Fuck you, PostmodernProphet. It's clear, you were so pissed at being banned at the other forum, you shared my alias there with FreedomUSA911, who promptly posted, "out of the blue", a thread containing a video about Men on Films from "In Living Color". Damon Wayans character was a "swishy, fey individual with a single twig of hair on an otherwise bald head. I happen to sport a similar look. I knew immediately that you had shared my alias with Freedom, out of spite, and that he googled my alias and found a picture of me.
You have no honor. You behaved like a vindictive woman, "scorned". So hang your head in shame, as you parade around the forum, comforted by the fact that you retaliated in such low fashion.

wtf are you talking about.....first of all, I've shared nothing with FreedomUSA, second I haven't the foggiest idea what you "sport" on your head, and third this comment has nothing to do with what I posted......I suggest you go back to ignoring me, it reduces your chances of embarrassing yourself.....
wtf are you talking about.....first of all, I've shared nothing with FreedomUSA, second I haven't the foggiest idea what you "sport" on your head, and third this comment has nothing to do with what I posted......I suggest you go back to ignoring me, it reduces your chances of embarrassing yourself.....

Denial? All fingers point to you as the culprit. Who else would have a vendetta against me? Who knew of my aliases in both forums? I know you're not a man, but be at least, woman enough to admit the truth.
Denial? All fingers point to you as the culprit. Who else would have a vendetta against me? Who knew of my aliases in both forums? I know you're not a man, but be at least, woman enough to admit the truth.

I know you have a tendency to make shit up and ignore the truth.....it's evident in all your posts....the fact is, I haven't the slightest idea what your talking about......if there are any "fingers pointing to me", they're on your hands......I have no vendetta against you, you're not worth a vendetta......

what post are you talking about?.....