A little empathy for the white males


Education, actually. The average starting salary for a Washington State teacher with a master's degree and zero years of experience is $36,000 compared with $30,000 for one with only a bachelor's. Of course, I'll probably only be subbing for a while, as the job market for teachers sucks, and because I don't plan to stay in my college town for long.

I will actually be certified to teach a semester before I complete my degree. Ultimately, I would like to stay here long enough to get some experience and perhaps get a commission in the Air National Guard (I'm close to the base here where I would have to do some qualification training after returning from OTS).
You mean you won't be going to Afganistan to protect us?

I already do via NORAD, in theory. And its not like I haven'y already been enlisted for 5 years. I'm trying to get back into shape for August fitness testing so that I can qualify for re-enlistment instead of a year extension to my current contract.
You don't get paid an hourly wage in the military, dumbass. You get paid for a calendar day of service (depending on multiple factors), but you make the same daily pay at my unit whether you work an 8-hour shift or a 12.

lofl WHICH means its less than 8hr
was your gpa above 2 in that shit college you went too, Virgin?
ya know, I try real hard not to dislike you alot, but you do NOT make it easy.

threedee's be razzing me with a racist tag, so I'm razzing him with a minimum wage tag.
If you need to get your panties in a bunch go right ahead, if you think this banter is serious then you need some help.
lofl WHICH means its less than 8hr
was your gpa above 2 in that shit college you went too, Virgin?

Do the Latin words summa cum laude ring a bell, Toppy? Actually, my grades have been dropping a little since I got my history degree, and I'm now just barely in the range I would have needed to be in last year when I graduated to get summa cum. It doesn't really matter since they don't give awards to master's students...

3d you are truely a servant of the people, 36k for a masters. Dam

LOL Such is life, which is partly why I want to remain in the guard for another 14 years at least. Anyway, you started the negging with your virgin comments, so I had to hit you back with the racist line (which is supposed to be parody of your overuse of the term in case you didn't get it).

But remember, a guy who couldn't please his ex in the bed shouldn't be making fun of other people's sex lives (except Beefy's, because he encourages it)... :pke:
threedee's be razzing me with a racist tag, so I'm razzing him with a minimum wage tag.
If you need to get your panties in a bunch go right ahead, if you think this banter is serious then you need some help.

well, if it's all in fun, then i'll compile a list of razzes for ya. :clink:
Susan Reimer
June 8, 2009
These are tough times for the middle-class white male.

He discovered a vaccine for polio, split the atom and landed on the moon. But he seems to have an empathy deficiency that no multivitamin can cure.
The poor guy can now add "no meaningful life story" to a list that includes sexist and clueless. I can see a third act for Defending the Caveman, the one-man show about a guy in love with a television set, in which he talks about growing up in a suburban cul-de-sac in an intact family.
And the audience laughs out loud at the shallowness of his life experience.
The nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, a Puerto Rican woman who grew up in a single-parent household in a New York City housing project but went on to the Ivy League, is just the latest excuse to say things or imply things about middle-class white males that we don't get to say about any other ethnicity or gender. Not without lawyers and human resources people flooding the zone.
I happen to like white males. I am married to one. And I often have dinner with other white males who arrive in the company of women who, apparently, find their modest, white middle-class life stories worthy. But we might be in a shrinking minority.
White males make up the majority of the greedheads on Wall Street and the stubbornly wrong auto executives - men mostly likely to be burned at the stake if we ever return to that form of punishment. So they haven't done their tribe much good.
Even so, it has seemed for a while that nobody had any use for middle-class white males. Not unless they have a power-washer or a pickup truck. Then everyone is their friend. On the odd Saturday, at least.
Nobody looks around the classroom or the office and says, "You know, we should recruit more middle-class white males."
But I have to say, this latest charge with which middle-class white males have been tattooed - no meaningful life story - seems a bit of a reach to me. Just how Dickensian does a life have to be before it has any value?
I mean, not everybody can be the child of migrant workers, Haitian refugees or Rwandan genocide survivors. And not everybody will have taught himself to read by a lantern's light after a day in the fields.
We are all the sum of our life experiences, and those experiences impact our thinking and our decision-making. But not all of us have a life worthy of a made-for-TV movie.
Some males are the product of an intercontinental, interracial marriage, grow up all over the world (and in Hawaii) and become president.
Some males just grow up and go to college and law school, without much of a back story. Would such a blank slate color judicial temperament, or would it leave that temperament, well, blank? What exactly is the link between crucible personal experiences and job performance?
I am all for a Supreme Court that looks more like America - or at least more like law school, where female graduates almost equal male graduates. And I am all for diversity, because the report card on white male leadership in government and business hasn't been stellar lately.
But - empathy being the strong suit of women - I am feeling bad for the middle-class white males these days. They can't seem to catch a break, either in Connecticut firehouses or Supreme Court short lists.

There's hope, though.

The middle-class white male can use the experience of these trying times, these 40 years in the wilderness, to color his pale life story.


Awww those poor underapreciated ruling majority.

I think the late George Carlin said it best. Under no fucking circumstances should white men play the blues. White men give the blues, they don't get them!
Awww those poor underapreciated ruling majority.

I think the late George Carlin said it best. Under no fucking circumstances should white men play the blues. White men give the blues, they don't get them!

You're confused. White men are the only people not protected by civil rights legislation. we are targetted due to our race/gender.
WTF? I have never posted a single line about the downtroden white male. When the subject of white ethnicity does come up I usually go off on an anti-European or anti-Southern tirade...

But thanks for mentioning me, racist dumbass.

He just likes to pick on you 3D. You just need to send him a pic of that hot red-head you banged the other night and he'll shut up! ;-)
Education, actually. The average starting salary for a Washington State teacher with a master's degree and zero years of experience is $36,000 compared with $30,000 for one with only a bachelor's. Of course, I'll probably only be subbing for a while, as the job market for teachers sucks, and because I don't plan to stay in my college town for long.

I will actually be certified to teach a semester before I complete my degree. Ultimately, I would like to stay here long enough to get some experience and perhaps get a commission in the Air National Guard (I'm close to the base here where I would have to do some qualification training after returning from OTS).
Hell I made that entry level with an undergrad degree 20 years ago in my field.
no shit every race has losers, just cause assclown can't keep a job doesn't mean he's facing racial discrimination. He may be facing Intillectually challanged descrimination.