a list of those who predicted the housing crash

While this is a Barney Frank article what jumped out at me was the comments from these two gentlemen. Don't know how well this will go over...

“Selling Fannie and Freddie as a purely partisan issue, it doesn’t really work,’’ said Jonathan Koppell, director of the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University. “Both parties have plenty of responsibility.’’

Another analyst, University of Maryland economics professor Peter Morici, put it more succinctly. “This is a bipartisan mess,’’ he said.

yeap kinda like you clones here who buy whatever your told by Fox.

did robmoney win by 5 points?

Where is your link of your claims or did you lie?

According to you no link = a lie

You can't make stuff up on the internets and hope to get by. Did MSNBC tell you that?
I wasn't on the board at the time. But I knew it couldn't last. I was lucky; I sold my last house in 2005 so got close to the max of the market. Last time I checked, it was selling for down around what I paid for it in early 90s. Ouch!

But I was lucky. I had friends who knew it couldn't last but for various reasons they didn't sell; I don't blame them, moving is a pain. And they still have a place to live, since they didn't do the second mortgage over extend thing.

It's a shame so many in the public eye were preaching that it could go on forever.

The following is an extended list of individuals that appear to have some justification for claims of warning in advance of a housing crash, financial crisis, or a critical aspect of the crisis. I do not claim to substantiate the claims of all of these individuals - I am in most cases citing prior sources (in parenthesis below).

32.Ron Paul (MinnPost, Rand Paul - "During congressional hearings in 2003, Ron Paul predicted the housing crisis and market crash")

I thought all you libs thought he was a crazy rightwing nutjob?
go get the posts and we will discuss if it was warranted.

You see you have to present evidence not just throw out baseless claims
you don't recall who you call what anymore? and why are you the only one allowed to throw out baseless claims and ignore evidence?
so you claim Fox did not claim robmoney was going to win by 5 points?

I've seen you reference this quite often. I don't watch Fox so I don't the context of the statement. Was this one person's prediction or did the network come out and state this is where we as a network stand on what the election result will be?


Barone, the anchor of Fox News election coverage, had predicted Romney winning 315 Electoral College votes and Obama only 223. "Fundamentals usually prevail in American elections. That's bad news for Barack Obama... most voters oppose Obama's major policies and consider unsatisfactory the very sluggish economic recovery.''

Not sure how you're going to parse out "fox newscasters" from "fox"
and again
Fox’s Chris Wallace apparently is sick of hearing critiques of polls showing Mitt Romney trailing President Obama, and isn’t afraid to let a wide audience know it. In a clip captured by Media Matters, Wallace tells radio host Mike Gallagher that criticizing the polls is an example of what he terms “craziness,” and that “no self-respecting pollster” weights their polls to make party ID even.

Those comments followed others that said Romney is “in trouble” and must win the upcoming presidential debate. In fact, he even had some harsh words for Gallagher when the host called out Wallace for thinking there’s trouble for Romney and believing the polls.