I'm not rich but I have (somewhat) rich friends (it's all relative I guess). How are they confiscating or looting anything from me or you? Because they are good at what they do and people are willing to pay them for it?
No, that's not why. But of course you speak in vague generalities. If they made half as much, would they still be good at what they do and paid for it? Are they not because they don't make twice as much?
As I've told you repeatedly you just have no idea about issues like distribution of wealth.
Imagine a group of 20 workers. They make widgets, 8-12 a day, but one guy is the best and makes 20 a day of the best quality.
Should they all be paid the same? Perhaps - but you can pull out the right-wing lecture on how that doesn't reward the guy to make the most. OK, no problem.
Should all of their salaries be given to the one guy and the rest get nothing? Maybe that's a little too much 'wealth concentration'?
How about they get just enough to keep them working, and he gets 5 times much as the rest? Maybe still too much bonus? Should he be given 100% more matching his work? 20% more? 250% more?
The things is, as fun as it might be to bicker all day why one number is right and others aren't, they're all still workers, which is very unlike the real issues.
Instead imagine he's given all of the money made from their work and he decides how much to promise each of them in advance, the minimum to keep them working, and he keeps the rest - and he doesn't have to make any anymore.
That would make him the owner. Pretty nice. And there can only be a small number of owners - if they're all owners, there's no one making widgets and no income.
Now, you might say, hey, his income isn't secure. Well, for small businesses, that's true. Lots of competition, low margins, the heart of our economy.
But there are industries, military companies making tens of billions, big pharma making tens of billions, telecom making tens of billions, let's just take the Fortune 500. There's some competition, but the CEO of these companies isn't really faced with too much
loss. On average they're making hundreds of times the average worker under them, up from 25 times historically, and they have damn nice exist packages of hundreds of millions if they destroy the company generally.
Why? Because the system has been 'rigged' for them. It's abuse of power. They take care of each other. They aren't too concerned about Joe Q. Public, and that's the comparison.
The discussion about how much to differentiate rewards for workers is long gone by the time we're talking about the comparison to CEO's.
And our system of 'private enterprise' and 'private property rights' and 'deregulation' doesn't have a lot of measures for countering the abuse of power and preventing a few from gaining nearly all the wealth. And as they've gained more and more, they've learned to use to gain even more - to buy public opinion, to buy government, to protect their rigging.
About the only measure is taxation. There can be very rare things like 'public boycotts' that might affect especially bad actors, but even then it's too rare to mention, almost totally ineffective. No other measures really exist despite claims of 'public choice'. The internet and cable providers are among the least liked companies; yet they have near monopolies in their areas and just won a major victory with the killing of net neutrality and are making a fortune and about to make more.
We have a choice - a society with moderate inequality or a society with extreme inequality. Democracy functions with the former, and not the latter.
So what kind of country do we want? A country where there is some culture of those with the most returning enough to help those with the least, with a strong middle class and lots of competing small to moderate businesses, a high rate of growth and innovation and opportunity and a good safety net?
Or a plutocracy, with huge inequality, killing off many more at the bottom, far more poverty for most, a weak and small middle class with little power, ruled by oligarchs and dynasties (who just ended the estate tax on keeping their fortunes generation after generation), where they are at war with the people and democracy, and own the government as well as the money in society?
The right wing might be too clueless to realize they are fighting for plutocracy, but they are just the same.