What BS, whiney white men, Ah jeez, daddy and mommy didn't give you whiners enough? In order for this to make any sense they should enslave all white men (whatever the hell that is), after slavery, enact Jim Crow laws, tar and feather any that look at white women, stick them in a ghetto with 30% unemployment and then lay off the ones with jobs, make sure they have no healthcare, and then hang a bunch of them. Then they can complain.
I'm half spic, a Puerto Rican too, lucky they didn't name me after dad. When I went looking for work I would no sooner have put Hispanic on the form, in those days race was on there, then I would have put down mass murderer. Why, because my chances of being hired would be zero. Also look like mom. So as soon as whities get fired, demoted, hung from the nearest tree, they can complain. Till then they are just a bunch of babies.
This book is an eye opener for any one with eyes that see.
Amazon.com: The Culture of Make Believe: Derrick Jensen: Books
"If, as we thought in the 1950s, racism was the result of racists, could it be the other way around? The new hypothesis was that racism created racists. There was a growing conviction, then, that racism as a structural and systemic part of our social system had to be confronted through social action, that the state itself must mandate and enforce equal rights. Beyond that, affirmative action.
Research turned increasingly to the politics of backlash as middle-class students, for example, felt angry and threatened by minority students who wanted not just space on campus but empowerment. New coalitions were being formed of feminists, anti-racists, and gay and lesbian rights activists, thus watering-down cultural distinctiveness but, also, leading to a different research agenda based on discourse analysis."