One again for the mentally challenged:
1) the only practical reparation deal would be for a person(s) to first conclusively prove geneology
What happens if they had ancestors that were slaves but:
Escaped to freedom prior to the Civil War?
Were freed prior to the Civil War?
Were slaves but not under US jurisdiction?
Bought their freedom?
2) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said ancestor(s) were the property of a business/company back in the day.
What about those enslaved and held by individuals?
3) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said business/company still exists in some current form.
Would individuals whose ancestors held slaves be accountable?
4) then that person (s) would receive the current monetary equivalent for 40 acres and a mule.
This is a canard. The US government never promised this, just General Butler in one instance and he really didn't have standing to do so.
It gets worse... What if the person's ancestors were of mixed slave and free person? Would the amount be pro-rated based on the percentage of slave ancestors versus free? Could someone end up like Elizabeth Warren and get just 1/1024th of the amount-- say a dime because one long forgotten ancestor was a slave for a short time?
What about slaves that weren't in the US? Are people with slave ancestors from elsewhere going to be eligible? For example, what if your slave ancestor(s) were in Texas as a republic or when it was part of Mexico but freed before becoming a state? Would you be eligible?
Would you be eligible for a check if you found that some ancestor had sex with a slave and that slave's lineage was part of yours? This is particularly true of someone who looks Caucasian as it would throw the whole Leftist narrative into a frenzy of crazy.
Then there's non-Blacks held as slaves... Will their ancestors be eligible?