A little factual history

I read Rand and she is a stiff and akward writer.

Her Ideas are juvenile and pretentious.

They have the very same qualities that your writing does.

A black and white view of the world where SHE ( the character in her book) is godlike and above everyone else.

She is a fool like palin who thinks she is MUCH better than everyone else and anyone who doesnt agree with her deserves scorn.

You will now leave because your ideas can not stand the test of light just like Alisa.

Ohh---my-- A reader who experiences little outside of talking to another inexperienced reader (with no shortage of trash to read). These people you condem are people who work up from nothing, and make it. Your problem is you defeated yourself. No---that is all of man kinds problem now.

Obama is now finding out that his IVY league progressive idologies are not working real well in the real world. They never have--the results are there--just not in your history books. "distribution of wealth" is not what made us the most prosperious nation (even our poor are rich in most other nations) in about 3 generations.

If you can name me one elected official who ever got as much scorn as Sarah Palin (and she still grows in strength--ya just pissed her off)--then you may have a point--but the scorn was driected at Palin and her family (family-- obama said was off limits--but ignored), with lie after lie comming from people you support. Again---real life results alludes you as the state of Alaska is in the black--and you remain a projectionist with a anti western culture propaganda slide show.

You were taught to follow others--not to think for yourself. Sorry Alisa--we all are going to be sorry.
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You folks seem to have run out of talking points with the support of this administration (compared to a year ago). I know you ran out of actually looking at results a long time ago. I have not been here for a year or so, because I can't stand to read about people laying down like speed bumps.

Here is a real life example of a old friend of mine. He has a old machine shop (I am building a newer one) that he inhearted from his father. He never updated, or improved his education, and eventyally the industry passed him by as he left himself with very little capability. He stopped over a few days ago, (he also married a progressive chick 15 years ago, and has a 13 year old son), and he is so discouraged he actually said to me--

"I would let somebody own me, if I could just do what I do, and make $35,000/year." (not much above poverty folks).

My answer to that was ---"Bob---that is exaclty what a communist regiume (or progressive) would love to hear a population say".

See you followers next year--to see how your holding up. I have a good life to live, and I may even be 100% debt free in a year--so good luck with yours. CHECK!, and all you have is pawns.

big shock majority is a rightwinger without a college degree. LOFL
please don't stop tool I'm spitting coffee at my monitor laughing at you
it's pretty funny to see the lefties-Progressives-commies keep trying to convince themselves THEY are the majority...just look at the Messiahs and his comrade in arms poll numbers, in just, ONE YEAR..:good4u:
it's pretty funny to see the lefties-Progressives-commies keep trying to convince themselves THEY are the majority...just look at the Messiahs and his comrade in arms poll numbers, in just, ONE YEAR..:good4u:

we'll see granny KKK, you'll be spitting out your last two teeth if he wins again. There will likely be a riot in your trailer park.:321:
we'll see granny KKK, you'll be spitting out your last two teeth if he wins again. There will likely be a riot in your trailer park.:321:

no, I'll be watching some lefties heads explode and laughing my ass off, when HE LOSES..:clink:
no, I'll be watching some lefties heads explode and laughing my ass off, when HE LOSES..:clink:

and I bet if we look back a year we'd see some racist trash from you saying this muslim could never win.

there are plenty of dumb white people out there, you are the proof
big shock majority is a rightwinger without a college degree. LOFL
please don't stop tool I'm spitting coffee at my monitor laughing at you

Wanna knw the real funny part (with 2 bachalors and a associates in manufuacturing--self paid--not by my neighbors)----If we use income as a definatioin of being a loser (Madoff, ill gotten, may be a hero of yours--I earn my money from my brain and hard work)---now this may piss you off a bit--so sit down.

I made over $290,000 over the last two years--out of my one car garage. So as a American (which you progressively deamonize as a "right winger"), I know how we can live in this nation if we want to.

Now I know you are mad, because I took actual experience with education and put it all together to make it (so far anyway)--and you lost thousands in stocks since last year, as you depend on other people to make money for you (while you deamonize capatalism-is the real kicker). I know you suffer from wealth envy, it is just human nature, but it is a little success that makes you wake up. Then, when you take all that work you did to build the skills to do something for yourself--you find some marxist that says your hard work belongs to the community, and you will be forced to cough it up. At that point---you will realize that -----nobody will be allowed to "make it".

I will promise you this---nobody can take care of you, better then you, and in about 1 or 2 years, the obama dog will have better health care then all of us (accpet government workers--and their pets no doubt).

If you want to be a pet---like a French poodle, fine. Take the money that is offered to you and shut your trap. I am not a French poodle. I do not make a good pet, and your going to have a hard time extracting what I earned---because I had enough human spirit to do something with my life, and it is not my fault that you did not.

How much did you actually earn in the last two years? (not off others shirt tails) keep following your masters.
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someone here may believe you made 290,000 fixing lawn mowers in your garage over 2 years. I wouldn't be one of them.

Only a moron uneducated unread loser would trash capitalism the way you do. It's funny though lots of ged's spew hate at wall street types.
and I bet if we look back a year we'd see some racist trash from you saying this muslim could never win.

there are plenty of dumb white people out there, you are the proof

and there are a lot of dumb lefties of many COLORS who voted for a community organizer empty suit as President..and I'm pretty sure you are one of those... I laugh to see you all bent out of shape because the American people are waking up to see just what it is was they voted for.....the buyers remorse is thick and getting thicker every day....ENJOY
and there are a lot of dumb lefties of many COLORS who voted for a community organizer empty suit as President..and I'm pretty sure you are one of those... I laugh to see you all bent out of shape because the American people are waking up to see just what is was they voted for.....the buyers remorse is thick and getting thicker every day....ENJOY

Oh I'll be laughing for 3 years. Yes the guy from Harvard that was way smarter than the fossil or the twit actually one.
You fuckwads will be blowing gaskets weekly till you finally shut up after the second loss.
someone here may believe you made 290,000 fixing lawn mowers in your garage over 2 years. I wouldn't be one of them.

Only a moron uneducated unread loser would trash capitalism the way you do. It's funny though lots of ged's spew hate at wall street types.

You do have a spark of intuition, because that was pretty close (my work).

I support free market capatalism (you say I trash it?--confused for life) because I know it is the only system in the world that lets average joe shmoes like me to make more money than what somebody else (usually a fit pig, talentless, worthless progressive liberal) thinks we are worth. When government gets infolved with free market capatalism, it is no longer free market capatalism. Comparing the GDP to government expense is a good way for you to see which direction this nation is heading.

Now--back to my one car garage income that you can't believe---because you have had the dreams progressively beaten out of you. You were close. I modify on small engines (and sell them all over the world--boy, you should see the customs charges in Europe) for newer 1/5th scale remote control models. The models cost about $2,000.00 to get started, so they end up being adult toys.

Guess what this compettitive (I would not accept a participation trophy if offered to me as a kid) American just did two months abo to Socialized nanny state Europe? This American just won the EFRA 1/5th scale World Championship (the government runs their race sanctioning body) against all the big facotries with a newer driver for our first full season.

EFRA European formula 1 racing, and Hrvoje Stegmayer (my sole driver from Croatia) took home the international series championship. It is no suporise an American like me can beat the whole socialized western cluture you so desire to be like. You desire to be a loser?

I do good work (can and will improve) but my free market dealer has to get a lot of credit for my success. Because of his great ability to distribute and market all peoples products he sells, I am sure I have built more of those engines than anybody in the world.

The one car garage now has a bridgport sized CNC mill, a manual decient sized lathe, and a waqter brake dyno I am almost finished with, that cost me over $20,000 to build. I hope to do this for a while, to see some return on that one. My car now paid for, I bought a harley for cash last spring (grab a fist full of America while you still can), and now my focus is to finish paying off my home in the next year or two. I want to own everything I need as soon as possible---so I can live on peanuts if I have to-and still not beg my neighbors for a hand out.

There used to be a society like that--but the rest of the world had to hate the fact that they can't do as well with their governing systems, so they have to chip away at us over decades of time---and humanity as a result. It's just human nature, very simular to wealth envy.
great you work on go-carts so you think your supperior and want to trash progressive.
You sound like a trailor trash teabagger.
And because we have a democrat in the WH your scared shitless for our future. I find that comical. Please spew some more.
great you work on go-carts so you think your supperior and want to trash progressive.
You sound like a trailor trash teabagger.
And because we have a democrat in the WH your scared shitless for our future. I find that comical. Please spew some more.

I knew you would be mad. That is the attitude that divides groups of Americans. That is why I say you are a follower, and can not think for yourself. Don't be mad at me because I had chosen to be a misfit and am doing well with it when the sheep like you drown.

Again--the "trash teabaggers" (where 1.5 million people at Washington did not break or burn anything, hurt anybody or their property, or even leave any trash) were mostly our American parents and grand parents. You better be carefull who you call trash---because these masses of Americans are getting pretty tired of warrentless insults from progressive trash like you.

And progressives are trash, because they believe in controlling peoples lives. See--I have a bit of substance whan I insult---because I think.

Your trash---because you allowed yourself to hate your own nation---after learning to be a loser from your own government (both progressive parties)
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I knew you would be mad. That is the attitude that divides groups of Americans. That is why I say you are a follower, and can not think for yourself. Don't be mad at me because I had chosen to be a misfit and am doing well with it when the sheep like you drown.

Again--the "trash teabaggers" (where 1.5 million people at Washington did not break or burn anything, hurt anybody or their property, or even leave any trash) were mostly our American parents and grand parents. You better be carefull who you call trash---because these masses of Americans are getting pretty tired of warrentless insults from progressive trash like you.

And progressives are trash, because they believe in controlling peoples lives. See--I have a bit of substance whan I insult---because I think.

Your trash---because you allowed yourself to hate your own nation---after learning to be a loser from your own government (both progressive parties)

your a fuckign hillbilly moron
I'll take an MBA COPR JOB over your lawnmower business any day.

And I'll take educated progressive's over toothless teabaggers any day as well.
Our countries best days are ahead of it because progressive have wrested control from the appalachian rightwing morons.
hahaha, PROGRESSIVES get quite nasty when their backs are up against the wall..and this is what we want RUNNING our country...:palm:
progressives won by millions of votes you hillbilly
were laughing in your face right now and will for 7 more years.
What do you think the 2010 mid terms will look like Topper?

I think you guys pick up significant seats, I hope you even get the house. The last thing I want to see is cap and scheeme pass.

It's typical for the party in control to lose midterms. Isn't it?
in essence, we're all liberals, except those folks who use that word to describe themselves today.....

Yes--they are statists and now call themselves progressives. The Irony is that the "more authentically American tradition of reform" also has a heavily European lineage. Over the decades, they hijacked the Dem and Rep party, our education system, our media, and our courts. They are all the "Blame America first" fine folks----and we believe them. :(