A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.

That's your opinion. He kept us safe, killed Saddam and was re-elected by a bigger margin than in 2000. Carter was a failure, and Obama is a failure.

GW Bush killed Saddam?

Was that during one of his "fly into Iraq during the dead of night because I'm SOOOO beloved by the Iraqi people" tours?

Because I could have SWORN that Saddam was hanged in Iraq?

But if you say G Dubya killed him...

Dubya was a dim-bulb, frat-boy who got led around by the nose and told what to say by Republican party operatives.
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That's your opinion. He kept us safe, killed Saddam and was re-elected by a bigger margin than in 2000. Carter was a failure, and Obama is a failure.
Yup....that's my opinon about W and the opinon of around 230 million Americans.

Carter a failure? Naa he was a non-entity...now Nixon....there was a spectacular failure!!
Yup....that's my opinon about W and the opinon of around 230 million Americans.

Carter a failure? Naa he was a non-entity...now Nixon....there was a spectacular failure!!
Nah, he opened China, was re-elected and other things that show he wasn't a failure. What he was, was bad at removing his footsteps. Seriously, who keeps tapes of every conversation? What a maroon!

All he had to do was say, "The boys went too far last night and we'll have to reign them in, try them and they'll have to serve time for what they've done," and he'd have been fine. Instead he tried to cover everything up and made a mess of it. Paranoid freak.
Written on a toilet stall in my high school back then: "Vote for Nixon in '72/ don't change Dicks in the middle of a screw."
I'm sorry to interrupt your hyperbopalooza, but do you think maybe you could take a few minutes out of your day and explain to everyone just EXACTLY what you mean when you say the "demise" of this country?

I know you and your fellow gutless Righties like to toss around apocalyptic terms like that to keep everyone else terrified, but what EXACTLY do you mean?

Will the USA be taken over by a foreign country?

Or maybe just blown off the face of the Earth in a nuclear firestorm?

OR do you simply mean trading "capitalism" for "communism"?

Just for once drop the ridiculous doomsday hyperbole and explain in plain terms what you mean by "demise"...that way, when it fails to happen, I can rub it in your face that you were wrong YET AGAIN.

Zappy the only thing you want to rub is up against the neighbors dog and a Big Mac and not necessarily in that order.

When I want you to reply to a comment I make, I'll yank your chain. Until then STFU and STFD Schitzschtick
Zappy the only thing you want to rub is up against the neighbors dog and a Big Mac and not necessarily in that order.

When I want you to reply to a comment I make, I'll yank your chain. Until then STFU and STFD Schitzschtick

Too cowardly to even explain what you meant??

I didn't think you were interested in clarification...just wanted to prove it to everyone else...NICE JOB!
Too cowardly to even explain what you meant??

I didn't think you were interested in clarification...just wanted to prove it to everyone else...NICE JOB!

I don't explain anything to you. The only person needing clarification is you.

Now go back to screeching like a girl. Nothing demonstrates your lack of control better than your own words!
Nah, he opened China, was re-elected and other things that show he wasn't a failure. What he was, was bad at removing his footsteps. Seriously, who keeps tapes of every conversation? What a maroon!

All he had to do was say, "The boys went too far last night and we'll have to reign them in, try them and they'll have to serve time for what they've done," and he'd have been fine. Instead he tried to cover everything up and made a mess of it. Paranoid freak.
Nixon had some substantial and historical accomplishments. He also implemented OSHA and EPA both of which, though a pain in the ass, have proved hugely beneficial. That doesn't change the fact that his Presidency was a spectacular failure. I mean your making a rationalization about a man who commited serious felonies and who's presidency collapsed and who had to resign or face certain impeachment. How can you rationalise that he wasn't a failed President?
I don't explain anything to you.:tantrum:

You don't huh? Is widdle baby loyal gonna cry some more?

Damn right you don't...cuz your nothing more than a spineless, lying troll who can't even answer a simple question.

:rofl: :crybaby: :cry: :lol:

Stamp those widdle feet some more...:tantrum:
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Nixon had some substantial and historical accomplishments. He also implemented OSHA and EPA both of which, though a pain in the ass, have proved hugely beneficial. That doesn't change the fact that his Presidency was a spectacular failure. I mean your making a rationalization about a man who commited serious felonies and who's presidency collapsed and who had to resign or face certain impeachment. How can you rationalise that he wasn't a failed President?
As a President he had substantial historic accomplishments, a failed Presidency would have more substantial historic failures than being caught hiding a crime and almost getting impeached. His Presidency was a contradiction, he did some amazing things, and some idiot things (price controls was one of those, as well as attempting to cover up).

He definitely wouldn't be a whole failure, what he was, was paranoid.
As a President he had substantial historic accomplishments, a failed Presidency would have more substantial historic failures than being caught hiding a crime and almost getting impeached. His Presidency was a contradiction, he did some amazing things, and some idiot things (price controls was one of those, as well as attempting to cover up).

He definitely wouldn't be a whole failure, what he was, was paranoid.
I didn't say "He was a whole failure" I said his Presidency was a spectacular failure and it was. LBJ had even more substantial historical accomplisments then any US President in my life time but ultimately his Presidency failed too due to his lies that escalated our involvement in the Vietnam war.

What's has been frightening in the modern era is how many of the Presidencies have failed. Kennedy's Presidency was a failure due to assasination (no fault of Kennedy's), LBJ's failed from misleading the nation about Vietnam, Nixon failed for lying about Vietnam and committing felonies in office, Bush II failed for misleading the nation about Iraq. That's 4 of the last 9 US Presidents.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Wasn't it the truth. Man for those who hated W.....he didn't have shit on Nixon!
That reminds me of another:

Here I sit all broken hearted:
tried to shit but only farted.

And a classic:

Those who write on bathroom stalls
roll their shit into little balls.
Those who read these words of wit
eat those little balls of shit.
As a President he had substantial historic accomplishments, a failed Presidency would have more substantial historic failures than being caught hiding a crime and almost getting impeached. His Presidency was a contradiction, he did some amazing things, and some idiot things (price controls was one of those, as well as attempting to cover up).

He definitely wouldn't be a whole failure, what he was, was paranoid.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they ain't out to get ya. :cof1:
You don't huh? Is widdle baby loyal gonna cry some more?

Damn right you don't...cuz your nothing more than a spineless, lying troll who can't even answer a simple question.

:rofl: :crybaby: :cry: :lol:

Stamp those widdle feet some more...:tantrum:

It's not a matter of can't, oh rotund one. It's a matter of won't.

It may well work well for you in your personal life this trying to chastise a person to do your will, but here in the cyber world, Zapless, it's just a hoot to see you stamp your fat little foot on the virtural floor and imagine your blood pressure steaming out your pudgy flaring nostrils. Spittin' and spewin' and looking ridiculously stoooopid

You may be Big Man on Campus with the little Missus, Baby Daddy, but here you're just Baby Huey with a big ol dirty diaper and a speech impediment.

Do continue. :cof1:
It's not a matter of can't, oh rotund one. It's a matter of won't.

It may well work well for you in your personal life this trying to chastise a person to do your will, but here in the cyber world, Zapless, it's just a hoot to see you stamp your fat little foot on the virtural floor and imagine your blood pressure steaming out your pudgy flaring nostrils. Spittin' and spewin' and looking ridiculously stoooopid

You may be Big Man on Campus with the little Missus, Baby Daddy, but here you're just Baby Huey with a big ol dirty diaper and a speech impediment.

Do continue. :cof1:

Right...you're too gutless...got it.
Right...you're too gutless...got it.

If I thought your opinion was remotely close to something, anything, I could hold any regard for, I would.

You claim higher moral authority while you spew the same self-righteous judgement you so vehemently rail against with others.

Here's some brutal honesty for you. I absolutely LOVE getting under your skin. In fact so much, I go out of my way to do so. I love holding the mirror up to you and reflecting back the same hypocritcal bullshit you claim you point out in others.

Wanna know why? Tough if you don't.

It works!