A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.

That's the elite view you yourself spew. You cannot even recognize yourself in your own abjurements.

I spew an elite view wherein the entrepreneur is better than everyone else, and makes a lot of money. Entrepreneurship is the backbone of society, because making a fortune and creating new ideas to fuel the future are noble ventures.

You're just being a envious little prick. It doesn't require an elitist view to scam the system. It just takes a certain lack of morals, a bit of larceny, and a hope that you won't get caught in the process. The elitist is the guy allowing this to happen by supporting a political agenda that views the center of the scam as good for society, and is therefore willing to ignore abuses committed in-and-around-it.
I spew an elite view wherein the entrepreneur is better than everyone else, and makes a lot of money. Entrepreneurship is the backbone of society, because making a fortune and creating new ideas to fuel the future are noble ventures.

You're just being a envious little prick. It doesn't require an elitist view to scam the system. It just takes a certain lack of morals, a bit of larceny, and a hope that you won't get caught in the process. The elitist is the guy allowing this to happen by supporting a political agenda that views the center of the scam as good for society, and is therefore willing to ignore abuses committed in-and-around-it.

I'm not sure what you guys were discussing and I'm not going to comb through 70 pages trying to figure it out, but if your view of "entrepreneur" is someone who scams the system with a lack of morals and a bit of larceny, then your definition of "entrepreneur" sucks.....
I'm not sure what you guys were discussing and I'm not going to comb through 70 pages trying to figure it out, but if your view of "entrepreneur" is someone who scams the system with a lack of morals and a bit of larceny, then your definition of "entrepreneur" sucks.....

That's Asshate's view of entrepreneurship. Remember, in Asshate's world, business/entrepreneurship = evil, Jews/Israel = evil, currency = evil & barter = good.

You didn't really miss out on pages of debate. We pretty much have an understanding of the other's general rhetoric, and went from there.
Google any country that has a universal plan. While they're all slightly different the bottom line is everyone has access to health care regardless of their financial situation.

At least you asked the right question. Good start. :)

Wow. So it's like a perfect dream, only real? Wow. sign me up.:good4u:
Exactly! It's unfortunate that the people opposed to UHC are opposed to it for reasons that don't exist. They have no idea how it works.
That's a valid observation and that's the situation will have to evolve into a cold hard crisis before something is done.

And then when it is done and we do have UHC these same hacks like PiMP and Dixie will ether condemn the President (if he's a Democrat) for not having implemented UHC sooner or will praise them to high heaven as a great humanitarian if it's a Republican. So you know ahead of time where they'll stand.

It is to me, just frustrating how badly in need of health care reform we are in this nation and just how poorly informed the American public is on the topic.
That's the irony of this debate. It's not "If" it is "when" we get UHC. The present state of the industry just simply isn't tenable. If we have to the American public will wait until enough insurance companies under go a death spiral, such as what is happening in California, and it will become a national crisis where action by the government will have to occur. The percentage of GDP spent on HC is well on it's way to reaching 20%. What happens when it reaches 25%? How many more companies will drop insurance as a benefit because they cannot afford to? How many that retain it will drastically cut back on services? How many independently employed persons will take their chances with out insurance cause they simply cannot afford 35 and 40% rate increases on a regular basis? How much more imbalanced will insurance companies risk spread be because most insurance customers will be high risk persons with illnesses who cannot live with out the insurance and far less healthy persons who chose to go it alone rather then paying insanely high premiums?

You have been brain-washed the liberal way. How sad.