9/11 engineering truth, nanothermite brought down towers

Planted by GW Bush, George Soros and Mossad???? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Not quite the Holy Trinity of SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 where those burning "it's only a God dam piece of paper" Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement granted standing for Mengele "Angel of Death" Islam flying carpeted Mohammed chariots to Valhalla more perfect union to Islam "death to the infidels" brokered in that WW II Catholic Church Nazi business economics tradition.
Always cracks anyone up on how wingers are so easily preyed upon by podcasters and tweets, they find one they like and they run with it like it was gospel

This is some Iranian born podcaster, funded by Papa John, presenting some false paradigm as if it were consensus, it is the same approach they use for global change, some obscure nobody, one with supposed credentials up the ying yang, who presents themselves as authorities and bloviate endless via one way communication as if they have actually offering an actual alteration of facts

Is it any wonder washed up Top 40 AM disc jockeys turned themselves into millionaires telling wingers exactly what they wanted to hear?

Sean Hannity was painting houses not long prior to when Fox hired him. I think he had some podunk local radio show prior to that.
10 reasons why the Twin Towers could not have collapsed

1. They were designed to withstand jetliners, explosives, implosives, mamathermite, nukes, big ray guns, and the End Times. Underwriters Laboratories certified this.

2. If they had collapsed at free fall they would have fallen through to China in 45 minutes. Instead it took several months for the steel to get there.

3. The Empire State Building didn't collapse when an airplane hit it, and that was built when New York was still in the Empire.

4. If two buildings that size had collapsed, the shockwaves would have started a tsunami that would have wiped out New Jersey. Somebody would have noticed.

5. Richard Gage's cardboard boxes didn't collapse when he dropped them, so why would towers made of steel and concrete collapse?

6. No other 110 story skyscraper hit by a jetliner at 500 mph and set on fire has ever collapsed.

7. Each story was 12 ft high, and it takes 0.87 secs for an object to fall 12 ft. Do the math: 110 x 0.87 = 95.7. It would have taken over a minute and a half for those towers to collapse!

8. The pyroclastic clouds would have suffocated everybody in Manhattan. See #4.

9. The New World Order loves tall buildings, that's why they hang out at the UN. They would never have allowed it.

10. How could two 1300 ft buildings collapse without damaging the surroundings? At least one other building would have collapsed later, say around 5 pm.

10 reasons why the Twin Towers could not have collapsed

1. They were designed to withstand jetliners, explosives, implosives, mamathermite, nukes, big ray guns, and the End Times. Underwriters Laboratories certified this.

2. If they had collapsed at free fall they would have fallen through to China in 45 minutes. Instead it took several months for the steel to get there.

3. The Empire State Building didn't collapse when an airplane hit it, and that was built when New York was still in the Empire.

4. If two buildings that size had collapsed, the shockwaves would have started a tsunami that would have wiped out New Jersey. Somebody would have noticed.

5. Richard Gage's cardboard boxes didn't collapse when he dropped them, so why would towers made of steel and concrete collapse?

6. No other 110 story skyscraper hit by a jetliner at 500 mph and set on fire has ever collapsed.

7. Each story was 12 ft high, and it takes 0.87 secs for an object to fall 12 ft. Do the math: 110 x 0.87 = 95.7. It would have taken over a minute and a half for those towers to collapse!

8. The pyroclastic clouds would have suffocated everybody in Manhattan. See #4.

9. The New World Order loves tall buildings, that's why they hang out at the UN. They would never have allowed it.

10. How could two 1300 ft buildings collapse without damaging the surroundings? At least one other building would have collapsed later, say around 5 pm.


yep. definitely an intentional demolition with explosives at many levels.

and there's the testimony about mysterious workers all around the place days prior.
yep. definitely an intentional demolition with explosives at many levels.

and there's the testimony about mysterious workers all around the place days prior.

It's one thing to call other people mentally ill, crazy, a nutjob, etc. It's another when they prove it themselves.
it's actually the same thing.

wrong again, noahide self-identifying lackey.

"Da Jews!!!!!" LOL You should have listened to STY on how to cover up your bigotry against Jews and African-Americans. Start posting that your mom was Jewish and that your wife was Native American or black. That's the usual way Trumpers and WSEs do it.

noahides are not jews.

please educate yourself.

What are they, Fredo? Non-jews who like Jews? It's easy to see you hate Jews and anyone who supports their rights.

It's not even close to a zero sum game. The truth is jews hate white christians, and they simultaneously convince us to destroy our own nations, while dying to institute their Jewish Supremacist homeland. They're laughing they're asses off.
A plan for jewish world theocracy.
Also see noahide
i support jew rights.

supporting freedom of religion is an american tradition.

It's a right encoded in our constitution.

Your posts indicate otherwise.


The First Amendment, to be exact. It also includes the right of free speech, freedom of association and freedom of the press. All of which you've attacked over the years. Ironic, eh? LOL

First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Your posts indicate otherwise.


The First Amendment, to be exact. It also includes the right of free speech, freedom of association and freedom of the press. All of which you've attacked over the years. Ironic, eh? LOL

First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I have never advocated violation of any of the above.