A letter from........Michael Moore...conservatives not allowed to read it!

It's pretty funny Damos, because what I've seen of your posts reek of 'superiority' based on nothing but bluster...no backup, links or empirical evidence.

Most of what I post here is my opinions and my beliefs. I base those opinions on a number of things I read and see. I have been around long enough to have experienced the changes in this country that deeply concern me. I more often add Republican sources rather than liberal ones, because the same people who will post propaganda from Drudge Report, Michelle Malkin, Andrew Breitbart, CNS, Fox New, Human Events, Media Research Center, NewsMax or World Net Daily, will dismiss even my Republican sources. They usually just call them RINOs.

I have watched Beck on occasion. BUT, when I comment on something he said that raises controversy, I make sure I watch the whole cited segment IN context. That way when I blast him for being a lying sack of shit, I have the proof...his own words.

BTW Damos, did you take the same umbrage to the slanderous hit job the right did on Jeremiah Wright, where snippets were edited and taken out of contest to smear Obama via a Reverend that had done more for his community that 1000 right wing pundits?
Actually, I pointed out that with Rev. Wright that he and Obama had a plan to make a "separation" between them if he got too controversial based on his interview one year before his "controversy" appeared. I spoke about what was going to come rather than what was causing the controversy, using information given by Wright himself and extrapolation of that information. From it I was able to predict that he would come out and "say" something that "went too far" and Obama would be able to "dump" him without shame. I also noted that while the statements were taken out of context, that there was no real context that would make them much better. It did lead me into an interesting study of a new form of Christianity I hadn't encountered before.

I also started researching liberation theology to learn about this particular form of religion so I could better understand what position they come from. Of course I am not a Christian, but the church that I was forced to attend as a child is the only form of Christianity that I know well, liberation theology is quite a bit different from it...
Actually, I pointed out that with Rev. Wright that he and Obama had a plan to make a "separation" between them if he got too controversial based on his interview one year before his "controversy" appeared. I spoke about what was going to come rather than what was causing the controversy, using information given by Wright himself and extrapolation of that information. From it I was able to predict that he would come out and "say" something that "went too far" and Obama would be able to "dump" him without shame. I also noted that while the statements were taken out of context, that there was no real context that would make them much better. It did lead me into an interesting study of a new form of Christianity I hadn't encountered before.

I also started researching liberation theology to learn about this particular form of religion so I could better understand what position they come from. Of course I am not a Christian, but the church that I was forced to attend as a child is the only form of Christianity that I know well, liberation theology is quite a bit different from it...

That is good, I was not on this board at the time to see your posts, but I will take your word. I had the same belief that Obama had to cut ties with Wright after he (Wright) spoke at the National Press Club. It was a political decision more than anything personal.

But I do disagree with you 'that there was no real context that would make them much better'

I contend if every American had been given Wright's powerful and conscientious sermon the Sunday after 9/11, more Americans might have spent more time soul searching instead of searching for souls to exterminate. But instead of being told Wright's message of peace in his sermon, all we heard was "America's chickens are coming home to roost"


If you want to understand Wright's Black Theology why not get it from the source?

That is good, I was not on this board at the time to see your posts, but I will take your word. I had the same belief that Obama had to cut ties with Wright after he (Wright) spoke at the National Press Club. It was a political decision more than anything personal.

But I do disagree with you 'that there was no real context that would make them much better'

I contend if every American had been given Wright's powerful and conscientious sermon the Sunday after 9/11, more Americans might have spent more time soul searching instead of searching for souls to exterminate. But instead of being told Wright's message of peace in his sermon, all we heard was "America's chickens are coming home to roost"


If you want to understand Wright's Black Theology why not get it from the source?

Because the origination of liberation theology was not Jeremiah Wright. Therefore he is not "the source". It is an interesting view of the world and makes demands on God that seem to fit only within the Old Testament version of God rather than the New Testament "forgive" and "turn the other cheek" version. The expectation that God will punish those who took "economic advantage" of others regardless of their level of responsibility appears to be inequitable with the Deity I read and heard about while spending waaaaay too many hours being forced to take part in church functions.
Because the origination of liberation theology was not Jeremiah Wright. Therefore he is not "the source". It is an interesting view of the world and makes demands on God that seem to fit only within the Old Testament version of God rather than the New Testament "forgive" and "turn the other cheek" version. The expectation that God will punish those who took "economic advantage" of others regardless of their level of responsibility appears to be inequitable with the Deity I read and heard about while spending waaaaay too many hours being forced to take part in church functions.

Wright talks about black liberation theology, which is different from liberation theology. The guy is extremely intelligent and interesting to listen to. He served six years in the military: two as a marine, and four in the Navy as a cardiopulmonary technician. He was the technician chosen to assist during President Lyndon Johnson's gall bladder surgery at Bethesda Naval Hospital in 1965. He also has an interesting take on why blacks have a very low suicide rate.

There is no question Wright was used by Republicans and the right to inject an element of fear, hatred and to stir up anxiety in Americans over the possibility of electing an African-American President.

The Journal: Reverend Jeremiah Wright * Bill Moyers