Where would America be without 250 years of free slave labor?
Who in the Democratic Party of the Jackass clown show is not promising free shit snowflake?
Nothing is ever free asshole! And Democrats understand that, that is why Democrats always advise the public how their plans are going to be paid for.
Why does white America have a problem with reparations for Black Americans but not for Italian, Indians or Japanese WHO WERE NOT ENSLAVED, who did not build this country, who enjoys the benefits of slave labor, and received reparations after 100 years?
I'd like to discuss with a "liberal" leaning white person.
Hey wackoff! You didn't see me commenting about wanting to see $30 dollar minimum wages, or wanting anything for free. So maybe you are assuming crap and making shit up huh?
There may be some candidates running for president that are promising stuff like that, but there are others running who are not promising those things and they are not a part of their agenda at all.
Perhaps you should take another look at our leading contender, and what he is saying, and not so much listening to Bernie Sanders who is not even a Democrat.
Lincoln set it up so that the freed slaves were to get 40 acres and a mule as reparations for their enslavement. But, Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's successor, killed it before it got implemented.
That would have been the thing to do and the time for reparations.
My comment here was not about refuting what reparations anyone has now for the black man.
My point was about the fact that over 2 and 1/2 million soldiers volunteered to join the Union army and over 360 thousand of them died for the cause of freedom for all and to end slavery, and all that spilled blood and effort should be remembered, appreciated, and honored.
That's all I said dude!
The Northerners were fighting to preserve the union. The South was breaking up America. Slavery is one of the reasons, but not the biggest.
The Northerners were fighting to preserve the union. The South was breaking up America. Slavery is one of the reasons, but not the biggest.
Oh, you mean the ancestors of slaves who STILL suffer from the racist attitudes, injustices and second-class citizen status that permeated the slavery era in America and the white people who STILL benefit from the privileges afforded them since Black people were brought here, enslaved and forced to work for FREE for 250 years, establishing this country's economic superiority?
Those people?
Why was it ok to give the descendants of Italians, Indians, Jewish and Japanese reparations 100 years after their descendants were dead?
I still haven't heard and answer/excuse for that?
Name someone pushing 30 bucks an hour? There is nothing for free. Healthcare should be paid for by taxes, the taxes will be less than you pay for health insurance now. About half as much.
No one I have heard from, so far, has mentioned a mandatory $30 an hour minimum wage.
It's not so much the cost of healthcare- as it is the cost of healthcare insurance.
How much did you pay for your brand new automobile in 1992 when it was the last time the Minimum wage was increased?
Let me help you out! The price of a fully loaded Silverado pickup truck cost $15,000 in 1992.
The cost of a new fully loaded Chevy Silverado pickup truck today are up over $50 grand. Do the math on inflation.
The price of a Big Mac in 1994 was 91 cents- today $3.99- yet they pay their employees the very same!
BUT THE MINIMUM WAGE HAS NOT INCREASED 1 penny since the price of everything has tripled or quadrupled since then.
THAT is the major problem.
That is my fault. The post of the OP you responded to demanded a minimum of $25/hr, not $30.
That would probably be more of a minimum wage that would have been there already, had the minimum wage kept up with inflation.
I didn't blame you of anything BTW!
I don't blame people for being stupid. I actually try to help stupid people by explaining the facts to them.
Would you support a 'Right of Return' for our African friends?
Basically a One Way Ticket and a renouncement of their Citizenship, plus a sizeable amount of Money?