A Lesson for Liberals

Ah yes, Conservative FANTASY LAND where all their previously failed ideas work perfectly.

Really Granny, it's all fantasy and not a single one of those "examples" can be proven...in fact, a number have already been proven false.
OK let's look at the first one:

There would be fewer regulations, lower taxes, a business-friendly environment, and a much smaller government that would lead to considerably stronger economic growth and job creation.

So your argument must be that more regulation and much bigger government leads to economic growth. Is that correct?

#1 a lie, first one out of the gate, Tea Party Christian Conservatives would become like the Taliban and personal freedom would fly out the window. I laugh when they state there would be less government, Look at all the laws they have tried to pass limiting personal freedoms in the last two years alone I shudder to think what it would be like if they gained control! Burka, burka!
#1 a lie, first one out of the gate, Tea Party Christian Conservatives would become like the Taliban and personal freedom would fly out the window. I laugh when they state there would be less government, Look at all the laws they have tried to pass limiting personal freedoms in the last two years alone I shudder to think what it would be like if they gained control! Burka, burka!
Any examples?
OK let's look at the first one:

So your argument must be that more regulation and much bigger government leads to economic growth. Is that correct?

No, my argument is that it's never been proven that fewer regulations, lower taxes, a business-friendly environment, and a much smaller government would lead to "considerably stronger economic growth and job creation."
No, my argument is that it's never been proven that fewer regulations, lower taxes, a business-friendly environment, and a much smaller government would lead to "considerably stronger economic growth and job creation."
Of course it has:

Both economic theory and empirical evidence suggest that government should be smaller. ...

There are examples of nations that have successfully reduced the burden of government during peacetime.[27] They show that it is possible to reduce government spending-sometimes by dramatic amounts. In all of these examples, policymakers enjoyed political and economic success.
#1 a lie, first one out of the gate, Tea Party Christian Conservatives would become like the Taliban and personal freedom would fly out the window. I laugh when they state there would be less government, Look at all the laws they have tried to pass limiting personal freedoms in the last two years alone I shudder to think what it would be like if they gained control! Burka, burka!
Not everyone is a sewer dwelling pervert, Sarclonic. It's the pervasiveness of your blatant lack of morals that what would force our hand.
Not everyone is a sewer dwelling pervert, Sarclonic. It's the blatant lack of morals that what would force our hand.

I am thankful not every Christin is like yourself, but sadly, there are still too many like you who use your religion to bash people. You think you automatically have the moral high ground. Jesus addressed people like yourself. I believe he calls you a viper, an empty sepulcher.
I am thankful not every Christin is like yourself, but sadly, there are still too many like you who use your religion to bash people. You think you automatically have the moral high ground. Jesus addressed people like yourself. I believe he calls you a viper, an empty sepulcher.
Nah. Just a Christian who's fed up with rationalizers. You have nothing to stand on.
Nah. Just a Christian who's fed up with rationalizers. You have nothing to stand on.

What you post here, you show me who you are, now in real life, I bet you put up a different front, but here, where you are anonymous, you bare your soul, the inner you and it's ugly.
I am thankful not every Christin is like yourself, but sadly, there are still too many like you who use your religion to bash people. You think you automatically have the moral high ground. Jesus addressed people like yourself. I believe he calls you a viper, an empty sepulcher.

The entire premise of the article is a fail. Some of the most religious nations are at the bottom of the socio-economic scale. Check the chart in this link, some of the worst countries in the world have the highest percentage of religious belief.
