What do we do with the Black owner of slaves?
"One of the most vexing questions in African-American history is whether free African Americans themselves owned slaves. The short answer to this question, as you might suspect, is yes, of course; some free black people in this country bought and sold other black people, and did so at least since 1654, continuing to do so right through the Civil War. For me, the really fascinating questions about black slave-owning are how many black "masters" were involved, how many slaves did they own and why did they own slaves?"

And pray tell, what was the actual raw number of black slave owners in the nearly 300 years of legal slavery in America? Because if the Native Americans apply your "logic", you're toast.
You know, 'Slavery' has existed for 10,000 years. It's mentioned in the Hammurabi Code and the Bible. Did you know the 'Slavic Race' (Eastern Europeans) get their name because that is where Rome harvested many of their Slaves.
So, will I be getting 'paid' for the past enslavement of my ancestors?

you know, only a complete intellectually impotent bigoted bumpkin would make such an asinine opening sentence in lieu of America's, England's, Spain's & Portugal's DOCUMENTED history (documented by their own accord, don't cha know). That pretty much negates anything else you babble.
Over the course of the Civil war, 2,128,948 men enlisted in the Union Army.

And also over the course of the Civil war 360,000 plus Union soldiers died and gave their lives to free the 4 million slaves in the south and end slavery.

Are we also going to give reparations to them?

Their blood and sacrifice were worth something don't you think?

You forgot all the reneged stuff that President Grant basically ignored in the Southern States to "keep the peace"....all those years of Jim Crow....several additions to the Bill of Rights to reaffirm citizens rights to black folk across a century or so AFTER the end of the Civil War, etc., etc.

See bunky, all that wasn't about white folk. But you knew that already … you just want to play dumb for some twisted bigoted pleasure.
Do your own research you fuckwit!

I already made some examples of inflation since 1992 in my prior comments here in this thread.

But you do your own.

Actually I have and nothing I’ve seen has stated minimum wage would even be close to $25 based on inflation hence why I asked. But hey, sorry to upset you so.
I think I'll take your portion because my great grandfather fought to free your worthless racist ass. Be happy with what you got.

Your great grandfather is spinning in his grave at the worthless, brain dead POS bigoted parroting his great grandson does on these threads. 90 years of Jim Crow. 60 years of separate but equal. 35 years of racist housing policy, must've killed his spirit....and then there's the laws that had to be passed to reaffirm my right as a born & bread US citizen to go to any school my parents could afford.

Reparations as originally conceived wasn't meant for you, bunky….YOU ARE NOT A DECENDANT OF SLAVES, OR WERE AFFECTED BY THE AFOREMENTIONED. I like the OP idea of an alternative to the original intent, though I highly doubt Congress will pass anything of the sort (to many folks like YOU around).
Actually I have and nothing I’ve seen has stated minimum wage would even be close to $25 based on inflation hence why I asked. But hey, sorry to upset you so.

Dude just look at the things that people need- a roof over your head as an example.

Are you too stupid to realize that the price of a home or apartment in 1992 has quadrupled in price over the last 27 years?

Give us a break dude!
By who?! The media and academia are incredibly anti-white and call everything racist.

And what do laws against skateboarding on the sidewalk have to do with slavery?
The media is anti-white? GMAFB! That's been the bogus whine found on Murdock's bullhorn's, folks listed by the Anti-Defamation league, etc. White's control the media, and they're anti-white? Puh-leeze! Spare me! When Gingrich was Speaker, he went after Pacifica Broadcasting....hell, the vast majority of Americans don't know who they are, since neither the Big Three or any major cable news station mentioned them.
If, by some quirk of Fate and God, reparations did pass through Congress, ONLY A TINY FRACTION of the American black population would be entitled to receipt. This is because (a) lineage to a slave family or person would have to be firmly established (b) a company or corporate records would have to exist to establish ownership (c) said company or corporation would have to exist to this day.

But I do applaud bringing this subject up from time to time, because it exposes the congenital racism and bigotry that exists in America....and leans to a discussion where such blatant examples of this mindset occur in present society.
Dude just look at the things that people need- a roof over your head as an example.

Are you too stupid to realize that the price of a home or apartment in 1992 has quadrupled in price over the last 27 years?

Give us a break dude!

Saying one needs a roof over their heads doesn’t address what we were talking about and that was what minimum wage would be today adjusted for inflation. I did a google search and saw nothing that stated it would be $25 like you claim. If you have data to the contrary I’m open to seeing it.

Housing is a separate subject. If you want to address that feel free to make the factors you believe have caused the increase in cost
Even though the idea of white slavery has been generally kept hidden at overshadowing that part of history at elaborating on black slavery, which promotes ignorance and a false sense of dominance and superiority among misguided and marginally educated individuals, would the idea of reparations apply to former white slaves too?:

When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed

In a new book, Robert Davis, professor of history at Ohio State University, developed a unique methodology to calculate the number of white Christians who were enslaved along Africa’s Barbary Coast, arriving at much higher slave population estimates than any previous studies had found.
Most other accounts of slavery along the Barbary coast didn’t try to estimate the number of slaves, or only looked at the number of slaves in particular cities, Davis said. Most previously estimated slave counts have thus tended to be in the thousands, or at most in the tens of thousands. Davis, by contrast, has calculated that between 1 million and 1.25 million European Christians were captured and forced to work in North Africa from the 16th to 18th centuries.
Davis’s new estimates appear in the book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800 (Palgrave Macmillan)."


When you document a century or two of "white slaves" being captured, put in the bowels of ships, transported to other lands and then sold & bred like cattle, get back to me.
Saying one needs a roof over their heads doesn’t address what we were talking about and that was what minimum wage would be today adjusted for inflation. I did a google search and saw nothing that stated it would be $25 like you claim. If you have data to the contrary I’m open to seeing it.

Housing is a separate subject. If you want to address that feel free to make the factors you believe have caused the increase in cost

OK, so housing is a separate thing huh? No, that is what every red-blooded hard-working American is trying to do, is put a roof over their head.

But, let's talk about healthcare and healthcare insurance.

You check it out and get back to us- but what was the cost to go to a doctor in 1992 vs. today. Let's talk about the cost of Healthcare insurance then and now!

Food? How much was a T-bone steak then vs. now.

Everything- EVERYTHING has tripled and quadrupled since 1992- except one thing- THE MINIMUM WAGE!
Sure and here's getting back to you: This Oped News article originally posted in 2008 (first reposted in 2015 on Global Research), skims the surface of a complex historical process which has been the object of critical debate, controversy and confusion. The article also includes a number of factual errors.

In order to promote further discussion concerning the Irish Slave Trade, Global Research has published two followup articles on the subject, with a view to providing a broader historical background.

The following article by Robert E. West clarifies the historical context.
The Irish slaves were sent to British territories in the Caribbean. They were categorized as “indentured” workers and “servants” of the English colonial elites."


Yet no need to project, deny or be offended at the reality of it all, especially what went on in the world 100 of years before anyone today were born because it is what it is. It is just good to know someone left verifiable accounts of what went on before future generations were able to rewrite that part of history to please their false sense of superiority.
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And pray tell, what was the actual raw number of black slave owners in the nearly 300 years of legal slavery in America? Because if the Native Americans apply your "logic", you're toast.

The point being, 'Reparations' is a nice bumper sticker type slogan, sounds great, and sounds 'sincere'. But, how do you come up with a solution?
you know, only a complete intellectually impotent bigoted bumpkin would make such an asinine opening sentence in lieu of America's, England's, Spain's & Portugal's DOCUMENTED history (documented by their own accord, don't cha know). That pretty much negates anything else you babble.

I only mentioned that because some of our negro friends seem to be under the impression 'Slavery', was only practiced in America, and only occurred with African negroes.
Here is another case for reparations when it comes to the will of the majority voter, Democracy and U.S. Constitutional law being horribly robbed and violated in 2016 in favor of a Putin and antigovernment conspiring GOPer puppet tRump at lawlessly hacking, rigging and destroying the legitimacy of the electoral college in order to create a tRump atrocity on humanity to deal with.
Also and not necessarily related to reparations was the peculiar way of kids of color back in the 1970's in my high school days who sat at the back of the bus with their afros bold and proud as they could be, not that they were ordered to do so but for some reason they felt comfortable back there, and even into my working days back in the 1980's. This comes to preferring to sit at the rear of the bus at their own choice and that was in California. There was nothing militant about it but just a way people in those days preferred. Yet over time, diversity and freedom apparently erased the tendencies of those jim crow era days that had a effect on the mindset of kids of color of those days. This is because the former generation of them who literally had to sit in the back of the bus just for being who they were, and jim crow was in Cali to back in the 1950's became a erased norm of society eventually, in to which people by instinct sit where they want on all public sources of transporation, and front of any bus including the Uber type transportation of the 21st century America.
Your great grandfather is spinning in his grave at the worthless, brain dead POS bigoted parroting his great grandson does on these threads. 90 years of Jim Crow. 60 years of separate but equal. 35 years of racist housing policy, must've killed his spirit....and then there's the laws that had to be passed to reaffirm my right as a born & bread US citizen to go to any school my parents could afford.

Reparations as originally conceived wasn't meant for you, bunky….YOU ARE NOT A DECENDANT OF SLAVES, OR WERE AFFECTED BY THE AFOREMENTIONED. I like the OP idea of an alternative to the original intent, though I highly doubt Congress will pass anything of the sort (to many folks like YOU around).

I'm a descendant of those who fought to free them. Pay up!