I'm done with you apple.
You done nothing but show that you are unable to address what anyone else posts and will only discuss things on your terms.
You and the rest of my detractors can pat yourselves on the back; but maybe someday you'll grow up and will see how things truly are and not how you WISH they were.
You sound like my Grade Five teacher, "I'm done with you!"

I've answered every question you've asked. You insist on trying to portray doctors as money grabbing, pay-or-die barbarians when it's the system that is the cause of that.
I'll give you a quick course on medicine. Hospitals operate for profit. When a doctor requires an operating room you have to pay because your doctor is responsible for the "rental" so he can operate on you.
Your hard earned money goes into the pockets of the investors who own the hospital. Now, get rid of the paying concept and let the hospital be run by the government. Now your doctor doesn't have to charge you because he isn't being charged. There is no reason for anyone to make a profit off your illness.
All I can say is google medical care in different countries. Join a group like WAYN or some other international "friend" system and talk with people in different countries. Ask them yourself. Don't take my word for it.
You've been misled by the moneychangers, Freedom. It's the old scare tactic.
Mark 11:15 Then they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves;
Change. It's long overdue.