A letter from........Michael Moore...conservatives not allowed to read it!


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A letter from...........Michael Moore...minors and conservatives strictly prohibited!

Michael Moore
Oscar and Emmy-winning director
Posted: November 19, 2010 02:19 PM

How Corporate America Is Pushing Us All Off a Cliff

When someone talks about pushing you off a cliff, it's just human nature to be curious about them. Who are these people, you wonder, and why would they want to do such a thing?

That's what I was thinking when corporate whistleblower Wendell Potter revealed that, when "Sicko" was being released in 2007, the health insurance industry's PR firm, APCO Worldwide, discussed their Plan B: "Pushing Michael Moore off a cliff."

But after looking into it, it turns out it's nothing personal! APCO wants to push everyone off a cliff.

APCO was hatched in 1984 as a subsidiary of the Washington, D.C. law firm Arnold & Porter -- best known for its years of representing the giant tobacco conglomerate Philip Morris. APCO set up fake "grassroots" organizations around the country to do the bidding of Big Tobacco. All of a sudden, "normal, everyday, in-no-way-employed-by-Philip Morris Americans" were popping up everywhere. And it turned out they were outraged -- outraged! -- by exactly the things APCO's clients hated (such as, the government telling tobacco companies what to do). In particular, they were "furious" that regular people had the right to sue big corporations...you know, like Philip Morris. (For details, see the 2000 report "The CALA Files" (PDF) by my friends and colleagues Carl Deal and Joanne Doroshow.)

Right about now you may be wondering: how many Americans get pushed off a cliff by Big Tobacco every year? The answer is 443,000 Americans die every year due to smoking. That's a big cliff.

With this success under their belts, APCO created "The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition." TASSC, funded partly by Exxon, had a leading role in a planned campaign by the fossil fuel industry to create doubt about global warming. The problem for Big Oil speaking out against global warming, according to the campaign's own leaked documents, was that the public could see the "vested interest" that oil companies had in opposing environmental laws. APCO's job was to help conceal those oil company interests.

And boy, have they ever succeeded. Polls now show that, as the world gets hotter, Americans are getting less and less worried about it.

Whole article...
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I just dont understand why ANYONE would be surprized that entities whos ONLY concern is more profit would stoop to such tactics.

Its a perfectly natural progression.
you guys truly can't be taking michael moore seriously, can you?

Yes, very much so. Micheal Moore, unlike Glenn 'the Nazi' Beck tells the truth. But I haven't been brainwashed and herded to conform to a Pavlov response that won't allow me to even hear what the guy has to say. It is a very well funded and well coordinated efforts by corporations and the right to slander and dismiss Micheal Moore. But I bet you aren't even allowed to read the whole article I linked to...

"We have all seen these circus elephants complete with tusks, ivory in their head and thick skins, who move around the circus ring and grab the tail of the elephant ahead of them."
President John F. Kennedy
Yes, very much so. Micheal Moore, unlike Glenn 'the Nazi' Beck tells the truth. But I haven't been brainwashed and herded to conform to a Pavlov response that won't allow me to even hear what the guy has to say. It is a very well funded and well coordinated efforts by corporations and the right to slander and dismiss Micheal Moore. But I bet you aren't even allowed to read the whole article I linked to...

well, thank you for letting me know in no uncertain terms that you are deluded.
I suggest you change your screen name...you are misrepresenting yourself Pavlov...

If you trust the word of Moore, my screen name is more than adequate. especially considering that I dont' watch or listen to beck as well.

but that's ok, i'm here to teach you the way of things when you're ready.
If you trust the word of Moore, my screen name is more than adequate. especially considering that I dont' watch or listen to beck as well.

but that's ok, i'm here to teach you the way of things when you're ready.

OK, let's start...that is not a request. That is a challenge. Pick the topic and make sure you really give it your best shot...because I will be more than ready...

I'll be waiting...
The Fifty-nine deceits in Fahrenheit 911 are well documented.

By who? Beck the Nazi, 'empty vessel' Palin, Rush the drugster?

The Fifth Estate - The Lies That Led To War

I'm fortunate to live just over the border from Canada. CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Company has been all over the War in Iraq and Bush's lies. Their excellent investigative series The Fifth Estate has done quite a few excellent documentaries that not only support Michel Moore's accusations, they add quite a few more.

WHY are you so uninformed?
By who? Beck the Nazi, 'empty vessel' Palin, Rush the drugster?

The Fifth Estate - The Lies That Led To War

I'm fortunate to live just over the border from Canada. CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Company has been all over the War in Iraq and Bush's lies. Their excellent investigative series The Fifth Estate has done quite a few excellent documentaries that not only support Michel Moore's accusations, they add quite a few more.

WHY are you so uninformed?

And for every claimed deceit, there is a debunking! well, almost! There are 49, and more on the way!
what a fucking dip shit you are.

Please provide one lie MM has told.

in bowling for columbine, he said that after the columbine shooting, the NRA absolutely refused to alter or change the location for their annual meeting. This is a flat out lie. The NRA even OFFERED to change locations, but the city council didn't want to lose the incoming revenue.

so, you fucking dipshit, take your face out of moores asshole.
By who? Beck the Nazi, 'empty vessel' Palin, Rush the drugster?

The Fifth Estate - The Lies That Led To War

I'm fortunate to live just over the border from Canada. CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Company has been all over the War in Iraq and Bush's lies. Their excellent investigative series The Fifth Estate has done quite a few excellent documentaries that not only support Michel Moore's accusations, they add quite a few more.

WHY are you so uninformed?

by David Kopel Independence Institute

There are lots of good reasons why people have chosen to vote against (or for) the re-election of George Bush. And there are lots of good reasons why patriotic Americans have decided to oppose (or support) the war in Iraq. One thing that all the good reasons have in common is that they are based on facts. In a democracy, we should try to convince our fellow citizens with facts and logical reasoning. To manipulate people with frauds and propaganda is to attack democracy itself.