seven of the eight years he was in office and the tax increases were felt hardest by the lower and middle class.

LMAO... yet the percentage of tax revenue paid by the 'rich' went UP under Reagan. Yes, he dropped the marginal rates, but he also INCREASED the capital gains tax rate to 40%. THAT is where the wealthy get the bulk of their income.

2. Tripling the National Debt -As Reagan cut taxes for the wealthy, the government was left with less money to spend. When Reagan came into office the national debt was $900 billion, by the time he left the national debt had tripled to $2.8 trillion.

FALSE. Government revenue increased under Reagan. The debt increased $1.6 Trillion under Reagan, so on that point you are correct. Now tell us, could one dime have been spent without Tip's approval in the House? What was the money spent on and why? ( side note: debt increased $1.4 Trillion under Bush (4 years) $1.6 Trillion under Clinton. $5 Trillion under Bush Jr. Over $4 Trillion under Obama thus far in three years.... so how was Reagan so terrible again?)

3. Iran/Contra -In 1986, a group of Americans were being held hostage by a terrorist group with ties to Iran. In an attempt to free the hostages, Ronald Reagan secretly sold arms and money to Iran. Much of the money that was received from the trade went to fund the Nicaragua Contra rebels who were in a war with the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. When the scandal broke in the Untied States it became the biggest story in the country, Reagan tried to down play what happened, but never fully recovered.

Certainly not a good thing. But it hardly qualifies him as worst President.

4. Reagan funded Terrorists -
The attacks on 9/11 by al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden brought new attention to international terrorism. All of a sudden, Americans coast to coast wore their American flag pins, ate their freedom fries and couldn't wait to go to war with anyone who looked like a Muslim. What Americans didn't realize was that the same group that attacked the United States on 9/11 was funded by Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. Prepping for a possible war with the Soviet Union, Ronald Reagan spent billions of dollars funding the Islamist mujahidin Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan. With billions of American dollars, weapons and training coming their way, the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden took everything they were given and gave it back to the United States over a decade later in the worst possible way imaginable.

ROFLMAO.... that is truly comical spin. We were absolutely correct to support the fight against the USSR. Our mistake was pulling out support after the Soviets lost and leaving a power vacuum.

5. Unemployment issues -When Ronald Reagan came into office 1981, unemployment was at 7.5%. After Reagan cut taxes for the wealthy, he began raising taxes on the middle and lower class. Corporations started to ship more jobs out of the United States while hiring cheap foreign labor in order to make a bigger profit. While corporations made billions, Americans across the country lost their jobs. As 1982 came to a close, unemployment was nearly 11%. Unemployment began to drop as the years went on, but the jobs that were created were low paying and barely helped people make ends meet. The middle and lower class had their wages nearly frozen as the top earners saw dramatic increases in salary.

Wow, the extreme bullshit spin in the above is truly amazing. Unemployment was at 7.4% when he took office. To kill inflation (the thing absolutely DESTROYING the middle class) Reagan allowed Volcker to implement his plan. Yes, this caused a recession and higher unemployment. Reagan made the hard call. He did what was necessary to kill the high inflationary environment. When Reagan left office inflation was under control and unemployment was at 5.2%.

The standard of living increased dramatically during the 1980's and continued to do so through today. But keep on spinning your nonsense.

6. Ignoring AIDS -
By the time the 1980s came around, AIDS had become one of the most frightening things to happen to the country in recent memory. No one understood what AIDS and HIV really was and when people don't understand something, they become scared of it. The fear of the unknown was sweeping across the country and Americans needed a leader to speak out about this horrible virus, that leader never came. Instead of grabbing the bull by the horns and taking charge, Reagan kept quiet. Reagan couldn't say the words AIDS or HIV until seven years into his presidency, a leader not so much.

ROFLMAO.... from spin, to just lies.

1) In the first couple of years of his Presidency, AIDS was just beginning to hit in the US
2) In 1983 there were about 3000 cases, about 1300 deaths
3) In 1984, the CDC said they thought they had discovered the virus
4) In 1985, Reagan first mentioned AIDS publicly.... apparently your math is off given he took office in 1981 so 4.5 years into his Presidency, not 7
5) As it became more known, more money was requested to study it to try and find a solution.
6) Could he have done more, certainly.... but pretending he did little is absurd.

7. Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million Undocumented Immigrants -
In today's GOP, the idea of any immigrant staying in the United States whether they are legal or illegal isn't something that conservatives embrace. What might shock them is that in 1982 Ronald Reagan gave nearly 3 million undocumented workers amnesty. The biggest reason for undocumented workers coming to the United States is because corporations hire them at a cheaper rate than they would an American citizen. All the laws that would have cracked down on companies who hire undocumented workers were, of course, removed from the bill.

so Reagan is evil because he granted amnesty?

8. His attack on Unions and the Middle Class - The Republican war on unions and the middle class has been heating up in states like Wisconsin and Ohio, but it has been going on for a long time. Unions are formed to give a united voice to the workers in an attempt to create fairness between the corporations and their employees. On August 3rd, 1981, PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization) went on strike in an effort to get better pay and safer working conditions. Two days later, taking the side of business, Ronald Reagan fired 11,345 workers for not returning to work.

He did EXACTLY what he should have done in that situation. The safety of travelers was at stake. Or are you suggesting that union negotiations should take precedent over the safety of others? Or perhaps you think that the Air Traffic union should be allowed to shut down all air travel unless their demands were met? What exactly do you think should have happened in that situation?
Oh that's just complete non-sense. Reagan's policy was a continuence of the Truman doctrine and he didn't spend appreciably more, as a percentage of GDP, for defense then his predecessors did. In fact he spent less then either Nixon or LBJ. What he didn't do was pay for it.

LMAO... saying he spent less than Nixon or LBJ... ya think that might have ANYTHING to do with Vietnam?
LMAO... yet the percentage of tax revenue paid by the 'rich' went UP under Reagan. Yes, he dropped the marginal rates, but he also INCREASED the capital gains tax rate to 40%. THAT is where the wealthy get the bulk of their income.

FALSE. Government revenue increased under Reagan. The debt increased $1.6 Trillion under Reagan, so on that point you are correct. Now tell us, could one dime have been spent without Tip's approval in the House? What was the money spent on and why? ( side note: debt increased $1.4 Trillion under Bush (4 years) $1.6 Trillion under Clinton. $5 Trillion under Bush Jr. Over $4 Trillion under Obama thus far in three years.... so how was Reagan so terrible again?)

Certainly not a good thing. But it hardly qualifies him as worst President.

ROFLMAO.... that is truly comical spin. We were absolutely correct to support the fight against the USSR. Our mistake was pulling out support after the Soviets lost and leaving a power vacuum.

Wow, the extreme bullshit spin in the above is truly amazing. Unemployment was at 7.4% when he took office. To kill inflation (the thing absolutely DESTROYING the middle class) Reagan allowed Volcker to implement his plan. Yes, this caused a recession and higher unemployment. Reagan made the hard call. He did what was necessary to kill the high inflationary environment. When Reagan left office inflation was under control and unemployment was at 5.2%.

The standard of living increased dramatically during the 1980's and continued to do so through today. But keep on spinning your nonsense.

ROFLMAO.... from spin, to just lies.

1) In the first couple of years of his Presidency, AIDS was just beginning to hit in the US
2) In 1983 there were about 3000 cases, about 1300 deaths
3) In 1984, the CDC said they thought they had discovered the virus
4) In 1985, Reagan first mentioned AIDS publicly.... apparently your math is off given he took office in 1981 so 4.5 years into his Presidency, not 7
5) As it became more known, more money was requested to study it to try and find a solution.
6) Could he have done more, certainly.... but pretending he did little is absurd.

so Reagan is evil because he granted amnesty?

He did EXACTLY what he should have done in that situation. The safety of travelers was at stake. Or are you suggesting that union negotiations should take precedent over the safety of others? Or perhaps you think that the Air Traffic union should be allowed to shut down all air travel unless their demands were met? What exactly do you think should have happened in that situation?

Just reporting the facts. Speaking of, where are the links to your claims?
Ah, the rewriting of history. There are reasons that Reagan and Bush II are deemed the worst presidents, ever. The Carter administration didn't throw the American economy off a precipice, impacting the global economy. Carter didn't embroil us in 2 unnecessary wars....or lie to the American populace, repeatedly. Your blind hatred for Obama, has distorted your view of reality, making it impossible to be rational. Pity.

It is you who is rewriting history. Reagan led the economic recovery from the nightmare Carter created. That said, Bush II was one of the worst and Obama is trying really really hard to beat him. As for Carter, the economy most assuredly went off a cliff during his reign.
LMAO... there weren't many facts in there.... and I can't help but notice no links to the claims the author put forth.

Really? That shouldn't inhibit you from posting your own. Or admitting that they were mere opinions, springing from your own mind.
It is you who is rewriting history. Reagan led the economic recovery from the nightmare Carter created. That said, Bush II was one of the worst and Obama is trying really really hard to beat him. As for Carter, the economy most assuredly went off a cliff during his reign.

Carter created????? The tangled web we weaved, started before Carter, as with everything else. And try as he might, Obama will never approach the depths of Bush II.
It's clear you genuflect at the Altar Reagan. I'm an Obama-ite. Wool-dyed. C'est la vie.
I find failure very appealing in leaders, myself. That's why I adore Obama and Bush the Lesser, while I loathe Clinton, Bush the Greater, and Reagan.
Ah, the rewriting of history. There are reasons that Reagan and Bush II are deemed the worst presidents, ever. The Carter administration didn't throw the American economy off a precipice, impacting the global economy. Carter didn't embroil us in 2 unnecessary wars....or lie to the American populace, repeatedly. Your blind hatred for Obama, has distorted your view of reality, making it impossible to be rational. Pity.

nothing in what I wrote was a rewrite of history.......I can understand why you want to shout "oh look! a rabbit!" because otherwise your previous post would be an embarrassment.....however, if we stick with the previous issue, what I said about Carter and Reagan is 100% accurate.....
And try as he might, Obama will never approach the depths of Bush II.

actually, if you're still talking about deficit spending he already has, in half the time......and that doesn't include the spending for his health care system which doesn't kick in till 2014.........
actually, if you're still talking about deficit spending he already has, in half the time......and that doesn't include the spending for his health care system which doesn't kick in till 2014.........

Fuck you, PostmodernProphet. It's clear, you were so pissed at being banned at the other forum, you shared my alias there with FreedomUSA911, who promptly posted, "out of the blue", a thread containing a video about Men on Films from "In Living Color". Damon Wayans character was a "swishy, fey individual with a single twig of hair on an otherwise bald head. I happen to sport a similar look. I knew immediately that you had shared my alias with Freedom, out of spite, and that he googled my alias and found a picture of me.
You have no honor. You behaved like a vindictive woman, "scorned". So hang your head in shame, as you parade around the forum, comforted by the fact that you retaliated in such low fashion.
Carter created????? The tangled web we weaved, started before Carter, as with everything else. And try as he might, Obama will never approach the depths of Bush II.
It's clear you genuflect at the Altar Reagan. I'm an Obama-ite. Wool-dyed. C'est la vie.

Yes, CARTER CREATED.... It happened under HIS WATCH.... isn't that the criteria so many use to blame Bush for the financial markets imploding? Even though it was the repeal of Glass Steagall in 1999 that led to the crash, it still happened on Bush's watch.

Obama is already at Bush levels and he is sinking fast.

LOL... I genuflect at the altar Reagan? Why is that? Because I correct your nonsense and attempts to re-write history?
Yes, CARTER CREATED.... It happened under HIS WATCH.... isn't that the criteria so many use to blame Bush for the financial markets imploding? Even though it was the repeal of Glass Steagall in 1999 that led to the crash, it still happened on Bush's watch.

Obama is already at Bush levels and he is sinking fast.

LOL... I genuflect at the altar Reagan? Why is that? Because I correct your nonsense and attempts to re-write history?

Because you choose to ignore the gist of the OP. And seek to point fingers "elsewhere". Given the blockade that is the Republican Congress, I'd say Obama is exceeding any expectations.