A Health Care System Shouldn't be Structured for Wealth Creation.

Posting pictures of yourself again, Sybil?

It is GOVERNMENT that interferes with the insurance markets (not just health insurance!).
It is GOVERNMENT that interferes with 'allowable' healthcare, and even dictates to doctors their pay, their working hours, the procedures they can use, etc.
It is GOVERNMENT mandating experimental treatments, such as Covid19 shots.
It is GOVERNMENT that dictates when something 'costs too much' or is 'unnecessary treatment', resulting in proposing, legalizing, and encouraging euthanasia.

It is GOVERNMENT healthcare insurance and rules and regulations that make healthcare unobtainable and expensive and slow, even if it IS obtainable; AND hide the cost of such 'free' health insurance or healthcare in hefty taxes (with the government collecting their share first, of course!).
Maybe but insurance companies become the doctors patient not the patient in front of the doctor
Considering how Biden has invited an invasion of the United States, committed espionage, and given weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war, and Congress hasn't impeached him for these actions, the Government doesn't kill enemies either. It INVITES THEM INTO THE UNITED STATES!!
With the Senate controlled by Democrats, impeaching Biden would be a waste of time. He'll be gone soon and Democrats are going to be in the wilderness for a while I believe once all of the crap comes out. This has been the worst and most corrupt administration in our history.
With the Senate controlled by Democrats, impeaching Biden would be a waste of time. He'll be gone soon and Democrats are going to be in the wilderness for a while I believe once all of the crap comes out. This has been the worst and most corrupt administration in our history.
What corruption? I assume you have something besides Hunter.
With the Senate controlled by Democrats, impeaching Biden would be a waste of time. He'll be gone soon and Democrats are going to be in the wilderness for a while I believe once all of the crap comes out. This has been the worst and most corrupt administration in our history.
That is insane. Biden has always been seen as a particularly honest man. Trump has never been seen as that. You Trumpys have cobbled together your own reality. I shudder when I read crap like that because the degree that people can conned is scary.
That is insane. Biden has always been seen as a particularly honest man. Trump has never been seen as that. You Trumpys have cobbled together your own reality. I shudder when I read crap like that because the degree that people can conned is scary.

Biden isn't perfect and we should always be mindful of his failings. It took me a VERY long time to get past his plagiarism stuff back in '88. But you are correct, on a normal scale Trump outstrips everyone in the "repulsive creature" olympics. One of the most vile people to walk the earth.

But he's our president now and this time he won the popular vote as well. America wants this. America WANTS to be conned by a subliterate moron who offers simple solutions to complex problems.

Maybe as a nation we will learn that those don't work. But it's gonna be a painful lesson.
That is insane. Biden has always been seen as a particularly honest man. Trump has never been seen as that. You Trumpys have cobbled together your own reality. I shudder when I read crap like that because the degree that people can conned is scary.
Your President invited illegals to surge the border, then reversed President Trump's border orders immediately on taking office. You either a liar or dumber than an empty box of raisin bran.
He offered you a chance to show the corruption. Instead you called names and insulted. We are all waiting for the proof.

Who's "we", Nerdsperg?

Is the ghost of John McCain in the room with you ... right now? If so, ask him if he ever voted FOR Obamacare while he was alive.
You don't need proof. You need a fucking brain and common sense. Get the hell out of here.


Behold, @Neil N. Blowme!

A Boomer explains how healthcare used to be in America:

“People asked, well, how did baby boomers afford to have children back in the 1960s and early 70s if there was no health insurance?

Other than employer health insurance, there was no health insurance.

So when I had my first child in 1969, it cost total of $300. That was everything.

There was no health insurance. You just paid cash. So the doctors couldn't charge very much because there were no health insurance companies to pay for it”.
