A conversation between Stone and Diesel

Yes, it was over before the hour was up. Still, it was under the hour requested. Why complain when two people from opposite political leanings want a civil one-on-one conversation?

I offered the suggestion as a way the two could keep the conversation between themselves.
I offered the suggestion as a way the two could keep the conversation between themselves.

They said others could join in after an hour. I'm not gonna get all excited over 2 minutes, especially since the conversation between the two of them was over for half an hour. I just pointed out there were two others who came in before that hour was up. Nothing more.
While waiting....... I say that because I firmly believe that a house divided can not stand.

We must take the country back by force. The rule of law doesn't matter to these people so if we want a lawful society back, we have to eliminate these people. There are no more rules to follow anymore so might as well hunt them down. We are justified since these people aided the enemy invading the country. These people openly espouse their hatred for America and are clearly our enemy.

To the liberals reading this: Fuck you. You don't want rules, then there are no rules. Hope you're ready!
Only one person did something wrong in the thread.....Owl. She CLEARLY sought to poison the water from the start by not only going against what was respectfully asked,...but doing so by making a negative insulting comment. I wasnt going to allow that to happen. we will try again soon and we will succeed. Good idea about the debate thread btw. Heres the thing though,.... you have to ask why would anyone actively seek to poison the water from the get go in the first place? Especially when two people from different perspectives were trying to find out answers that hopefully can lead to people not being so divisive. WHY would someone do that? What is their goal? IMO that was a HUGE TELL on Owls part,....and it sure doesnt look good AT ALL.
Only one person did something wrong in the thread.....Owl. She CLEARLY sought to poison the water from the start by not only going against what was respectfully asked,...but doing so by making a negative insulting comment. I wasnt going to allow that to happen. we will try again soon and we will succeed. Good idea about the debate thread btw. Heres the thing though,.... you have to ask why would anyone actively seek to poison the water from the get go in the first place? Especially when two people from different perspectives were trying to find out answers that hopefully can lead to people not being so divisive. WHY would someone do that? What is their goal? IMO that was a HUGE TELL on Owls part,....and it sure doesnt look good AT ALL.

Maybe because you're a troll who always trashes other people's threads with vulgar insults.
Only one person did something wrong in the thread.....Owl. She CLEARLY sought to poison the water from the start by not only going against what was respectfully asked,...but doing so by making a negative insulting comment. I wasnt going to allow that to happen. we will try again soon and we will succeed. Good idea about the debate thread btw. Heres the thing though,.... you have to ask why would anyone actively seek to poison the water from the get go in the first place? Especially when two people from different perspectives were trying to find out answers that hopefully can lead to people not being so divisive. WHY would someone do that? What is their goal? IMO that was a HUGE TELL on Owls part,....and it sure doesnt look good AT ALL.

She probably didn't know what was going on. Next time, use 'thread ban'.
She probably didn't know what was going on. Next time, use 'thread ban'.

She HAD TO have known. It was right in my original opening statement that Diesel posted right up on top for all to see in the very first post..........
She HAD TO have known. It was right in my original opening statement that Diesel posted right up on top for all to see in the very first post..........

Either way, the 'thread ban' option might be the way to go. Or the APP, but I really don't know how that works and I don't know if a group discussion can follow?
They said others could join in after an hour. I'm not gonna get all excited over 2 minutes, especially since the conversation between the two of them was over for half an hour. I just pointed out there were two others who came in before that hour was up. Nothing more.

Someone else posted at 7 minutes. Stone chose to allow that to derail the entire conversation. I'm just rolling my eyes at the entire process/proposition. We didn't need to be interrupted, but it is the internet. Stone didn't need to fold simply because someone made a single post, but here we are. I offered my honest participation. I offered it again. I can't control anyone except myself; and I certainly won't make excuses to bail out of a conversation that I started in the first place.
We must take the country back by force. The rule of law doesn't matter to these people so if we want a lawful society back, we have to eliminate these people. There are no more rules to follow anymore so might as well hunt them down. We are justified since these people aided the enemy invading the country. These people openly espouse their hatred for America and are clearly our enemy.

To the liberals reading this: Fuck you. You don't want rules, then there are no rules. Hope you're ready!

Hey, tinfoil. Grownups were trying to talk about grownup things. Go chew on broken glass, you fucking waste of skin and space.
Only one person did something wrong in the thread.....Owl. She CLEARLY sought to poison the water from the start by not only going against what was respectfully asked,...but doing so by making a negative insulting comment. I wasnt going to allow that to happen. we will try again soon and we will succeed. Good idea about the debate thread btw. Heres the thing though,.... you have to ask why would anyone actively seek to poison the water from the get go in the first place? Especially when two people from different perspectives were trying to find out answers that hopefully can lead to people not being so divisive. WHY would someone do that? What is their goal? IMO that was a HUGE TELL on Owls part,....and it sure doesnt look good AT ALL.

Why do you even care? You couldn't scroll past one comment and maintain a 60-minute conversation?

Whatever. I did my part. I did even better than my part. If you ever want to have a civilized conversation someday, I'll offer myself just as quickly and easily as I volunteered today.
Someone else posted at 7 minutes. Stone chose to allow that to derail the entire conversation. I'm just rolling my eyes at the entire process/proposition. We didn't need to be interrupted, but it is the internet. Stone didn't need to fold simply because someone made a single post, but here we are. I offered my honest participation. I offered it again. I can't control anyone except myself; and I certainly won't make excuses to bail out of a conversation that I started in the first place.

Others can distract. You weren't the one being attacked. Who knows, the badgering might have continued and increased with others piling on?
She probably didn't know what was going on. Next time, use 'thread ban'.

And thread ban the entire website? I don't have several hours to type all your names in. Stone and I could not have been clearer. Owl should not have chimed in; and Stone should not have used a weak excuse to quit.
And thread ban the entire website? I don't have several hours to type all your names in. Stone and I could not have been clearer. Owl should not have chimed in; and Stone should not have used a weak ass excuse to quit.

I agree on both counts. But Stone did request a one-on-one.