A conservative's wet dream....


1) I was being a tad sarcastic

2) Weather cannot be controlled, but it can certainly be planned for on a state by state basis. Geologic hazzards are also a state issue. Yes, pollution can travel across state boundries.... but it can be governed at the state level.

3) disease... like I said... population control.... darwin rules.

SF, can I ask you a question? You do realize how our federal republican system works, right? ;)

States can and already do have a myriad of state-level consumer and environmental laws.

What states can't do is properly manage and codify interstate commerce. It'd be a nightmare of regulation and cost for any American corporation to have to adhere to 50 different regulatory schemes when they engage in interstate commerce.

Most of the federal agencies above have a direct role in interstate commerce. One that the States can't do on their own.

In terms of human health, pollution, natural hazards, and weather, its just SILLY to not have national services for these. These phenomena don't recognize state boundaries. Its true that states have their own climatological services - but that caters primarily to intrastate commerce: precipitation and local climate data for farmers, growers, and local citizens.
Why keep feema ? If people are stupid enough to build in a flood plain or hurricane zone they can just take their licks.

and no state or federally back flood or hurricane ins. private industry will handle it just fine.

Nothing's perfect, but FEMA was a well run and effective agency in the 1990s, headed by a highly qualified and competent professional with experience in emergency management. Plus, it was a cabinet-level agency in the 1990s, which gave it more clout.
I think that if we sent all of those laws for states to deal with all it would do would be to fatten lawyer's paychecks and make company's flee America. 50 different regulations? Fuck it. There's ACTUAL free trade over at the EU...
BTW - Many politicians have tried, it has become an unspoken rule..

Do Not Mess With NASA if you value your job.
Please choose which should should be eliminated:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
eliminate entirely, benevolent corporations will police themselves
National Weather Service
eliminate entirely, more disasters means more $ for halliburton
Consumer Protection Agency
outsource to China, let the market decide, especially after 1000s die
National Institute of Health
eliminate entirely, private drug companies will tell us what we need to stay healthy
Coast Guard
eliminate entirely, private companies like Blackwater can do this job more efficiently than any govt.
Border Patrol
eliminate entirely, private companies like Blackwater can do this job more efficiently than any govt.
Bureau of ATF
see above
National Parks Service
see above
US Forest Service
private logging companies can do this job mere efficiently than any govt.
Corps of Engineers
see 'Border Patrol'
Social Security Administration
people should be more responsible for themselves, turn this one over to wall street, huge profit possibilites
National Transportation Safety Board
eliminate entirely, privately owned roads and bridges are much more profitable
Air Traffic Controllers
eliminate entirely, bunch of unionist communists anyway
US Geological Survey
eliminate entirely, turn this one over to private oil companies
National Hurricane Center
eliminate entirely, can be run much more effectively by Insurance Companies
Center for Disease Control
outsource to China, huge profit possibilites, let the market decide, especially after 1000s die
Civil Rights Commission
eliminate entirely, let local federally funded religious organizations handle this
Veterans Administration
outsource to Iraq, huge profit possibilites
eliminate entirely, let the military oversee this one
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
eliminate entirely, this Administration gives only bad news anyway
Government Accountability Office
hand this one over to the RNC:)
eliminate entirely, private companies will police themselves
Bureau of Labor Statistics
eliminate entirely, no need for bad news
Federal Aviation Administration
eliminate entirely, when we get done only the top 1% of the population can afford to fly
Food and Drug Administration
outsource to China, huge profit possibilites, let the market decide, especially after 1000s die
eliminate entirely, can be run much more effectively by Insurance Companies
Food Safety and Inspection Service
outsource to China, huge profit possibilites, let the market decide, especially after 1000s die
Natural Resource Conservation Service
cut up and dole parts out to corporations who will use the resources for profits
National Nuclear Security Administration
eliminate entirely, this one belongs to the President alone
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
eliminate entirely, can be run much more effectively by big oil

edit: crap, I forget two biggies of the New Deal

Securities and Exchange Commission
FDIC- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
better served by wall street
Please choose which should should be eliminated:

Border Patrol
eliminate entirely, private companies like Blackwater can do this job more efficiently than any govt.

Our government is sure doing a great job patrolling our borders.
People vastly overestimate the amount of money we spend on NASA. My mom once got SSOOOO pissed off because she read something about a research satellite being launched. She wanted that money instead to go to national healthcare. And I'm like, WTF? That's like 1/10000 of what national healthcare would cost.

I think conservatives mainly whine and nitpick about cutting government in very small areas that are practically irrelevant to the budget. Dano told me that he wanted to eliminate ALL of bad government, and that's why he was nitpicking. OK, so, Dano, what BIG parts of government do you want to get rid of?

The military? Old age pensions (like SS or some privatized form that would cost damn near as much)? Healthcare?

Dano likes to choose things like "Food stamps", which keep poor people from starving to death and hardly take up any of the budget, however.
eliminate entirely, private companies will police themselves

Crash, this was the funniest one of all! :clink:
eliminate entirely, private companies will police themselves

Crash, this was the funniest one of all! :clink:

It's funny, except that there are fools who actually believe it. I've had people explain to me that if you let companies regulate themselves, they will be good ,because they will want to attract good employees.


No clue. They are literally running in order to have a chance to embrace their enslavers. I am here, massa, and I brought some friends with me. We sure is happy, when do we start?
It's funny, except that there are fools who actually believe it. I've had people explain to me that if you let companies regulate themselves, they will be good ,because they will want to attract good employees.


No clue. They are literally running in order to have a chance to embrace their enslavers. I am here, massa, and I brought some friends with me. We sure is happy, when do we start?


It also flies in the face of american (and world) history.
It's funny, except that there are fools who actually believe it. I've had people explain to me that if you let companies regulate themselves, they will be good ,because they will want to attract good employees.


No clue. They are literally running in order to have a chance to embrace their enslavers. I am here, massa, and I brought some friends with me. We sure is happy, when do we start?

It's funny except no is clamoring for anarchy. There are laws that companies must follow and we rely on the government to enforce.