A Horse Walks Into A Bar...

This one might be tough for some of the younger people, but...

On Roy Roger's birthday, Dale Evans buys him a new pair of cowboy boots. He loves 'em.

Anyway, they party away during the night...and Roy leaves the boots on the porch overnight.

During the night a mountain lion steals up onto the porch and attacks the boots...leaving huge tooth marks all over them.

Roy is furious when he sees what has happened...saddles up Trigger and heads out to exact revenge on the cat.

Sure enough, he comes back to the ranch with a dead mountain lion draped in front of Trigger's saddle.

And Dale says, "Pardon me, Roy. Is that the cat that chewed your new shoes?"

....the bartender asks the horse if it's an alcoholic? Considering all the bars it frequents, the horse replies "I don't think I am". The horse instantly disappears in a poof of logic.

Now this is the point in time that any student of philosophy reading this would giggle as they are familiar with the proposition of cogito ergo sum, or roughly, I think, therefore I am.

But to explain that proposition beforehand would be placing Descartes before the horse.

....the bartender asks the horse if it's an alcoholic? Considering all the bars it frequents, the horse replies "I don't think I am". The horse instantly disappears in a poof of logic.

Now this is the point in time that any student of philosophy reading this would giggle as they are familiar with the proposition of cogito ergo sum, or roughly, I think, therefore I am.

But to explain that proposition beforehand would be placing Descartes before the horse.

Alcoholics never think they are.
Even when they fall off Descartes.

Hello Mott,

....the bartender asks the horse if it's an alcoholic? Considering all the bars it frequents, the horse replies "I don't think I am". The horse instantly disappears in a poof of logic.

Now this is the point in time that any student of philosophy reading this would giggle as they are familiar with the proposition of cogito ergo sum, or roughly, I think, therefore I am.

But to explain that proposition beforehand would be placing Descartes before the horse.

I've never groaned anybody for any post, but this one tempted me.


Very good.

That was really bad.

It is good and it is bad.

Like a ying yang.

And you know what Confucius said.

Man who fart in church ...

Sit in his own pew.
A sexist, a racist, and an asshole walks into a bar.

The bartender asks,.........................................

............."What can I get you, Donald Trump"!
....the bartender asks the horse if it's an alcoholic? Considering all the bars it frequents, the horse replies "I don't think I am". The horse instantly disappears in a poof of logic.

Now this is the point in time that any student of philosophy reading this would giggle as they are familiar with the proposition of cogito ergo sum, or roughly, I think, therefore I am.

But to explain that proposition beforehand would be placing Descartes before the horse.

I don't know who should be more embarrassed.......the idiots who thanked this, or you because of the idiots who thanked it.......
This morning, around 7:00 AM, I went for a stroll around the lake. I noticed a man shouting, "Allah be praised!" and "Death to all Infidels" when suddenly he tripped and fell into the water.

He was struggling to stay afloat because of all the explosives he was carrying. If he didn't get help he would surely drown.

Being a responsible citizen and abiding by the law of the land that requires you help those in distress, I contacted the Police, the Coast Guard, Homeland Security and even the Fire Department.

Now it is 11:00 AM, the terrorist has drowned and none of the authorities have responded.

I'm starting to think I just wasted four stamps.
This morning, around 7:00 AM, I went for a stroll around the lake. I noticed a man shouting, "Allah be praised!" and "Death to all Infidels" when suddenly he tripped and fell into the water.

He was struggling to stay afloat because of all the explosives he was carrying. If he didn't get help he would surely drown.

Being a responsible citizen and abiding by the law of the land that requires you help those in distress, I contacted the Police, the Coast Guard, Homeland Security and even the Fire Department.

Now it is 11:00 AM, the terrorist has drowned and none of the authorities have responded.

I'm starting to think I just wasted four stamps.

When I was young, my English teacher used to suggest that Philosophy was a waste of time for us, quoting (I think he said) Aristotle, to the effect that Philosophy was not a study for young men. Since, evidently, the subject was, at best, just an argument about the meaning of words, English criticism could do all it tried to do, and better. I waited for many years, and never felt ready for philosophy, however old I got. The relevance of the following story, however, makes me think I am about there: Two men are sitting chatting in the house of one of them, and the first said that he and his wife ate at an excellent restaurant yesterday.
Man 2: What was it called?
Man 1. What do you call those things women like to be given?
Man 2: Carnations?
Man 1. No. The one I'm thinking of is a flower, but it has a spikey stem.
Man 2: Roses?
Nan 1 (giving thumbs up and beaming): Rose! What was the name of that restaurant we ate in last night?