The vast majority of people abusing drugs and selling/manufacturing them illegally are white...the current majority population.
The vast majority of people jailed for abusing drugs and selling/manufacturing them are black … the current minority population.

The only victimization training is done by various law enforcement agencies who focus to create the above disparity....a matter of fact, a matter of history.

Making what you are looking at is Blacks making good consumers but not good producers, perhaps because of some combination of lack of work ethic and lack of smarts.


EDIT: I misread that post obviously, but I will let this stand.
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If we add so called reparations to the generational warfare program of debt then I am going to scream my bloody head off!

You dont rob future generations to pay blackmail and idiotic guilt money to pretend victims.

You just dont.

One again for the mentally challenged:

1) the only practical reparation deal would be for a person(s) to first conclusively prove geneology
2) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said ancestor(s) were the property of a business/company back in the day.
3) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said business/company still exists in some current form.
4) then that person (s) would receive the current monetary equivalent for 40 acres and a mule.

MIND YOU, NONE OF THIS CAN OCCURE IF THE ACT IS NOT PASSED THROUGH CONGRESS. I for one, am not going to hold my breath for that.

Got that bunky? Oh, and FYI....the majority of folk on welfare are single parent white women. Check it out and chew on that for awhile. Later toodles.
One again for the mentally challenged:

1) the only practical reparation deal would be for a person(s) to first conclusively prove geneology
2) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said ancestor(s) were the property of a business/company back in the day.
3) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said business/company still exists in some current form.
4) then that person (s) would receive the current monetary equivalent for 40 acres and a mule.

MIND YOU, NONE OF THIS CAN OCCURE IF THE ACT IS NOT PASSED THROUGH CONGRESS. I for one, am not going to hold my breath for that.

Got that bunky? Oh, and FYI....the majority of folk on welfare are single parent white women. Check it out and chew on that for awhile. Later toodles.

Why are you talking to me?
Making what you are looking at is Blacks making good consumers but not good producers, perhaps because of some combination of lack of work ethic and lack of smarts.


EDIT: I misread that post obviously, but I will let this stand.

That is probably one of the most moronic and desperate Storm Front foolishness to avoid dealing with a simple easily checked fact that PROVES systemic racism in the USA.

Go blow that smoke up the keisters of your like minded brethren on this thread....they'll all squawk in unison, which should make you feel good.
That is probably one of the most moronic and desperate Storm Front foolishness to avoid dealing with a simple easily checked fact that PROVES systemic racism in the USA.

Go blow that smoke up the keisters of your like minded brethren on this thread....they'll all squawk in unison, which should make you feel good.

Asking questions, figuring out what is going on, figuring out who is lying to us about what is going on is critically important work....as you should know...as you appear to not know.
Why are you talking to me?

For the same reason you responded to my posts when I'm addressing others....because I want to. What's the matter toodles, can't handle a little practicality and honesty?

Don't like my post/responses, then IA me or don't comment on them. Otherwise, quit whining.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
That is probably one of the most moronic and desperate Storm Front foolishness to avoid dealing with a simple easily checked fact that PROVES systemic racism in the USA.

Go blow that smoke up the keisters of your like minded brethren on this thread....they'll all squawk in unison, which should make you feel good.

Asking questions, figuring out what is going on, figuring out who is lying to us about what is going on is critically important work....as you should know...as you appear to not know.

You're still blowing smoke, toodles…..here's what you can't deal with https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...A-CASE-FOR-REPARATIONS!&p=3797517#post3797517

You can't ignore it, BS around it, or try to detour the conversation. Personal attacks won't hide your inability to logically and factually disprove what I posted. But do continue....my guilty pleasure is exposing right wing blowhards like yourself.
One again for the mentally challenged:

1) the only practical reparation deal would be for a person(s) to first conclusively prove geneology
2) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said ancestor(s) were the property of a business/company back in the day.
3) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said business/company still exists in some current form.
4) then that person (s) would receive the current monetary equivalent for 40 acres and a mule.

MIND YOU, NONE OF THIS CAN OCCURE IF THE ACT IS NOT PASSED THROUGH CONGRESS. I for one, am not going to hold my breath for that.

Got that bunky? Oh, and FYI....the majority of folk on welfare are single parent white women. Check it out and chew on that for awhile. Later toodles.

Since most blacks today are bastards, doing #1 is almost impossible.

How do you go about determining who funds it? Or are you one of those that automatically believes all white people should do so because they're white?
It is blacks behaving as the well trained victims that they are.

To the extent that everyone else goes along with it it is a misapplication of shame, it is a lack of good sense.

Just like LBJ predicted they'd do for 200 years. If it's any consolation, they only have 145 to go.
One again for the mentally challenged:

1) the only practical reparation deal would be for a person(s) to first conclusively prove geneology
2) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said ancestor(s) were the property of a business/company back in the day.
3) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said business/company still exists in some current form.
4) then that person (s) would receive the current monetary equivalent for 40 acres and a mule.

MIND YOU, NONE OF THIS CAN OCCURE IF THE ACT IS NOT PASSED THROUGH CONGRESS. I for one, am not going to hold my breath for that.

Got that bunky? Oh, and FYI....the majority of folk on welfare are single parent white women. Check it out and chew on that for awhile. Later toodles.

There is no "practical reparation deal." Unless you want to give the North's killed ancestors who fought in the Civil War reparations as well.
You might fancy an American colony, mate. Not me.

"Liberia is the only black state in Africa never subjected to colonial rule and is Africa’s oldest republic. It was established on land acquired for freed U.S. slaves by the American Colonization Society, which founded a colony at Cape Mesurado in 1821. In 1824 the territory was named Liberia, and its main settlement was named Monrovia, which is the present-day capital. Liberian independence was proclaimed in 1847, and its boundaries were expanded."
"Liberia is the only black state in Africa never subjected to colonial rule and is Africa’s oldest republic. It was established on land acquired for freed U.S. slaves by the American Colonization Society, which founded a colony at Cape Mesurado in 1821. In 1824 the territory was named Liberia, and its main settlement was named Monrovia, which is the present-day capital. Liberian independence was proclaimed in 1847, and its boundaries were expanded."

An American colony, as I say. Doesn't speak well for American racist thinking.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
One again for the mentally challenged:

1) the only practical reparation deal would be for a person(s) to first conclusively prove geneology
2) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said ancestor(s) were the property of a business/company back in the day.
3) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said business/company still exists in some current form.
4) then that person (s) would receive the current monetary equivalent for 40 acres and a mule.

MIND YOU, NONE OF THIS CAN OCCURE IF THE ACT IS NOT PASSED THROUGH CONGRESS. I for one, am not going to hold my breath for that.

Got that bunky? Oh, and FYI....the majority of folk on welfare are single parent white women. Check it out and chew on that for awhile. Later toodles.

There is no "practical reparation deal." Unless you want to give the North's killed ancestors who fought in the Civil War reparations as well.

An erroneous comparison as (a) you are comparing a war based on the question of legal/illegal secession and states vs. federal law to the (b) ethical/moral/legal questions of enforced slavery of a section of the population based on race (a sidebar in the Civil War).
One again for the mentally challenged:

1) the only practical reparation deal would be for a person(s) to first conclusively prove geneology

What happens if they had ancestors that were slaves but:

Escaped to freedom prior to the Civil War?
Were freed prior to the Civil War?
Were slaves but not under US jurisdiction?
Bought their freedom?

2) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said ancestor(s) were the property of a business/company back in the day.

What about those enslaved and held by individuals?

3) then that person would have to conclusively prove that said business/company still exists in some current form.

Would individuals whose ancestors held slaves be accountable?

4) then that person (s) would receive the current monetary equivalent for 40 acres and a mule.

This is a canard. The US government never promised this, just General Butler in one instance and he really didn't have standing to do so.

It gets worse... What if the person's ancestors were of mixed slave and free person? Would the amount be pro-rated based on the percentage of slave ancestors versus free? Could someone end up like Elizabeth Warren and get just 1/1024th of the amount-- say a dime because one long forgotten ancestor was a slave for a short time?

What about slaves that weren't in the US? Are people with slave ancestors from elsewhere going to be eligible? For example, what if your slave ancestor(s) were in Texas as a republic or when it was part of Mexico but freed before becoming a state? Would you be eligible?

Would you be eligible for a check if you found that some ancestor had sex with a slave and that slave's lineage was part of yours? This is particularly true of someone who looks Caucasian as it would throw the whole Leftist narrative into a frenzy of crazy.

Then there's non-Blacks held as slaves... Will their ancestors be eligible?
An erroneous comparison as (a) you are comparing a war based on the question of legal/illegal secession and states vs. federal law to the (b) ethical/moral/legal questions of enforced slavery of a section of the population based on race (a sidebar in the Civil War).

What are you babbling about? Why should anyone get "reparations" for something that happened 150+ years ago?