A divided nation asks: What's holding our country together?

Wow. Sorry, it's Full Moon tonight according to my app. Moonrise near Dallas-Fort Worth is in less than about 30 minutes.

You really need to unclinch, Witold. You'll be shitting diamonds and developing anal cysts like Rush Limbaugh.

Why do you attack Poles & Irish like a typical English man?

But, like a typical English man you never attack the English, Blacks, Jews etc.

This is incredible considering you claim to be part Irish.

Yet. You treat Irish like sh/ t.
loll so wait, hes such an asshole that you all are collectively calling me to ignore him? if he was a right winger behaving like that would you be so magnanimous?>

You just seem to have some intelligence

I have seen him make some good points

Was hoping for more than “your a poopy pants” from both of you

I love a good invective battle but both of you guys stuff was getting stale

Maybe less cowbell if you know what i mean
The orderly told you that one again

Evince, purveyor of infinite truth. I have very recently been made aware of the harm i've inflicted upon a nation deprived of honest and trustworthy leadership and was told that SOME of your traits are worthy of listening to. teach me, mentor
Jesus, kid. Did the Sun just go down where you are? It's almost Full Moon so it's coming up as the Sun goes down. Does that disturb you?

Why is British food so repulsive.?

It's a good thing Germans, Italians, Poles. Mexicans, Chinese etc. Bought edibles here.

Or we might as well eat Dog food or this Btitish thing below.

Yes, the Jews believe they are God’s chosen people, but didn’t they turn their backs on his Son? So now God’s chosen people are the Christians and the Jews will have to convert. See how each religion believes they are the only ones of their chosen God.

And when exactly did the Jews as a whole follow Jehovah?

You’re ignorant of history my dear sister.

Within the nation of Israel it was always a small minority of faithful. Kings 19 - just 7000 out of 4 million population. And today, as much as you’d like to ignore and replace the Remnant of Jewish believers, the truth of the existence of the Remnant remains.

I am a brash and prideful person on this forum and others, especially religious ones, because I have been trained by the Remnant, there is no biblical question that I have yet to see substantially answered. And you, are merely a poser.
