Nope. Never has been, never will be.

I'm betting he looks like this

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
An erroneous comparison as (a) you are comparing a war based on the question of legal/illegal secession and states vs. federal law to the (b) ethical/moral/legal questions of enforced slavery of a section of the population based on race (a sidebar in the Civil War).

What are you babbling about? Why should anyone get "reparations" for something that happened 150+ years ago?

Why do you right wing wonks go stupid every time someone logically and rationally deconstructs your mantras? Then you try to Segway the conversation. First, get an adult to explain my previous analysis of your earlier statement. Then, to answer your question here: for the same reason that current businesses and corporations are flourishing thanks to slave labor used by their earlier incarnations 150 plus years ago .
Yep, he's MIGHTY dim. But he IS a liberal. THAT would explain his horrific dimness.;)

Poor widdle Stevie....he can't logically or factually best me in a straight up debate, so he settles for these childish group masturbations with equally dim posters (most of whom I have on IA) of the same mindset. Oh well, at least he's not chicken clucking with white supremacists.
Why do you right wing wonks go stupid every time someone logically and rationally deconstructs your mantras? Then you try to Segway the conversation. First, get an adult to explain my previous analysis of your earlier statement. Then, to answer your question here: for the same reason that current businesses and corporations are flourishing thanks to slave labor used by their earlier incarnations 150 plus years ago .

What current businesses are flourishing from slave labor used over 150 years ago?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Why do you right wing wonks go stupid every time someone logically and rationally deconstructs your mantras? Then you try to Segway the conversation. First, get an adult to explain my previous analysis of your earlier statement. Then, to answer your question here: for the same reason that current businesses and corporations are flourishing thanks to slave labor used by their earlier incarnations 150 plus years ago .

What current businesses are flourishing from slave labor used over 150 years ago?

For your education: http://yourblackworld.net/2013/08/2...ancial which owns U.S. Life Insurance Company.
What happens if they had ancestors that were slaves but:

Escaped to freedom prior to the Civil War?
Were freed prior to the Civil War?
Were slaves but not under US jurisdiction?
Bought their freedom?

What about those enslaved and held by individuals?

Would individuals whose ancestors held slaves be accountable?

This is a canard. The US government never promised this, just General Butler in one instance and he really didn't have standing to do so.

It gets worse... What if the person's ancestors were of mixed slave and free person? Would the amount be pro-rated based on the percentage of slave ancestors versus free? Could someone end up like Elizabeth Warren and get just 1/1024th of the amount-- say a dime because one long forgotten ancestor was a slave for a short time?

What about slaves that weren't in the US? Are people with slave ancestors from elsewhere going to be eligible? For example, what if your slave ancestor(s) were in Texas as a republic or when it was part of Mexico but freed before becoming a state? Would you be eligible?

Would you be eligible for a check if you found that some ancestor had sex with a slave and that slave's lineage was part of yours? This is particularly true of someone who looks Caucasian as it would throw the whole Leftist narrative into a frenzy of crazy.

Then there's non-Blacks held as slaves... Will their ancestors be eligible?

1. `~ escape does not negate the profit made from their slave labor prior to the escape.
~ granted freedom by slave owners does not negate the profit made from their slave labor prior to the release.
~ if a foreign company profited on US soil using American born slaves, they would be subject to the same law. Otherwise, that is an issue for foreign gov'ts to deal with their citizens.

2. My proposal applies to surviving individual businesses and corporations, not individuals who have nothing more than just a family tree to talk about. However https://apnews.com/fdc364f22ee64a8eafc6e241edfdd886

3. See #2.

4. Actually, it was a proposal that never got traction in Congress....which is why my previous assertion that all this is theoretical until it gets passed the House and Senate and then the sitting President.

~ Sorry, but your bizarre version of "1 quarter negro" doesn't play here. If you can directly trace your ancestry as previously described, you're a candidate. Period.

~ My, but you are grasping for straws, aren't you? See #1.

~ You're filtering through your right wing bigotry here. As I previously said, your bizarre version of "1 quarter negro" doesn't play here. If you can directly trace your ancestry as previously described, you're a candidate. Period.

~ Please provide detail and documentation as to your last hypothetical.
What are you babbling about? Why should anyone get "reparations" for something that happened 150+ years ago?

It amounts to nothing more than those that never were slaves demanding they're owed something from those that never owned slaves.

If reparations are to be paid, let those that were actually held in slavery get it from those that owned them. Better yet, let those that were slaves get it from their tribal chiefs that sold them into slavery.
Much more to the point, a very large number of 'whites' hate everyone, especially their ex-victims. Go back to Germany, if they'll have you.

When it comes to the motivation for reparations, all the what you call "ex victims" are dead.
typical willfully ignorant right wing stooge....you don't DARE read the content for fear that you couldn't logically or factually disprove it....meaning that one of your beliefs would be proven WRONG.

As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss....thanks for the example, RB. Carry on.

Maybe you should pay them out of your own pocket. I prefer not to.
typical willfully ignorant right wing stooge....you don't DARE read the content for fear that you couldn't logically or factually disprove it....meaning that one of your beliefs would be proven WRONG.

As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss....thanks for the example, RB. Carry on.

There you go again thinking what you post is automatically a fact because you post it.

Remain stupid, boy. It's the best you'll ever do.