APP - 82 million year old fossil being excavated

Wow. Coming from the Copy/Paste Queen of JPP, no less!

Yes... most of my thoughts are original, unlike yours.

dear meatsack American,

you see when I post those little links they are there to present facts to you.

I know facts often ruin your EVERY thought process but to mentally healthy human beings who have actual feelings of guilt when they LIE unlike you they are handy tools.

I know you will never understand true human emotion but you at least muct understand we people with healthy human emotions like compassion and quilt BY FAR out number you meatsacks.

Your LIES are being exposed and your historically failed ideas are dying.

Facts are not going away no matter how much you hate them
you see when I post those little links they are there to present facts to you.

No, they are to present left-wing propaganda and lies to me and pass them off as truth... Nevertheless, these are NOT your original thoughts, they are the thoughts of someone else, and you are regurgitating them here.
Lying straight inot the face of facts.

you sir are a fucking liar.

You have done this type of lying the entire decade I have known you.

Your a sociopath dicksee
you and super duper just fucking lie about anything that refutes your historically failed ideas.

Just reacting to facts as if they were lies and being emtionless in the face of the completely human reaction of GUILT for your obvious lies you prove you are a deeply flawed human being.

In adult and sane society there are facts that everyone recognises as pivot points for ALL sides.

You are of the new faction of Americans that have no respect for ANYTHING (no matter how cut and dry the information is) that does not bolster what you CHOSE to believe.

That makes you completely insane and usless in an adult converstion.

You ignore facts.

Americas best hope to clean up this mess is to IGNORE and Malign you meatsack Americans for what you are.

flawed human beings who live in the world of lies.
Oh, I don't think so. You 'won' the second world war. You 'won' the American war in Vietnam. You 'won' the war against Iraq. You 'won' the cold war.

Some of us have outgrown the childhood myths and have educated ourselves. Some of us continue to make an effort to educate ourselves by discovering historical perspective. Your effort to paint all Americans in one shade lacks depth...and your usually better than that. Even so I can understand why you would feel that way about us as we can be so damned obnoxious.
Here's the thing, shit-for-brains... whenever someone is lying and you have proof they are lying, you present that. The inability to be able to do that, is not compensated for by hurling insults and pejoratives. Continuing to scream "You're a liar, Dixie!" doesn't do a thing except show other people that you lack any evidence to back your claim. Adding the insults, only shows that it angers and upsets you that you can't support your false claim. Yes, I have been around for more than a decade, but I am not a sociopathic meatsack, and I routinely school you and other lefties, to no avail... you remain shit-for-brains in spite of my efforts.
Some of us have outgrown the childhood myths and have educated ourselves. Some of us continue to make an effort to educate ourselves by discovering historical perspective. Your effort to paint all Americans in one shade lacks depth...and your usually better than that. Even so I can understand why you would feel that way about us as we can be so damned obnoxious.

How bloody arrogant!
We are FAR more obnoxious than you. We have been 'in training' since the Romans forced us all to speak Latin!
Here's the thing, shit-for-brains... whenever someone is lying and you have proof they are lying, you present that. The inability to be able to do that, is not compensated for by hurling insults and pejoratives. Continuing to scream "You're a liar, Dixie!" doesn't do a thing except show other people that you lack any evidence to back your claim. Adding the insults, only shows that it angers and upsets you that you can't support your false claim. Yes, I have been around for more than a decade, but I am not a sociopathic meatsack, and I routinely school you and other lefties, to no avail... you remain shit-for-brains in spite of my efforts.

Dixie over the years you have been proven a liar many many times.

you deny those facts too.

Your worthless in an adult debate because to you there are NO facts.

There is only what bolsters your historically failed ideas.

That is not a level of base facts any organization can survive on.

You live in a made up world of half facts and huge lies.

bye bye meat sack.

The country has about figured your emotionless and factless scam out
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No, they are to present left-wing propaganda and lies to me and pass them off as truth... Nevertheless, these are NOT your original thoughts, they are the thoughts of someone else, and you are regurgitating them here.

Rube, you have no fucking clue what's in anyone's cut/pasted links because you don't click on any of them, remember? You stupidly and wrongly assume to already know all about the content and the source. You're an unteachable dumb clot.
Rube, you have no fucking clue what's in anyone's cut/pasted links because you don't click on any of them, remember? You stupidly and wrongly assume to already know all about the content and the source. You're an unteachable dumb clot.

No, I do know what's behind the links, because of the neat little web browser feature, where you can see where the links take you before you click them... just hover over any link, and look at the lower left of the window, and you can see where you are heading to. I am keen on who the left-wing George Soros-funded propaganda mills are, and I avoid them. I already know what is behind the link.

It's also a lie that I never click on any links from lefties. Desh posted one today from the Baltimore Sun website, and I clicked on it. Baltimore Sun is owned by Gannett, who I used to work for and have stock in, so I don't mind supporting their sites with my clicks.

I am un-brainwashable... yes.
No, I do know what's behind the links, because of the neat little web browser feature, where you can see where the links take you before you click them... just hover over any link, and look at the lower left of the window, and you can see where you are heading to. I am keen on who the left-wing George Soros-funded propaganda mills are, and I avoid them. I already know what is behind the link.

It's also a lie that I never click on any links from lefties. Desh posted one today from the Baltimore Sun website, and I clicked on it. Baltimore Sun is owned by Gannett, who I used to work for and have stock in, so I don't mind supporting their sites with my clicks.

I am un-brainwashable... yes.

Oh, right. Now you say you do click on *some* links. Give it up, imbecile. You're a predictable, boring, stupid RUBE.
he is a complete lying sack of shit.

has been all the long years Ive known him


Blah, blah, blah. Dix will say anything to be 'right'. It's pathetically transparent. He's so fiercely defensive of his intellect. Gee what ever could that be about??

he is a complete lying sack of shit.

has been all the long years Ive known him

Wait... How can I be both a sack of meat AND a sack of shit at the same time? This defies logic, Captain!

I am anxious for an answer and clarification here, because I really did like the "meat sack" thing a lot! I planned to tell my gf that was my new nickname. "Yeah baby, come on over here to yo' meat sack daddy! Let's see if I have some 'tubular' meats for you in here!" :D
Rube, you have no fucking clue what's in anyone's cut/pasted links because you don't click on any of them, remember? You stupidly and wrongly assume to already know all about the content and the source. You're an unteachable dumb clot.

But, but, clots are people!!!