My, my, my.....bitter little bigots still having their asses burned by a black man that whupped them twice fair and square...and then saved the country from the spiral created by the Shrub's version of Reaganomics on steroids. A matter of fact, a matter of history. Nixon, the Bush Crime family, and lateral assist from Slick Willy and now Dump....yeah, winners all. Obama was not saint and far from perfect, but regurgitating failed GOP campaign propaganda doesn't cut.

Back to the OP at hand....my posts on this matter pretty much stand valid. To date, no right wing wonk can logically put them down. Carry on.

You see, what you call "far from perfect" I call a disaster. He didn't ruin the country but he was awful and the Black American is no better than they were before the "First "Black" President".

Do you deny that he ginned up racial unrest?

"Trayvon the Son I didn't have.........." "Stupid Police"..."Clock Boy come to the White House, let's Celebrate" etc.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
My, my, my.....bitter little bigots still having their asses burned by a black man that whupped them twice fair and square...and then saved the country from the spiral created by the Shrub's version of Reaganomics on steroids. A matter of fact, a matter of history. Nixon, the Bush Crime family, and lateral assist from Slick Willy and now Dump....yeah, winners all. Obama was not saint and far from perfect, but regurgitating failed GOP campaign propaganda doesn't cut.

Back to the OP at hand....my posts on this matter pretty much stand valid. To date, no right wing wonk can logically put them down. Carry on.

You see, what you call "far from perfect" I call a disaster. He didn't ruin the country but he was awful and the Black American is no better than they were before the "First "Black" President".

Do you deny that he ginned up racial unrest?

"Trayvon the Son I didn't have.........." "Stupid Police"..."Clock Boy come to the White House, let's Celebrate" etc.

:palm: you're an embarrassment. You keep parroting the SOS, yet when taken to task, your blather just doesn't stand up to the light of day. I've already addressed the willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn mantras you've put forth here. Instead of wasting time being a parrot, just search this thread for my posts and read my responses. If you don't have the cojones or intellectual honesty to do so, then I'd say we're done here, and you may proudly squawk your frustrations to your hearts content without fearing a response from me. Carry on.

:palm: you're an embarrassment. You keep parroting the SOS, yet when taken to task, your blather just doesn't stand up to the light of day. I've already addressed the willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn mantras you've put forth here. Instead of wasting time being a parrot, just search this thread for my posts and read my responses. If you don't have the cojones or intellectual honesty to do so, then I'd say we're done here, and you may proudly squawk your frustrations to your hearts content without fearing a response from me. Carry on.


OK let’s take a step back. Your points are not being ignored or avoided, you are enlightening me and I appreciate it.

Let’s go back to the early stages of our discussion. Has Trump made the country a better place for Black Americans?

Trump exaggerates his role in “improving the African-American community.” Fine he exaggerates it, he says he’s the “best President for African-Americans ever” – total nonsense, we agree. He says “Obama couldn’t get it done and I did” – not true as he states it.

But do you think he deserves any credit for improving things in the country for Black Americans? Even your article states:

“When we took a closer look, we found that Trump does have a point about some of the economic and policy details he mentioned. His campaign also pointed to a double-digit funding increase he sought and signed for historically black colleges and universities.”

And then in reference to Opportunity Zones and Criminal Justice reform:

“But while Trump gets credit for signing these bills, he doesn’t get sole credit.”

So I concur, not sole credit and he isn’t the most amazing President ever we all agree there. But does he deserve any credit? To combat the narrative that he is just a racist?

Or do you think he is just piggybacking off of Obama;s prior achievements and groundwork? Does he get any credit for continuing the trends, such as poverty rates and unemployment continuing to go down, or none at all?

And in terms of President Obama. Do you just think the idea that he revved up racial unrest is “right wing wonk?” No basis behind it at all?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
you're an embarrassment. You keep parroting the SOS, yet when taken to task, your blather just doesn't stand up to the light of day. I've already addressed the willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn mantras you've put forth here. Instead of wasting time being a parrot, just search this thread for my posts and read my responses. If you don't have the cojones or intellectual honesty to do so, then I'd say we're done here, and you may proudly squawk your frustrations to your hearts content without fearing a response from me. Carry on.


OK let’s take a step back. Your points are not being ignored or avoided, you are enlightening me and I appreciate it.

Let’s go back to the early stages of our discussion. Has Trump made the country a better place for Black Americans?

Trump exaggerates his role in “improving the African-American community.” Fine he exaggerates it, he says he’s the “best President for African-Americans ever” – total nonsense, we agree. He says “Obama couldn’t get it done and I did” – not true as he states it.

But do you think he deserves any credit for improving things in the country for Black Americans? Even your article states:

“When we took a closer look, we found that Trump does have a point about some of the economic and policy details he mentioned. His campaign also pointed to a double-digit funding increase he sought and signed for historically black colleges and universities.”

And then in reference to Opportunity Zones and Criminal Justice reform:

“But while Trump gets credit for signing these bills, he doesn’t get sole credit.”

So I concur, not sole credit and he isn’t the most amazing President ever we all agree there. But does he deserve any credit? To combat the narrative that he is just a racist?

Or do you think he is just piggybacking off of Obama;s prior achievements and groundwork? Does he get any credit for continuing the trends, such as poverty rates and unemployment continuing to go down, or none at all?

And in terms of President Obama. Do you just think the idea that he revved up racial unrest is “right wing wonk?” No basis behind it at all?

And in typical right wing wonk fashion, TLK just can't fully concede to a point, let alone admit he was wrong. Essentially, when proven wrong TLK just keeps stubbornly piling on more and more "examples" that he was actually right all along...NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGING THE CONTRADICTIONS TO HIS INTIAL ADMISSIONS OF ERROR AND CONCESSION TO THE POINTS I MADE.

Essentially, TLK is just an insipidly stubborn right wing wonk who like his Orange Pated hero in the White House, can NEVER admit he was wrong. For the objective reader, here is the chronology of the posts to demonstrates TLK intellectual dishonesty and basic bias; Posts #361, 365, 372 - 6, 379, 380, 381.

Once I've nailed jokers like TLK and exposed their blather to the rational, objective and logical reading audience, I no longer waste time and space on them. He's done.
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And in typical right wing wonk fashion, TLK just can't fully concede to a point, let alone admit he was wrong. Essentially, when proven wrong TLK just keeps stubbornly piling on more and more "examples" that he was actually right all along...NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGING THE CONTRADICTIONS TO HIS INTIAL ADMISSIONS OF ERROR AND CONCESSION TO THE POINTS I MADE.

Essentially, TLK is just an insipidly stubborn right wing wonk who like his Orange Pated hero in the White House, can NEVER admit he was wrong. For the objective reader, here is the chronology of the posts to demonstrates TLK intellectual dishonesty and basic bias; Posts #361, 365, 372 - 6, 379, 380, 381.

Once I've nailed jokers like TLK and exposed their blather to the rational, objective and logical reading audience, I know longer waste time and space on them. He's done.

Come on man I already said it you are enlightening me I appreciate it - your posts are good. Do you want me to go point by point conceding?

I am genuinely interested in answers to the post, your thoughts. Keep it going enlighten me further. I feel like we lost the original thread of the discussion, and it was probably my fault. So going back to the first points we discussed... what are your thoughts?
Come on man I already said it you are enlightening me I appreciate it - your posts are good. Do you want me to go point by point conceding?

I am genuinely interested in answers to the post, your thoughts. Keep it going enlighten me further. I feel like we lost the original thread of the discussion, and it was probably my fault. So going back to the first points we discussed... what are your thoughts?

Essentially, TLK is just an insipidly stubborn right wing wonk who like his Orange Pated hero in the White House, can NEVER admit he was wrong. For the objective reader, here is the chronology of the posts to demonstrates TLK intellectual dishonesty and basic bias; Posts #361, 365, 372 - 6, 379, 380, 381

Sell it somewhere else, son. You're done.
Essentially, TLK is just an insipidly stubborn right wing wonk who like his Orange Pated hero in the White House, can NEVER admit he was wrong. For the objective reader, here is the chronology of the posts to demonstrates TLK intellectual dishonesty and basic bias; Posts #361, 365, 372 - 6, 379, 380, 381

Sell it somewhere else, son. You're done.

Calm down - I have already admitted I was wrong in this thread. I've been wrong plenty of times here, you've shown me good points of view. There have been a couple things I wanted to clarify with you but you are too busy proving to the forum how correct and amazing you are.

Do you want me to go back point by point and lick your feet at all the things you've gotten me on?

As I said I think I lead us off track. If you want me to address every point and every link you sent let's start with the first link you sent after i admitted being wrong about "50 years of liberal BS"... regarding Trump and how he boasts about being the best President ever for African Americans. In that link there were points in the article that gave Trump partial credit for some of the things he signed off on and some of the things he has presided over.

Do you think he should get some credit for that? Or do you think he is just a racist/bigot etc etc? Do you think he is detrimental for the Black community in America? Or if he were re-elected do you think he would help or hinder the African American community?
Essentially, TLK is just an insipidly stubborn right wing wonk who like his Orange Pated hero in the White House, can NEVER admit he was wrong. For the objective reader, here is the chronology of the posts to demonstrates TLK intellectual dishonesty and basic bias; Posts #361, 365, 372 - 6, 379, 380, 381

Sell it somewhere else, son. You're done.

If you insist on trading articles rather than just having a discussion here is an article that covers stuff such as how and why Obama’s (HAMP) housing plan was mostly a hollow failure. How it failed to protect blacks from outright illegal misrepresentation by bankers along with many of the typical racist home buying tactics that have been used against blacks for decades.

Obama was just like every other President, he was in it to help the rich get richer off the backs of the less fortunate and just like with every other President he did nothing to stop blacks from being at the very bottom of those less fortunate.


Sell that son.
Essentially, TLK is just an insipidly stubborn right wing wonk who like his Orange Pated hero in the White House, can NEVER admit he was wrong. For the objective reader, here is the chronology of the posts to demonstrates TLK intellectual dishonesty and basic bias; Posts #361, 365, 372 - 6, 379, 380, 381

Sell it somewhere else, son. You're done.

If you insist on trading articles rather than just having a discussion here is an article that covers stuff such as how and why Obama’s (HAMP) housing plan was mostly a hollow failure. How it failed to protect blacks from outright illegal misrepresentation by bankers along with many of the typical racist home buying tactics that have been used against blacks for decades.

Obama was just like every other President, he was in it to help the rich get richer off the backs of the less fortunate and just like with every other President he did nothing to stop blacks from being at the very bottom of those less fortunate.


Sell that son.

Nice post, thanks.
250 years of slavery. 90 years of Jim Crow. 60 years of separate but equal. 35 years of racist housing policy. Until you all reckon with your compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.

Most Blacks are forgiving people. We aren't looking for a check in the mail...…..that is the racist white man's narrative and excuse not to give reparations.

We will accept reparations in the forms of the following:

Eliminate the for profit prison industrial complex
Eliminate the cash bail system
Eliminate Check the box for housing
Eliminate Redlining in housing
Eliminate Check the box for employment
Eliminate Background checks for employment
Eliminate Bias's in Financial Institutions with low cost, low interest rate loans
Eliminate Voting restriction
Eliminate the Electoral College
Eliminate the Death Penalty
Eliminate Police Unions
Eliminate Racist laws such as sagging pants, loitering, skateboarding etc.
Eliminate Racial segregation laws
Revise and Revamp the ENTIRE LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM hold racist departments, individual kops and the Justice Department accountable.
Revise and Revamp the ENTIRE JUDICIAL SYSTEM Hold racist Judges, DA's, Prosecutors, etc accountable.
Free Healthcare
Free Education
Raise the minimum wage to at lest 25.00 hr.

And if push comes to shove...…..give us our fuckin 40 acres and a mule!

This is for starters...……….I could add to the list.


Stop whining bitch.

For starters, if blacks would quit producing bastard babies at a 3 out of 4 rate, you might be surprised just how quickly things would get better for your people.

By the way, because you're too fucking stupid to realize it, nothing is free. If you get it for nothing, it means someone else has paid more for it than they should while you think it's owed to you. If you want to see someone that can make you better, look in the mirror. No white person, nor any person, owes you a damn thing. If you think they do, come get it. I bet you don't have the guts.
There is no case for reparations. That idea is nothing more than a bunch of entitlement minded idiots that never were slaves thinking those that never owned slaves owe them something.

Stop having so many bastard babies and see how quickly the situation changes.
Stop whining bitch.

For starters, if blacks would quit producing bastard babies at a 3 out of 4 rate, you might be surprised just how quickly things would get better for your people.

By the way, because you're too fucking stupid to realize it, nothing is free. If you get it for nothing, it means someone else has paid more for it than they should while you think it's owed to you. If you want to see someone that can make you better, look in the mirror. No white person, nor any person, owes you a damn thing. If you think they do, come get it. I bet you don't have the guts.



If we add so called reparations to the generational warfare program of debt then I am going to scream my bloody head off!

You dont rob future generations to pay blackmail and idiotic guilt money to pretend victims.

You just dont.