A Lesson for Liberals

What you post here, you show me who you are, now in real life, I bet you put up a different front, but here, where you are anonymous, you bare your soul, the inner you and it's ugly.
trying to chastise me doesn't absolve you of your leftism. I'm the least of your problems. Think of me as your conscience with barbs.
trying to chastise me doesn't absolve you of your leftism. I'm the least of your problems. Think of me as your conscience with barbs.

My consience is just fine, I don't need your misguided self to help me, in fact it is the other way around, you need me to point out your faux Christianity and help you on a better path.

"Both economic theory and empirical evidence suggest that government should be smaller. ..."


Ahh, but that's not PROOF, is it.

"There are examples of nations that have successfully reduced the burden of government during peacetime.[27] They show that it is possible to reduce government spending-sometimes by dramatic amounts. In all of these examples, policymakers enjoyed political and economic success."

"Possible"...NOT "Assured"...NOT "Guaranteed"

Possible isn't "PROVEN"...is it?
What you post here, you show me who you are, now in real life, I bet you put up a different front, but here, where you are anonymous, you bare your soul, the inner you and it's ugly.

You think he uses the same sick vulgarity to shout down those he finds to be "rationalizers" at his local church?

Oh HELL no!
My consience is just fine, I don't need your misguided self to help me, in fact it is the other way around, you need me to point out your faux Christianity and help you on a better path.
no your conscience is not just fine. Its clouded with leftist ideas and that makes you somewhat of an anti-christian. You need help and I'm going to give you that help.
no your conscience is not just fine. Its clouded with leftist ideas and that makes you somewhat of an anti-christian. You need help and I'm going to give you that help.

Not anti Christian, anti faux Christian, and liberals ideas I share with your Jesus, is that what you object to, like feeding the poor, clothing the naked, defending the oppressed? Or which liberal ideas have clouded my brain?
Before you can even start to discuss the Tea Party you have to understand that it is the creation of the Koch Brothers to influence laws and minds for the purpose of profits.
Not anti Christian, anti faux Christian, and liberals ideas I share with your Jesus, is that what you object to, like feeding the poor, clothing the naked, defending the oppressed? Or which liberal ideas have clouded my brain?

That these things are to be done by government as opposed to you and I.
My consience is just fine, I don't need your misguided self to help me, in fact it is the other way around, you need me to point out your faux Christianity and help you on a better path.

I thought that's what you were doing with your parents and your racist husband? :dunno:
Not anti Christian, anti faux Christian, and liberals ideas I share with your Jesus, is that what you object to, like feeding the poor, clothing the naked, defending the oppressed? Or which liberal ideas have clouded my brain?

By a "faux Christian", do you mean those are racists and those they marry that enable that same racism.
"Both economic theory and empirical evidence suggest that government should be smaller. ..."


Ahh, but that's not PROOF, is it.

"There are examples of nations that have successfully reduced the burden of government during peacetime.[27] They show that it is possible to reduce government spending-sometimes by dramatic amounts. In all of these examples, policymakers enjoyed political and economic success."

"Possible"...NOT "Assured"...NOT "Guaranteed"

Possible isn't "PROVEN"...is it?
In your bizzaro world, no one can prove that the sun will rise tomorrow.
That these things are to be done by government as opposed to you and I.

The situation has become so dire that churches and food banks have asked their representatives for help. This is a question for your own personal consideration, I don't really want to know, but how much do you give to the poor? If you do, good for you, but the majority of people in the US don't give anything. If we all did the right thing, there would indeed be no need for government intervention, but unfortunately a lot of people talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.
That was three minutes of my time wasted. Just because it didn't read the link on the other thread I thought I should have here. Three minutes I'll never get back.
That was three minutes of my time wasted. Just because it didn't read the link on the other thread I thought I should have here. Three minutes I'll never get back.

I am curious as to why you don't call out your fellow Christians for their language and hate, as a pastor isn't it your duty to teach your brethren? Are you not remiss for doing so?
Ah yes, Conservative FANTASY LAND where all their previously failed ideas work perfectly.

Really Granny, it's all fantasy and not a single one of those "examples" can be proven...in fact, a number have already been proven false.

But the righties think that every thing that comes from town hall is the word of their right wing religion's bible. Many of them think that they are going to heaven when they die too! And that the streets are paved with gold and that there are people sitting around on the right and left hand of god too. In short they believe a lot of impossible and unlikely shit! That they believe this is a"good story" only attests to their continued gullibility and enduring desire to believe! But Lacan stresses that desire is the flip side of anxiety so the more of this shit you see just know they are becoming more and more anxious! And anxiety isn't to be dismissed out of hand. It makes people do all kinds of weird shit. hahahahahahahahaha
I am curious as to why you don't call out your fellow Christians for their language and hate, as a pastor isn't it your duty to teach your brethren? Are you not remiss for doing so?

Here (on this board) it is mainly due to ignoring them. Not that I have them on ignore but that I just skim over when I read their name on a post. The vulgarity is offensive and absolutely wrong, of that there can be no doubt, but in the short time I get to be on here each day (more today because my classes were busy acing their state mandated tests) I just hit the threads that interest me and focus on my favorite posters that disagree with me often like Jarod, you, christiefan, etc. You know, those who can disagree without becoming offensive and vulgar. If I took the time to call out all of the "Christians" who didn't act and talk like it I couldn't have this conversation with you...in the short time I'm here.
Here (on this board) it is mainly due to ignoring them. Not that I have them on ignore but that I just skim over when I read their name on a post. The vulgarity is offensive and absolutely wrong, of that there can be no doubt, but in the short time I get to be on here each day (more today because my classes were busy acing their state mandated tests) I just hit the threads that interest me and focus on my favorite posters that disagree with me often like Jarod, you, christiefan, etc. You know, those who can disagree without becoming offensive and vulgar. If I took the time to call out all of the "Christians" who didn't act and talk like it I couldn't have this conversation with you...in the short time I'm here.

Thanks, that makes sense, I have many of them on ignore, too.