A Health Care System Shouldn't be Structured for Wealth Creation.

Why do you keep fucking around. He had 2 votes, one for and one against. The most important and famous one was when he saved the ACA.

The vote that created the ACA is the one you prefer to ignore. It was a vote in opposition.

This was a fact:

Democrats devise Obamacare. Democrats made Obamacare the law of the land. Not a single Republican voted for Obamacare.

This was your response:

Know what? McCain did.

John McCain never voted FOR Obamacare.

You lose.
Nerdsperg seems to support lying about something and attempting to wriggle out of it.
Are you saying you still cannot understand the difference? Damn, are you stubbornly and proudly stupid. I gave you the simple clear facts and you go straight weasel. You are not seeking the truth but trying to win arguments even if a lot of prevarication is necessary. You are lying or very stupid. Neither is very desirable.
Are you saying you still cannot understand the difference? Damn, are you stubbornly and proudly stupid. I gave you the simple clear facts and you go straight weasel. You are not seeking the truth but trying to win arguments even if a lot of prevarication is necessary. You are lying or very stupid. Neither is very desirable.

You lied.
So they say. There are many sites dedicated to ex pats and people who have lived abroad for extended periods. Healthcare,minus health insurance companies can be construed to a service industry if you want to work backward. Health insurance companies have no product. They do not supply healthcare but decide who can get it based on their rules. They decide by profit and loss. Every procedure doctors order that they reject increases profits. They are bleeding billions out of the system.
Insurance is the problem you retarded donkey humper
The vote that created the ACA is the one you prefer to ignore. It was a vote in opposition.

This was a fact:

This was your response:

John McCain never voted FOR Obamacare.

You lose.
How strange you are. His second vote SAVED the ACA.. It was the most important vote in American health history. That no vote for an act that would have ENDED the ACA was a big fucking deal. Your arguments are getting weirder and more desperate. You are simply wrong again.
Reactions against the health care industry in the wake of the killing have been apolitical. Only the Right in its customary defensiveness has tried to politicize them. Their reactions underlie a structural problem with health care and it is looming large at the moment:

A system for supporting peoples’ health should not try also to be a system for making other people wealthy.
It absolutely should. Capitalism is the only economic system that creates wealth. Socialism only steals wealth.

Keep government out of health care.

Let people choose their own doctors, and let doctors compete for business.
It absolutely should. Capitalism is the only economic system that creates wealth. Socialism only steals wealth.

Keep government out of health care.

Let people choose their own doctors, and let doctors compete for business.


Why hasn't @martin emigrated to Canada? Or Cuba? Or the UK? Or North Korea?
For-profit healthcare results in cutting care and procedures as low as you can to increase profits.
WRONG. Socialism does that. Examples: government run health care in Canada and the UK.
The healthcare companies do not have a product.
Doctors provide a service. People that develop equipment for doctors have products...everything from alcohol to sutures to hemostats to heart monitoring equipment to beds.
They add huge cost and complexity to the system and have no value.
So you would rather be put on the floor for surgery, and only allow the doctor to use his fingers without gloves. Gotit.

You're an ingrate, Sybil.
They fight the care you paid for to make more money. Our healthcare system has resulted in much lower health success. https://www.ajmc.com/view/us-health-care-system-ranks-last-overall-among-other-high-income-countries
If a doctor treats you, pay him for it. It's really very simple.
Insurance is

It is GOVERNMENT that interferes with the insurance markets (not just health insurance!).
It is GOVERNMENT that interferes with 'allowable' healthcare, and even dictates to doctors their pay, their working hours, the procedures they can use, etc.
It is GOVERNMENT mandating experimental treatments, such as Covid19 shots.
It is GOVERNMENT that dictates when something 'costs too much' or is 'unnecessary treatment', resulting in proposing, legalizing, and encouraging euthanasia.

It is GOVERNMENT healthcare insurance and rules and regulations that make healthcare unobtainable and expensive and slow, even if it IS obtainable; AND hide the cost of such 'free' health insurance or healthcare in hefty taxes (with the government collecting their share first, of course!).
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The free market works. Government does two things very well, collect taxes and kill enemies. Other than that, it's basically just in the way.
Considering how Biden has invited an invasion of the United States, committed espionage, and given weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war, and Congress hasn't impeached him for these actions, the Government doesn't kill enemies either. It INVITES THEM INTO THE UNITED STATES!!
How strange you are. His second vote SAVED the ACA.. It was the most important vote in American health history. That no vote for an act that would have ENDED the ACA was a big fucking deal. Your arguments are getting weirder and more desperate. You are simply wrong again.
Why do you want to save the ACA???