A Lesson for Liberals

Here (on this board) it is mainly due to ignoring them. Not that I have them on ignore but that I just skim over when I read their name on a post. The vulgarity is offensive and absolutely wrong, of that there can be no doubt, but in the short time I get to be on here each day (more today because my classes were busy acing their state mandated tests) I just hit the threads that interest me and focus on my favorite posters that disagree with me often like Jarod, you, christiefan, etc. You know, those who can disagree without becoming offensive and vulgar. If I took the time to call out all of the "Christians" who didn't act and talk like it I couldn't have this conversation with you...in the short time I'm here.

Oh, and thanks, I also think you are great!
In your bizzaro world, no one can prove that the sun will rise tomorrow.


One can EASILY prove the sun will rise tomorrow, a fact that can be confirmed thanks to the rotation of planet Earth.

Unfortunately you COULD NOT provide proof to back your claim and the very article you quoted admits as much.

One can EASILY prove the sun will rise tomorrow, a fact that can be confirmed thanks to the rotation of planet Earth.

Unfortunately you COULD NOT provide proof to back your claim and the very article you quoted admits as much.

The earth could stop rotating, or the sun could simply snuff out.

I can make a stupid argument like that to you, because of what you have presented in the past as your standard of proof. It's repeated on every one of my posts in my signature.
Not anti Christian, anti faux Christian, and liberals ideas I share with your Jesus, is that what you object to, like feeding the poor, clothing the naked, defending the oppressed? Or which liberal ideas have clouded my brain?
Unfortunately for you, Jesus shares nothing with liberals. That's something you need to understand right now. Yes. Jesus said feed the poor and clothe the naked. What he didn't say is put your government jackboots to the citizenry's neck and take their money to feed the poor. Jesus is about freedom, not communism.
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Unfortunately for you, Jesus shares nothing with liberals. That's something you need to understand right now. Yes. Jesus said feed the poor and clothe the naked. What he didn't say is put your government jackboots to the citizenry's neck and take their money to feed the poor. Jesus is about freedom, not communism.

The early Chistian disagree with you, they lived communally, shared all their goods. They took care of the widows and the poor. You Christians really know so little about your religion, it is very sad. Read Acts 2 and 4

Elaine Pagel is a great read for someone like yourself, she writesin very easy, understandable terms. I fear John Crossan would be a little too technical for you. Pagel is a good place to start.

Karen Armstrong is also very good, her "History of God" is excellent!

The early Chistian disagree with you, they lived communally, shared all their goods. They took care of the widows and the poor. You Christians really know so little about your religion, it is very sad. Read Acts 2 and 4

Elaine Pagel is a great read for someone like yourself, she writesin very easy, understandable terms. I fear John Crossan would be a little too technical for you. Pagel is a good place to start.

Karen Armstrong is also very good, her "History of God" is excellent!


They still do all those things?

What the other poster stated is that Christ did not look to, nor direct, the government to do these things.
They still do all those things?

What the other poster stated is that Christ did not look to, nor direct, the government to do these things.

Churches are appealing to the government for assistance because they could not fill the needs of the poor. Charity is not keeping up with needs.

Christians aren't giving to the extent that they should because a good many of them are the ones in need.

Maybe, Christians need to step it up, but Christians are no longer giving all their inches up, but keeping more to themselves. Jesus doctrine is in direct conflict with storing up earthly treasures.
Churches are appealing to the government for assistance because they could not fill the needs of the poor. Charity is not keeping up with needs.

Christians aren't giving to the extent that they should because a good many of them are the ones in need.

Maybe, Christians need to step it up, but Christians are no longer giving all their inches up, but keeping more to themselves. Jesus doctrine is in direct conflict with storing up earthly treasures.

You are entitled to vote for an increase in taxes. But you are not entitled to use a broad brush stroke proclaiming untruths without being challenged.

Christians, just as other citizens, pay taxes. They are also entitled to an opinion over how those taxes are spent. Government , when it comes to charity, is a poor guardian, and I'm being generous with that light handed criticism.

Churches, as other non profits, receive tax deferments because of their charitable work. There are corrupt churches and corrupt charitable organizations. Time usually uncovers these and justice is served.

But again, my point was to highlight your abuse of what the other poster actually said.
Churches are appealing to the government for assistance because they could not fill the needs of the poor. Charity is not keeping up with needs.

Christians aren't giving to the extent that they should because a good many of them are the ones in need.

Maybe, Christians need to step it up, but Christians are no longer giving all their inches up, but keeping more to themselves. Jesus doctrine is in direct conflict with storing up earthly treasures.

Maybe the Government needs to stop taking so much from everyone and then they would be able to help more.
When the Government decides that it's #1, everyone else just becomes a number 2.
Here (on this board) it is mainly due to ignoring them. Not that I have them on ignore but that I just skim over when I read their name on a post. The vulgarity is offensive and absolutely wrong, of that there can be no doubt, but in the short time I get to be on here each day (more today because my classes were busy acing their state mandated tests) I just hit the threads that interest me and focus on my favorite posters that disagree with me often like Jarod, you, christiefan, etc. You know, those who can disagree without becoming offensive and vulgar. If I took the time to call out all of the "Christians" who didn't act and talk like it I couldn't have this conversation with you...in the short time I'm here.

Aw shucks. *blushing* Right back atcha, leaning!
The early Chistian disagree with you, they lived communally, shared all their goods. They took care of the widows and the poor. You Christians really know so little about your religion, it is very sad. Read Acts 2 and 4

Elaine Pagel is a great read for someone like yourself, she writesin very easy, understandable terms. I fear John Crossan would be a little too technical for you. Pagel is a good place to start.

Karen Armstrong is also very good, her "History of God" is excellent!

First of all, you have no business talking about the gospel of Jesus.

The early Christians took care of the poor because they loved the Savior and they understood His gospel. Communists couldn't be further from His gospel. You see, Satanic, when godless governments take control of welfare, everyone suffers. As I told you last time, the Savior has nothing to do with your Marxist heroes. Communism is bad for everyone. It's bad for everyone because it's administered under the direction of men, not the Son of God.

Good chat. And thank you for acknowledging your affinity for communism. You and zipperhead are to be commended.
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First of all, you have no business talking about the gospel of Jesus.

The early Christians took care of the poor because they understood the Savior. Communists couldn't be further from His gospel. You see, Satanic, when godless governments take control of welfare, everyone suffers. As I told you last time, the Savior has nothing to do with your Marxist heroes. Communism is bad for everyone. It's bad for everyone because it's administered under the direction of men, not the Son of God.

Good chat. And thank you for acknowledging your communistic tendencies. You and zipperhead are to be commended.

Why can't I discuss ancient literature?

You shouldn't tell people you are a Christian, at least not on message boards, non believers make you live your faith and it is obviously hard for you to do.

True communism as the Christians lived was not harmful but beneficial to the small community. It is unfortunate that you do not familiarize yourself with the history of your Bible ad the Christian faith.
Ah yes, Conservative FANTASY LAND where all their previously failed ideas work perfectly.

Really Granny, it's all fantasy and not a single one of those "examples" can be proven...in fact, a number have already been proven false.
Exactly. I won't even take the time to paste the list here, and dispute virtually every line.

It was amusing, though.

So..we have a country where there is virtually no taxation. If current Teabag states serve as an example, all of the fantasy jobs I just read about would be 'right to work' jobs....hovering around $8/hour.

So...these workers wouldn't need public assistance, because they wouldn't pay much in taxes on the meager wage?

They don't do that now. I believe Billy Preston said 'nothin from nothin leaves nothin'.

Currently, it costs about $3billion to build a nuke plant. Funding ALWAYS comes from the govt. So...who's going to put up the billion$?

And who will do the work? Right to work labor? Yea...I'll rush to live in those areas.

I digress.........
Why can't I discuss ancient literature?
Because you weren't "discussing" it. You were trying to teach it. Communists trying to teach Christians about the gospel of Christ is a huge no-no. Stick with what you understand, and you'll hear no objections from me.

You shouldn't tell people you are a Christian, at least not on message boards, non believers make you live your faith and it is obviously hard for you to do.
You're way past "non believer" status, my friend, and as long as you continue to twist the scriptures, I'll be there to correct you. ;)

True communism as the Christians lived was not harmful but beneficial to the small community. It is unfortunate that you do not familiarize yourself with the history of your Bible ad the Christian faith.
Uh-uh. What's unfortunate is that you're still trying to equate Jesus Christ to Karl Marx. That's blasphemy, Satanic. Do you understand that?

If memory serves, you said that you had some connection with the Catholic Church. What happened? What caused you to drift away?