APP - 82 million year old fossil being excavated

When have I ever said that god is any of those things? The problem you have is conflating me saying, "This seems logical" with somebody who believes in Yahweh or Allah...

Tell me. If God's plan runs the universe, and he knows everything that ever will happen why would he create Lucifer? These are silly nonsense questions and have little to do with what I have said in this thread.

The easy answer is to simply point out that without choices and hardship free will would be worthless and the necessity wouldn't exist to create and learn. If you are this omniscient being you would know that you cannot create intelligent creatures without allowing them to make choices...

Then he is not "omnibenevolent . Christianity *is* incoherent, a fantasy created by humans, who think that the universe must necessarily be subjugated to their pathetic desires. An all powerful being wouldn't give two shits about us. The more powerful never care about the less powerful, unless the less powerful combine their strength, or the less powerful have been reduced to some state of slavery that makes them useful in some way to the more powerful (think of our pets, for instance). Other than that, it's never been the case, in all of nature. An all powerful being would have better things to do than to contribute to the survival of some glorified apes on a planet orbiting a star in the orion arm of some irrelevant galaxy amongst innumerable galaxies. How does that qualify as "omnibenevolent"? "Benevolence" itself is an absurd concept, utterly dependent upon the subjective situation in question. Benevolence to one person is cruelty to another. It's impossible to be omnibenevolent.

Seriously, Christians? Do you think that brown-nosing Him is going to help you any? If I were Him, I would get a goddamn restraining order. You guys are *weird*.
When have I ever said that god is any of those things? The problem you have is conflating me saying, "This seems logical" with somebody who believes in Yahweh or Allah...

Tell me. If God's plan runs the universe, and he knows everything that ever will happen why would he create Lucifer? These are silly nonsense questions and have little to do with what I have said in this thread.

The easy answer is to simply point out that without choices and hardship free will would be worthless and the necessity wouldn't exist to create and learn. If you are this omniscient being you would know that you cannot create intelligent creatures without allowing them to make choices...

If we lived closer together, I would drive over and shake your hand. :D
Yep. If I were God, I would make up my own esoteric definition for the word in Hebrew which in other contexts always refers to the 24-hour period of time between the risings of the sun, a definition used pretty much by no other person or entity before or sense then, including myself later in my own book, and tell my followers to write that down. My goal, after all, would not be to convert people to my cause by talking to them sensibly, but to confuse them and utterly contradict the fossil record I left, and make my followers look as if they're just making up arbitrary, desperate bullshit in order to salvage a ridiculous, ancient idea utterly abandoned by all sensible people.

From your asinine rant, it would appear that the confusion has taken a huge hold on you. :D
Enjoy your inability to discuss rationally.
If God respects the free will of rapists, then fuck that evil monster. I do not respect the free will of rapists, I try to snuff it out at every opportunity. If God disagrees, he is not worthy of my respect.

You appear to be the only one who has mentioned respect.
Now, enjoy your ant hill. :D
This is the problem with the God-deniers. They want to somehow cling to the thought that no other possible incarnation of God can exist, unless it conforms to a specific religious connotation. And again, the problematic definition of "existence" comes into play, what is meant by this? A physical presence is not in existence, and the only religion I know of who has ever believed a physical presence of God existed, readily admit there is no present physical existence. So we have to first modify our usual understanding and context of the word "exist" to fit the argument. God-deniers can't do this, because when we apply spiritual evidence to the possibility of a spiritual entity, the God-deniers can't argue with it.

Neither can we deny that dogs, for instance, speak English when there is no one around to hear them.
Dixie, I think we have drained all we can from this subjuect. I'd rather talk of other things, of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings.
If you wish to mark it down as a win you have my permission, but you will lose my respect.
Neither can we deny that dogs, for instance, speak English when there is no one around to hear them.
Dixie, I think we have drained all we can from this subjuect. I'd rather talk of other things, of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings.
If you wish to mark it down as a win you have my permission, but you will lose my respect.

Well look, I hate to disappoint you, but I do plan to count this as a win. Although, it's really not much of an argument, you have asserted something that can't be proven is impossible, and I have asserted it doesn't have to be proven to be possible. My assertion is correct, your assertion is incorrect, it's as simple as that.
Well look, I hate to disappoint you, but I do plan to count this as a win. Although, it's really not much of an argument, you have asserted something that can't be proven is impossible, and I have asserted it doesn't have to be proven to be possible. My assertion is correct, your assertion is incorrect, it's as simple as that.

This really comes as no surprise. It is one of the several ways Americans are known to express their inadequacies.
keep in mind hes a meat sack American.

they accept any fool thing as fact if it gets them what they want