A conversation between Stone and Diesel


Verified User
The parameters as defined by my conversationalist:

I was actually thinking of doing something in here that I think would have a good chance of helping the two players involved but also the entire room. I wanted to pick someone from the opposite political spectrum of myself and just have a nice, question and answer type thread. Where we just talk,...like people, ask each other WHY we feel the way we do about things. But I want to do it with someone more reasonable so it doesnt turn into something its not intended to be. Just honest questions, and honest answers. I would also thread ban the rest of the room. Not to be a jerk,... but just to make sure something intended for good doesnt turn bad because of outside agitators. ANYONE can read...but only the 2 involved can post. My 1st choices? Bartender, lefty, or BOC. Either one would do fine. If any of you see this let me know. Im not doing a whole lot parts the next few days so it would be a good time to do it. Oh....and there will be ZERO little barbs or digs from me,...I would expect the same otherwise the purpose is defeated.

Some requests:

Stone and I will only respond to each other for one hour (I hope he sees this soon). Then the participants can expand. In the meantime, we will have a public conversation that meets the standards he described above.

Stone, what do you think is the most pressing political problem in the US today?
Afternoon Diesel. To answer your question I would say it is how divisive we have all become . Its really terrible and needs to STOP.
While waiting....... I say that because I firmly believe that a house divided can not stand.
How is it possible to have a civil adult conversation with a simian who eats paint chips and thinks they're Wheaties? lol Good luck!
While waiting....... I say that because I firmly believe that a house divided can not stand.

The most pressing political problem in the US today is the influence of money in politics. Divisiveness was bought with money.
How is it possible to have a civil adult conversation with a simian who eats paint chips and thinks they're Wheaties? lol Good luck!

Done....WE tried. Let the record show owl cannot handle a simple well intentioned request. As for you Diesel,....thank you,....you fulfilled your part in good faith. This has been a great example of what Im talking about. Sad. Maybe we can try again another day under a different format where we ban anyone else from posting. Thanks again,.... none of this is your fault.......
Done....WE tried. Let the record show owl cannot handle a simple well intentioned request. As for you Diesel,....thank you,....you fulfilled your part in good faith. This has been a great example of what Im talking about. Sad. Maybe we can try again another day under a different format where we ban anyone else from posting. Thanks again,.... none of this is your fault.......

You couldn't even go 12 minutes without becoming distracted. I don't know if there's a simpler format to host this type of exchange, but I'm glad we tried.
You couldn't even go 12 minutes without becoming distracted. I don't know if there's a simpler format to host this type of exchange, but I'm glad we tried.

Its not that Im distracted,.... its just that I refuse to do it. If people cant see that we were trying to do something good then I refuse to take part in putting on a show for a hateful troll that cant follow simple well meaning requests. We will try again in a day or so,....in one of the other forums,....with a thread ban. thanks again....later...
Its not that Im distracted,.... its just that I refuse to do it. If people cant see that we were trying to do something good then I refuse to take part in putting on a show for a hateful troll that cant follow simple well meaning requests. We will try again in a day or so,....in one of the other forums,....with a thread ban. thanks again....later...

Alright, man. I expect you to follow up and satisfy your word.
Its not that Im distracted,.... its just that I refuse to do it. If people cant see that we were trying to do something good then I refuse to take part in putting on a show for a hateful troll that cant follow simple well meaning requests. We will try again in a day or so,....in one of the other forums,....with a thread ban. thanks again....later...

Start your thread in APP and make it a debate challenge between the two of you.
Start your thread in APP and make it a debate challenge between the two of you.

They didn't want it to be a 'Debate', and they didn't want it to be a 'Challenge'. They just wanted to have a 'conversation' about what they thought.
One of them said it would last an hour, and then others could chime in with their 2 cents worth.
They didn't want it to be a 'Debate', and they didn't want it to be a 'Challenge'. They just wanted to have a 'conversation' about what they thought.
One of them said it would last an hour, and then others could chime in with their 2 cents worth.

I know that. It was just a suggestion to keep others out of the thread.
They didn't want it to be a 'Debate', and they didn't want it to be a 'Challenge'. They just wanted to have a 'conversation' about what they thought.
One of them said it would last an hour, and then others could chime in with their 2 cents worth.

The only 2 who interrupted their discussion chimed in at 7 minutes, the other at 58 minutes.
:rolleyes: The discussion was over in 26 minutes. Post 15 didn't interrupt it.

Yes, it was over before the hour was up. Still, it was under the hour requested. Why complain when two people from opposite political leanings want a civil one-on-one conversation?