A conversation between Stone and Diesel

And thread ban the entire website? I don't have several hours to type all your names in. Stone and I could not have been clearer. Owl should not have chimed in; and Stone should not have used a weak excuse to quit.

Wasnt an excuse. There was nothing to quit. Wasnt a sport, a game, or a contest. You have to remember the whole thing was my idea. I actually looked forward to it. When you asked if you could participate did I haggle with you over it? Did I waste anytime considering it? No...sure didnt. I politely accepted. Like I made clear from the beginning,.... it wasnt going to be a debate,....more a friendly what makes the other side of the aisle tick sort of thing. So no,....NO excuses to get out of anything. I just made VERY clear early on that I wouldnt put up with one second of outside agitation. Quite frankly,...IM GLAD I did it. I RIPPED that opportunity totally away from her and others and it was a pleasure...LOL. We will try again,...maybe even tomorrow if you want,...let me know. But when we do it will be under those parameters or not at all. NO EXCUSES.
Wasnt an excuse. You have to remember the whole thing was my idea. I actually looked forward to it. When you asked if you could participate did I haggle with you over it? Did I waste anytime considering it? No...sure didnt. I politely accepted. Like I made clear from the beginning,.... it wasnt going to be a debate,....more a friendly what makes the other side of the aisle tick sort of thing. So no,....NO excuses to get out of anything. I just made VERY clear early on that I wouldnt put up with one second of outside agitation. Quite frankly,...IM GLAD I did it. I took that opportunity totally away from her and others and it was a pleasure...LOL. We will try again,...maybe even tomorrow if you want,...let me know. But when we do it will be under those parameters or not at all. NO EXCUSES.

I'll let you set it up since it was your idea. I made myself available, created the thread, and participated in good faith. It turned out to be a huge waste of my time.
I'll let you set it up since it was your idea. I made myself available, created the thread, and participated in good faith. It turned out to be a huge waste of my time.

Fine...was a waste for me too dont forget. You are the one who asked ME if you remember,... not the other way around. You will either do it or you wont,... no biggy either way. I will try and set it up in the debate section tomorrow then I will pm you. You can let me know then if you are still interested and what time would work...
Fine...was a waste for me too dont forget. You are the one who asked ME if you remember,... not the other way around. You will either do it or you wont,... no biggy either way. I will try and set it up in the debate section tomorrow then I will pm you. You can let me know then if you are still interested and what time would work...

You're the one who bailed. I will do it -- obviously. Let me know.
Someone else posted at 7 minutes. Stone chose to allow that to derail the entire conversation. I'm just rolling my eyes at the entire process/proposition. We didn't need to be interrupted, but it is the internet. Stone didn't need to fold simply because someone made a single post, but here we are. I offered my honest participation. I offered it again. I can't control anyone except myself; and I certainly won't make excuses to bail out of a conversation that I started in the first place.

I mentioned that in my first post. If you noticed, a few of us gave a "thanks" to both your and Stone's posts, yet didn't participate. We acknowledged your requests.
Sometimes people bail for legitimate reasons. A phone call, a knock at the door, go to the store for an item needed to make dinner, etc. I'm not making excuses.
I mentioned that in my first post. If you noticed, a few of us gave a "thanks" to both your and Stone's posts, yet didn't participate. We acknowledged your requests.
Sometimes people bail for legitimate reasons. A phone call, a knock at the door, go to the store for an item needed to make dinner, etc. I'm not making excuses.

I hear you. I hope Stone and I get another opportunity that is more successful.
I hear you. I hope Stone and I get another opportunity that is more successful.

So do I. Most of us have proven we can hold a civil conversation with parties from the opposite political spectrum, as long as politics don't become entangled.
What an odious excuse for a human being, no wonder that you're so hated by the sensible ex-Amazonians.

No one 'Hates' anybody. Owl just likes to stick her butt in the door and ask "Will somebody spank me".
On another note, How's the Wife and Family?
How does one start a thread in APP? I don't see an option.

First you and Stone PM the mods asking for access to APP. It's strictly a formality Then after you get access and are posting a new thread, on the bottom left is a box titled "Debate Challenge" and you put in both your names. Then only you two can comment. Others can only read and thank or groan.

There are more rules about no flaming, insults or trolling in APP but it doesn't seem that will be a problem for you and Stone.
First you and Stone PM the mods asking for access to APP. It's strictly a formality Then after you get access and are posting a new thread, on the bottom left is a box titled "Debate Challenge" and you put in both your names. Then only you two can comment. Others can only read and thank or groan.

There are more rules about no flaming, insults or trolling in APP but it doesn't seem that will be a problem for you and Stone.

Thanks for the information. I would ultimately like other people to be able to comment on our conversation, but this helps.
Thanks for the information. I would ultimately like other people to be able to comment on our conversation, but this helps.

Both of you are trolls and harass others with personal attacks. Stop this crap. Don't write personal attacks if you don't them back.
Thanks for the information. I would ultimately like other people to be able to comment on our conversation, but this helps.

Maybe the mods can remove the debate challenge part when you're done? I know they can retro thread ban posters so maybe they can un-retro the debate part too, when you're ready to open it up. Damo or Grind may be able to help you here.
Maybe the mods can remove the debate challenge part when you're done? I know they can retro thread ban posters so maybe they can un-retro the debate part too, when you're ready to open it up. Damo or Grind may be able to help you here.

Great advice. Thank you!