A conservative's wet dream....

Right, conservatives have run on smaller government before and won. That Bush didn't and ran on "compassionate" (read: constitutionally and fiscally liberal) conservatism won't change that running on a platform of smaller government can win elections.

Right, conservatives have run on smaller government before and won.

Right. But, first, they never acutally made goverment smaller.

Second, the "smaller government" slogan was a mantra. They never would have won by proclaiming to eliminate social security, medicare, or federal support for education and science. They would have been demolished in an election if that were their platfrom.

The "smaller government" mantra, everyone understands, means less taxes, and no messing with our guns. Thats all it means in effect.

As for me, I'm for smaller government spending. The Fed gov. is too huge. We don't need a massive military industrial complex, and a huge global military empire.
If you truly want progress... then quit fighting the changes to outdated and poorly run social service programs. What you fail to realize is that most of these programs can be run better, but you libs use scare tactics to frighten voters into believing change is bad. Social security is a perfect example. Someone says "personal accounts" or "privatize" and you idiots start yelling...

"they are going to steal the money from seniors" or " you will lose all your money in the stock market"

Blah blah blah....
Well, it is a conservative tactic, specifically a neoProg tactic. It is why I differentiate them from Liberals who actually work for change rather than the status quo on poorly run programs, they then attempt to "pay" for these poorly run programs by saying we don't need a military as strong as the one we have, which is about half of what we had during the cold war.... At least in personnel. Instead of working to improve the programs they are stuck in a conservative ideology and movement to keep them as they are and to take apart other areas of government that they approve of less in order to do it.
"They never would have won by proclaiming to eliminate social security, medicare, or federal support for education and science. They would have been demolished in an election if that were their platfrom. "

you truly are intellectually dishonest. Smaller government does NOT mean eliminating programs. But we certainly can make it smaller by making sure the programs are run as efficiently as possible so that future costs do not escalate. We can also make sure that we are PAYING for the services the government offers. If we don't have the money to do so, then the services have to take a cut. We cannot continue passing the bill to future generations.
"U.S. Environmental Protection Agency"

Gone, can be done at the state level.

"National Weather Service"

Wrong more often than right.... GONE

"Consumer Protection Agency"

Again, can be done at the state level. Gone.

"National Institute of Health"


"Coast Guard
Border Patrol"

Keep both. Security of country should be done at the Federal level.

"Bureau of ATF"


"National Parks Service"

Keep the Parks... let nature take care of them... GONE.

"Corps of Engineers"

No one listens to them anyway.... gone.

"Social Security Administration"

Set some money aside to pay for the seniors.... but otherwise... GONE

"Air Traffic Controllers"

Privatize. gone.

"US Geological Survey"


"National Hurricane Center"

Gone. Can be done by the coastal states.

"Center for Disease Control"

Gone. We need diseases to control the population. got to protect the environment.

"Veterans Administration"

Got to protect those that protected us.


Definitely privatize

"National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration"


"Government Accountability Office"

A bureaucratic nightmare.... GONE.



"Bureau of Labor Statistics"


"Federal Aviation Administration"


"Food and Drug Administration"



keep it... just no more Brownies

"Food Safety and Inspection Service"


"Natural Resource Conservation Service"


"National Nuclear Security Administration"


"Federal Energy Regulatory Commission"


Were you talking about this, SF?

This was a joke. There's not a snowballs chance in hell, you would eliminate food safety inspections. And it has to be done at the federal level: This is interstate commerce.

National Parks: "Let nature take care of it?." this is a joke. If you live in Colorado, you know this. Any westerner knows this.
Were you talking about this, SF?

This was a joke. There's not a snowballs chance in hell, you would eliminate food safety inspections. And it has to be done at the federal level: This is interstate commerce.

National Parks: "Let nature take care of it?." this is a joke. If you live in Colorado, you know this. Any westerner knows this.

As I ALREADY told you tool... I was being sarcastic. Idiot. How can you go from a well thought idea of Clark joining with Gore to being such a tool?

Are you simply not a morning person? Mind doesn't function until the evening hours?
As I ALREADY told you tool... I was being sarcastic. Idiot. How can you go from a well thought idea of Clark joining with Gore to being such a tool?

Are you simply not a morning person? Mind doesn't function until the evening hours?

Dude, I can't possibly read, or remember, every post. I only remembered one post, where you had a long litany and list of what you would eliminate.
Dude, I can't possibly read, or remember, every post. I only remembered one post, where you had a long litany and list of what you would eliminate.

You cannot remember that you already commented on that very post 12 hours ago?

Thank you for providing concrete proof that you are a brain dead tool. :rolleyes:
You cannot remember that you already commented on that very post 12 hours ago?

Thank you for providing concrete proof that you are a brain dead tool. :rolleyes:

Well, I'm at work and I'm speed reading most of this stuff. I remember responding to that first post, but then I thought you said I wasn't responding to some ideas you had. Oh well.
Which is what we stated. There is a large difference in implementation that you deny here.

I have long stated and tried to explain to people like Desh that fundamentally Conservatives and Liberals have much the same goals, just a different map and a fundamental disconnect in how much to trust the government to provide for them. To say that they like it all because they wouldn't eliminate them when they would make fundamental changes in implementation that the liberals would freak all over and scream "cuts!" like a Touret's patient seems to escape your mind.

American liberals and conservatives are actually really two different strains of liberalism.

I'm hesitant to include neoconservatives, religious conservatives, and "liberal" populists in this, though.
It is not tinkering ya tool. In many of the programs it would be more of a complete overhaul.

As for the National weather service and national hurricane service, no I do not think they are necessary. Nor do I think the minimum wages laws should be done at the Federal level.

SF, it costs practically nothing and does so much good.

Sure, the states very well could do it. But because conservatism has primarily affected the states, i'm pretty sure few states would raise taxes to the level neccessary to fund it, and we'd see many, many unnecessary deaths and casualties.