A farewell to Halloween.


Shaken, not stirred!
And as we close out another Halloween, let us just revel in what I think is the classic holiday song, Scream'in Jay Hawkins version of "I Put A Spell On You!" Enjoy!

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And as we close out another Halloween, let us just revel in what think is the classic holiday song, Scream'in Jay Hawkins version of "I Put A Spell On You!" Enjoy!

Gotta love Jay's version! Even CCR's version. But Alan Price's vocal and Hammond B3 version is the one that plays over and over again in my memory! Not as scary as Jay's but beautifully sung like Nina Simone's version.

I thought this was going to be a thread about how the holiday is in trouble, maybe going away, maybe murdered, maybe by The WOKE Suicide Cult.

LOL...or to tell about how Trick or Treating went in the neighborhood...I think we had the best one, despite the cold, in 30 years.... Hundreds of polite kids (we get a lot of outsiders)...Costumes were wonderful...Parents were supervising...just two stolen bowls that I know of and one inflatable...
Candy is soooooo gone....
LOL...or to tell about how Trick or Treating went in the neighborhood...I think we had the best one, despite the cold, in 30 years.... Hundreds of polite kids (we get a lot of outsiders)...Costumes were wonderful...Parents were supervising...just two stolen bowls that I know of and one inflatable...
Candy is soooooo gone....

Thanks for your always wonderful reporting WOMAN!
I thought this was going to be a thread about how the holiday is in trouble, maybe going away, maybe murdered, maybe by The WOKE Suicide Cult.


Another Christian Nation farewell to being Hallowed from Weened on Christiananality pedophilia & traditionally joking about subsequent deaths as those West Nazi Germany Virginia thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists & Islam Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom dhimmitude servitude pedophilia as Ha Mas ! rockets & missiles continue....
No chance, Halloween and Valentine's day are to candy companies what birthdays, anniversaries etc are to greeting card companies.
So true... actually I'm going to get some more popular every year!! There are so many versions right now.. not just your door to door trick or treat...
No chance, Halloween and Valentine's day are to candy companies what birthdays, anniversaries etc are to greeting card companies.

Hallowed be those ChristHitlers weened on Christiananality pedophilia as SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July Bicentennial George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA Citizens are Islam in Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom dhimmitude servitude to Byrd's West Nazi Germany Virginia thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament -Declaration of Independence - Israel flag - absentee voting ballots arsonists & to those burning "it's just a God damn piece of paper" Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" flying carpets to Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom of SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 celebration of the Day of the Dead more perfect Valentine's Day union business economics of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement....
LOL...or to tell about how Trick or Treating went in the neighborhood...I think we had the best one, despite the cold, in 30 years.... Hundreds of polite kids (we get a lot of outsiders)...Costumes were wonderful...Parents were supervising...just two stolen bowls that I know of and one inflatable...
Candy is soooooo gone....
Yesssss! Same here. Saw more trick or treaters last night than I have in years. Usually I have candy left over. They kept coming and I got rid of all of it! Lots of nice kids and parents along for the walk.
Hallowed be those ChristHitlers weened on Christiananality pedophilia as SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July Bicentennial George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA Citizens are Islam in Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom dhimmitude servitude to Byrd's West Nazi Germany Virginia thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament -Declaration of Independence - Israel flag - absentee voting ballots arsonists & to those burning "it's just a God damn piece of paper" Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" flying carpets to Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom of SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 celebration of the Day of the Dead more perfect Valentine's Day union business economics of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement....

Try working on building sentences. It might help you look a little less insane.
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Gotta love Jay's version! Even CCR's version. But Alan Price's vocal and Hammond B3 version is the one that plays over and over again in my memory! Not as scary as Jay's but beautifully sung like Nina Simone's version.

Jeezus, it sounds like background for a segment of a 1968 movie! :hearnoevil: Oh well, to each their own.
No chance, Halloween and Valentine's day are to candy companies what birthdays, anniversaries etc are to greeting card companies.

Yep, and old Hawk has gone off the deep end. I'll have to remember to ban him from anymore of my threads.
And as we close out another Halloween, let us just revel in what I think is the classic holiday song, Scream'in Jay Hawkins version of "I Put A Spell On You!" Enjoy!

Cool!!!! Aren't you too young to appreciate such a classic, Tacky?

Roger Pace and the Pacesetters used to play the Intermission Lounge on Boston's Washington Street in the mid-sixties.
They were a great blue-eyed R&B band as blue-eyed R&B bands go. (Think of The Commitments.)
I liked them a lot.

I somehow used to find myself inside there when I was not only in training for boxing
but also supposed to be preparing for classes.

The Intermission Lounge, needless to say was an "affiliated" laundromat for drug and gambling money.
Roger and his agent, Fred Petty got a bit crossways with management.

Pace use to have this theatrical coffin which he had on the bandstand to perform that Hawkins classic.

Early one morning, after closing, certain associates of Italian-American businessmen
nailed him inside of it. Fortunately, he had enough air to make it 'til noontime the next day
but I'm sure that he must have wet himself.

If I'm lying, I'm flying, and my feet haven't left the ground.

Try working on building sentences. It might help you look a little less insane.

Shouldn't take too long having to figure out why such Christiananlity pedophilia suicidal super egos of sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming are cross conditioned as Christain Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Fourth Reich July Bicentennial patriot act as SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom for HA MAS ! missile & rocket attacks on Israel as all those thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists which received granted standing precedent sentences....