A Challenge that excludes public polls

An Orange Cat

Verified User
Question for y'all...

Other than the public polls, what electoral indicators are there that this is even a close election?

The election results from the last 7 years show the Democrats blowing past expectations and overperforming everywhere....while Conservatives and the GOP flounder and struggle to even produce viable candidates.

Biden has a clear and massive edge in fundraising.

Democrats continue to knock it out of the park when it comes to voter registration.

Trump has no GOTV effort, no campaign offices, no campaign workers canvassing.

Abortion is going to be on the ballot in many states, including swing states and Florida.

Biden's reserved at least $50M of ad time for the fall already.

Trump was still losing 20% of the primary vote to Haley after she dropped out.

He also did poorly at the debate, lying 30+ times.

So why does everyone assume this election is close? Can anyone make that argument without using public polls or social media vibes???
Question for y'all...

Other than the public polls, what electoral indicators are there that this is even a close election?

The election results from the last 7 years show the Democrats blowing past expectations and overperforming everywhere....while Conservatives and the GOP flounder and struggle to even produce viable candidates.

Biden has a clear and massive edge in fundraising.

Democrats continue to knock it out of the park when it comes to voter registration.

Trump has no GOTV effort, no campaign offices, no campaign workers canvassing.

Abortion is going to be on the ballot in many states, including swing states and Florida.

Biden's reserved at least $50M of ad time for the fall already.

Trump was still losing 20% of the primary vote to Haley after she dropped out.

He also did poorly at the debate, lying 30+ times.

So why does everyone assume this election is close? Can anyone make that argument without using public polls or social media vibes???

Right now it's not close. Even the closeness in the polls doesn't suggest its close. Polls sample the popular vote and in an even split of the popular vote Democrats would lose the election since smaller red states with an outsized electoral vote out number similar blue states. Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2,000,000 and lost. Biden won the same number of electoral votes Trump won in 2016 but to do it he carried the popular vote by more than seven million.
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Right now it's not close. Even the closeness in the polls doesn't suggest its close. Polls sample the popular vote and in an even split of the popular vote Democrats would lose the election since smaller red states with an outsized electoral vote out number similar blue states. Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2,000 and lost. Biden won the same number of electoral votes Trump won in 2016 but to do it he carried the popular vote by more than seven million.
The pattern for Trump seems to be that he doubles his losses in each election.

He lost by 3.5M in 2016
He lost by 7M in 2020
He will probably lose by 10-14M in this election.
Question for y'all...

Other than the public polls, what electoral indicators are there that this is even a close election?

The election results from the last 7 years show the Democrats blowing past expectations and overperforming everywhere....while Conservatives and the GOP flounder and struggle to even produce viable candidates.

Biden has a clear and massive edge in fundraising.

Democrats continue to knock it out of the park when it comes to voter registration.

Trump has no GOTV effort, no campaign offices, no campaign workers canvassing.

Abortion is going to be on the ballot in many states, including swing states and Florida.

Biden's reserved at least $50M of ad time for the fall already.

Trump was still losing 20% of the primary vote to Haley after she dropped out.

He also did poorly at the debate, lying 30+ times.

So why does everyone assume this election is close? Can anyone make that argument without using public polls or social media vibes???
Young folk will not vote for genocide Joe. They want someone like Pete Buttigieg.
I do too. I am Biden's age. I want Warren, Pete, Newsom, and even Whitmer. I have never been a Biden fan. I think a lot less of Trump. He is disgusting in every way.
They're all part of the establishment and will do what they are told. The US needs a leader willing to stand up to corporations and lobbyist. Voters thought they found that in Trump but he depends too much on that criminal Jared Kushner.

I believe our ruling class is desperate for WW3 and there's nothing voters can do to stop it.
They're all part of the establishment and will do what they are told. The US needs a leader willing to stand up to corporations and lobbyist. Voters thought they found that in Trump but he depends too much on that criminal Jared Kushner.

I believe our ruling class is desperate for WW3 and there's nothing voters can do to stop it.
Nothing you say is rational.
Question for y'all...

Other than the public polls, what electoral indicators are there that this is even a close election?

The election results from the last 7 years show the Democrats blowing past expectations and overperforming everywhere....while Conservatives and the GOP flounder and struggle to even produce viable candidates.

Biden has a clear and massive edge in fundraising.

Democrats continue to knock it out of the park when it comes to voter registration.

Trump has no GOTV effort, no campaign offices, no campaign workers canvassing.

Abortion is going to be on the ballot in many states, including swing states and Florida.

Biden's reserved at least $50M of ad time for the fall already.

Trump was still losing 20% of the primary vote to Haley after she dropped out.

He also did poorly at the debate, lying 30+ times.

So why does everyone assume this election is close? Can anyone make that argument without using public polls or social media vibes???
Good lord, what a massive pile of uneducated and lie filled bile.

November is going to be harsh on delusional leftists like yourself.
Right now it's not close. Even the closeness in the polls doesn't suggest its close. Polls sample the popular vote and in an even split of the popular vote

Polls polling popular vote are meaningless in a Presidential election. :palm:

Democrats would lose the election since smaller red states with an outsized electoral vote out number similar blue states.

How do red states have an outsized electoral vote? Be specific because that statement is the definition of dumb. :palm:

Dipstick doesn't know that New York and California have the largest number of electoral votes in the country. :laugh:

Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2,000,000 and lost.

Again, we don't elect Presidents by popular vote for a reason. I doubt you even know what that it is because you bloviate like an uneducated douchebag.

Biden won the same number of electoral votes Trump won in 2016 but to do it he carried the popular vote by more than seven million.

The miracle election? The one where Biden, campaigning from his basement and unable to fill a school auditorium beat the more popular candidate who actually campaigned and beat his previous election vote count by 11 million votes? That election?

The election where jurists on the bench created new laws circumventing their legislatures to ensure unsecure ballot harvesting and counting? That election.

Yes, it was a farce and the RNC is onto that to ensure it cannot happen again. ;)
The pattern for Trump seems to be that he doubles his losses in each election.

He lost by 3.5M in 2016
He lost by 7M in 2020
He will probably lose by 10-14M in this election.

I hope you have stocked up on your meds before the election. November is going to be harsh for dishonest, low IQ leftists like you. :laugh:
I do too. I am Biden's age. I want Warren, Pete, Newsom, and even Whitmer. I have never been a Biden fan. I think a lot less of Trump. He is disgusting in every way.
They're all part of the establishment and will do what they are told. The US needs a leader willing to stand up to corporations and lobbyist. Voters thought they found that in Trump but he depends too much on that criminal Jared Kushner.

I believe our ruling class is desperate for WW3 and there's nothing voters can do to stop it.
How is Jared Kushner a criminal? Be specific.
Right now it's not close. Even the closeness in the polls doesn't suggest its close. Polls sample the popular vote and in an even split of the popular vote Democrats would lose the election since smaller red states with an outsized electoral vote out number similar blue states. Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2,000,000 and lost. Biden won the same number of electoral votes Trump won in 2016 but to do it he carried the popular vote by more than seven million.
You just figured out why the founding fathers formed a Republic. Congratulations.
Question for y'all...

Other than the public polls, what electoral indicators are there that this is even a close election?

The election results from the last 7 years show the Democrats blowing past expectations and overperforming everywhere....while Conservatives and the GOP flounder and struggle to even produce viable candidates.

Biden has a clear and massive edge in fundraising.

Democrats continue to knock it out of the park when it comes to voter registration.

Trump has no GOTV effort, no campaign offices, no campaign workers canvassing.

Abortion is going to be on the ballot in many states, including swing states and Florida.

Biden's reserved at least $50M of ad time for the fall already.

Trump was still losing 20% of the primary vote to Haley after she dropped out.

He also did poorly at the debate, lying 30+ times.

So why does everyone assume this election is close? Can anyone make that argument without using public polls or social media vibes???
It's not close; Trump proved he can put two sentences together, while Biden proved the opposite about himself.
How is Jared Kushner a criminal? Be specific.
Kushner is an unscrupulous NYC landlord who was on the verge of bankruptcy until Trump became potus and opened the door for Jared to take one billion dollars in bribes from the Saudis.

Kushner played a major role in moving the jew capital onto Palestinian land.

Kushner talked Trump into an administration of war criminal neocons.

There's too much to list but Kushner being a zionist is the big one for me.