The remora of JPP
I see why you accept the NRA meme. Logic eludes you.
Um what?
I see why you accept the NRA meme. Logic eludes you.
One of my classmates got busted for selling a 1/4 lb. of weed 40 years ago. He hasn't been arrested for anything since, yet by law, cannot own a firearm. He has owned them ever since he got off probation and no one has squealed on him. If someone does, should he go back to prison?
Under dems, I'd think that may be coming...
No humor intended. It's possible it's being looked at.
Since when?
Ever since the Japanese brought their knife fighting discipline here. Democrats are afraid of the Japanese.
A felon can go out an buy a working firearm if it was made before 1898 and does not use a centerfire or rimfire cartridge. So said person buys a say, Army Model 1860 Colt revolver (5 shot) and gets extra cylinders (the part that holds the ammunition) made for it. It is slower to reload than a modern firearm but with extra loaded cylinders you have plenty of rounds for self-defense.
Originals run about $1000 to $1500 each right now in working condition.
It shoots just like a modern revolver does.
if they can't be trusted in public, then they shouldn't be in public. That was pretty clear.
ok how do you determine that and what do you do with them