A little factual history

Here is the first shocker---WE ARE ALL LIBERAL!

Sorry if that hurts the American Conservative to learn that fact, but it is a fact.

The true Conservative was that of the throne and alter. That is what the orgional Americans ran from to form the USA. They were considered liberal, because they wanted to be free to live their lives, not under rule of a large and expensive government.

Here's the thing though, today's so-called "liberal" is NOT liberal, they are SOCIALISTS! They do not believe in being free to live our lives, they believe in large expensive government telling us how to live our lives! In the social arena, they do not believe we should be free to decide for ourselves, they seek to have the courts impose their will on us at every turn, often against the expressed will of the people. Today's Liberal has absolutely NOTHING in common with our founders, those sentiments are most often expressed by the conservatives.
. Today's Liberal has absolutely NOTHING in common with our founders, those sentiments are most often expressed by the conservatives.

Well, by REAL conservatives like Pat Buchanan who don't jizz all over the room every time the US enters more and more entangling alliances and wields its billy club all over the world.

There's a difference between Republican Boot Licker and Conservative. I wonder if you'll ever get it.
Well, by REAL conservatives like Pat Buchanan who don't jizz all over the room every time the US enters more and more entangling alliances and wields its billy club all over the world.

There's a difference between Republican Boot Licker and Conservative. I wonder if you'll ever get it.

Well, I disagree. I think Pat Buchanan is an isolationist who likes being the antagonist. He can talk boldly about what he thinks should and shouldn't be done, because he is never going to be in a position of authority to have to make those tough choices.
Well, I disagree. I think Pat Buchanan is an isolationist who likes being the antagonist. He can talk boldly about what he thinks should and shouldn't be done, because he is never going to be in a position of authority to have to make those tough choices.

Whether he's in power or not, his foreign policy has been correct all along, and more aligned with the foreign policy of the forefathers than your brand of Republican partisan imperialism. You see, no party owns the rights to an ideology, surely you know this as the Democrats claim to be "Democratic". They're about as democratic as Republicans are "Conservative".

And when a foreign policy Conservative comes along and actually is right time after time after time, but not in lock step with the party, you hacks come out and spill nonsense about how he's irrelevant or how he'll never have power. And the reason you do this is because you're really not interested in the true conservative cause, but you're more interested in the power structure, in which party can gain it, and which lead lemming you'll support.

So don't give me the "Conservative" rap. You're a Republican, which long since lost its real "Conservative" status.

Face it, you reject Pat Buchanan because he's not a rank and file republican.
Whether he's in power or not, his foreign policy has been correct all along,

No it hasn't you dimwit! He's not the fucking PRESIDENT! His "foreign policy" resides in his bulbous ugly-ass head, and there alone! We have NO idea of what Buchanan foreign policy might have caused, because the mutherfucker is NOT the president, and won't ever BE the president!
and more aligned with the foreign policy of the forefathers than your brand of Republican partisan imperialism.

MY forefathers have fought and died for liberty and democracy all over the world! Not a tepid weak-kneed pussy-whipped appeasement of totalitarian Islamo-fascists at every damn opportunity! Fuck you telling me what MY forefathers were about, you don't fucking have a clue!
MY forefathers have fought and died for liberty and democracy all over the world! Not a tepid weak-kneed pussy-whipped appeasement of totalitarian Islamo-fascists at every damn opportunity! Fuck you telling me what MY forefathers were about, you don't fucking have a clue!

No, you don't have a clue fool. You can keep subscribing to the neocon idea that we have been non-interventionist all this time, because you don't understand the simple, empirical reality that we have our shit all over the world and that we are now more expansive than the British Empire Ever WAS. We are more expansive than the British government was at the time of our revolution. But you don't give a fuck. You are told what and how to think, and that's good enough for you.

Call yourself what you are, A Republican Party Enthusiast. But don't confuse it with reality.
No, you don't have a clue fool. You can keep subscribing to the neocon idea that we have been non-interventionist all this time, because you don't understand the simple, empirical reality that we have our shit all over the world and that we are now more expansive than the British Empire Ever WAS. We are more expansive than the government was at the time of our revolution. But you don't give a fuck. You are told what and how to think, and that's good enough for you.

Call yourself what you are, A Republican Party Enthusiast. But don't confuse it with reality.

Our military bases and armed forces are all over the world for a reason... we fucking rescued the world from Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito! If you had been alive back then, no doubt you'd have been on the side of Neville Chamberlain, and would've advocated isolationism! You're living in some kind of fucked up fantasy world, where you just don't see the danger or threat in the world, and if you (or Pat Buchanan) had been running the show, our enemies would have killed us all off a LONG time ago! Thank fucking God we didn't have that many half-assed morons like YOU around in 1941!

With you, it's all about your goddamn money, you don't give a shit if the rest of the world lives in abject poverty under the iron-fisted rule of tyrants! That's all just fine and dandy with you, as long as you don't have to pay for it! But the problem is, we ALL ultimately PAY for complacency. Chaos envelops the world, and markets begin to collapse, and then our own market collapses, and then what? ...Fiddle while we watch America burn????

You are such a fucking dimwit, I don't even know why I bother conversing with you! Nothing you ever have to say makes a goddamn lick of sense, it's usually some ass-kiss job on Pat Moron Buchanan! I swear, I bet you have posters of the man hanging over your fucking bed! The guy is a self-serving egotistical nimrod, who has nothing whatsoever to lose in advocating his insane idiocy! He is never going to be in power to implement it, and no one in power is ever going to be crazy enough to listen to him! So he can say whatever the fuck he wants, and we will never know what the result of his ideas would be!
Our military bases and armed forces are all over the world for a reason... we fucking rescued the world from Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito! If you had been alive back then, no doubt you'd have been on the side of Neville Chamberlain, and would've advocated isolationism! You're living in some kind of fucked up fantasy world, where you just don't see the danger or threat in the world, and if you (or Pat Buchanan) had been running the show, our enemies would have killed us all off a LONG time ago! Thank fucking God we didn't have that many half-assed morons like YOU around in 1941!
You obviously have no idea what isolationism is. Could you be any more blatantly ignorant? Let me give you a third grade lesson, and hopefully you can gather this better than you gather math.

Isolationism is the practice of non engagement in any form.

Now, hopefully you get that. Now, Non-Interventionism.

The business of engaging countries and not meddling in their government and affairs unless it directly affects us, in which case it becomes diplomacy.

Now, here comes the brain splitter, (for you at least) Isolationism is not anything that has ever been practiced by this country ever, nor has it been espoused for the last century.

Non-Interventionism is what the founding fathers based their foreign policy on. Why? Because unlike you and your ilk, they understood that war is sometimes necessary, and unnecessary war is always a disaster. You never met a war you didn't like. If the US goes to war, then that's good enough for you. I'm amazed that a grown man would not take the deaths of those of our young generation more seriously. Why you would never dream of even considering the reason for these deaths, and instead dismiss them based on party affiliation is beyond me.

With you, it's all about your goddamn money, you don't give a shit if the rest of the world lives in abject poverty under the iron-fisted rule of tyrants! That's all just fine and dandy with you, as long as you don't have to pay for it! But the problem is, we ALL ultimately PAY for complacency. Chaos envelops the world, and markets begin to collapse, and then our own market collapses, and then what? ...Fiddle while we watch America burn????

And you don't admit that you're imperialist? You can sit back happily knowing that we blow up shit all over the world in the pursuit of liberating them? Sounds a lot like a former world power would think. The ends (which are unachievable) justify the means (which never, ever end). Keep it up fool. By the time you're done, we'll have another million dead and you'll still be running around digging on wars and claiming you're for peace out the other side of your mouth. You'll keep claiming peace is only achievable through the barrel of a cannon.

You are such a fucking dimwit, I don't even know why I bother conversing with you! Nothing you ever have to say makes a goddamn lick of sense, it's usually some ass-kiss job on Pat Moron Buchanan! I swear, I bet you have posters of the man hanging over your fucking bed! The guy is a self-serving egotistical nimrod, who has nothing whatsoever to lose in advocating his insane idiocy! He is never going to be in power to implement it, and no one in power is ever going to be crazy enough to listen to him! So he can say whatever the fuck he wants, and we will never know what the result of his ideas would be!

But you voted for him in 96, you voted for W twice and you happily voted for McCain. And Buchanan is the one you slam? And you call yourself a conservative?
No, Dixie, the rest of the world might possibly have killed itself off, if not for our intervention. The thing you fail to understand when arguing that WWII makes everything right, is WWI. WWI led directly to WWII, the Cold War, and the modern War on Terror, and the collapse of the old Austria-Hungarian Empire left the Balkans in chaos, which might otherwise have prevented the genocides in the 90's conducted by the Serbs.

We caused all of this to happen by entering WWI and tipping the European balance of power, allowing the war to end in something other than stalemate. It is possible that we may never escape from the grip of WWI's legacy. This is one reason why Beefy and I hate, loathe, and destest Wilson.
The business of engaging countries and not meddling in their government and affairs unless it directly affects us, in which case it becomes diplomacy.

Now, here comes the brain splitter, (for you at least) Isolationism is not anything that has ever been practiced by this country ever, nor has it been espoused for the last century.

Non-Interventionism is what the founding fathers based their foreign policy on. Why? Because unlike you and your ilk, they understood that war is sometimes necessary, and unnecessary war is always a disaster. You never met a war you didn't like. If the US goes to war, then that's good enough for you. I'm amazed that a grown man would not take the deaths of those of our young generation more seriously. Why you would never dream of even considering the reason for these deaths, and instead dismiss them based on party affiliation is beyond me.

Our founding fathers established the principles of liberty endowed by our Creator, and not man. This made us different from England, or any other nation of the time. Since then, we have been the world's torchbearer for freedom and liberty for all. Through the many decades, we have fought ignorant people who thought that meant something other than what it means... it didn't apply to black people... it didn't apply to women... etc. In the end, the words of truth ring through, WE ARE ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR! ALL OF US! EVERY HUMAN ON THIS PLANET IS ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR!

Certainly, our Founding Fathers understood, our nation couldn't go around enforcing that standard on other nations, but it is our responsibility to support it and encourage it around the globe, if we honestly believe this to be the truth! Otherwise, we are not principled in that conviction at all, and our foundation should have been more aptly stated, only American people are endowed by their Creator! It is said by our founders to be a truth that is self-evident. So, is it actually self-evident, or not?

We have fought totalitarian Fascism, Socialism, Nazism, Communism, Imperialism, Rogue Dictators, and most recently, Radical Islamic Terrorism! We aren't fighting them to take their land and make them walk and talk as we like.... that seems to be what YOU think our actions mean! We have a fundamental responsibility, if we believe in what America stands for, to help people realize freedom and democracy wherever it is desired.

However many people want to stand in the way of that and be killed, I'm fine with it!
Our founding fathers established the principles of liberty endowed by our Creator, and not man. This made us different from England, or any other nation of the time. Since then, we have been the world's torchbearer for freedom and liberty for all. Through the many decades, we have fought ignorant people who thought that meant something other than what it means... it didn't apply to black people... it didn't apply to women... etc. In the end, the words of truth ring through, WE ARE ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR! ALL OF US! EVERY HUMAN ON THIS PLANET IS ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR!

Certainly, our Founding Fathers understood, our nation couldn't go around enforcing that standard on other nations, but it is our responsibility to support it and encourage it around the globe, if we honestly believe this to be the truth! Otherwise, we are not principled in that conviction at all, and our foundation should have been more aptly stated, only American people are endowed by their Creator! It is said by our founders to be a truth that is self-evident. So, is it actually self-evident, or not?

We have fought totalitarian Fascism, Socialism, Nazism, Communism, Imperialism, Rogue Dictators, and most recently, Radical Islamic Terrorism! We aren't fighting them to take their land and make them walk and talk as we like.... that seems to be what YOU think our actions mean! We have a fundamental responsibility, if we believe in what America stands for, to help people realize freedom and democracy wherever it is desired.

However many people want to stand in the way of that and be killed, I'm fine with it!

You don't even know that you are a total Imperialist. Imperialism and terrorism are inextricable. Congratulations.
You don't even know that you are a total Imperialist. Imperialism and terrorism are inextricable. Congratulations.

No, I am not Imperialist at all. I oppose Imperialism. You've not established what America has done, is "Imperialist" by ANY fucking definition of the word! That is your empty-headed feeling!
No it hasn't you dimwit! He's not the fucking PRESIDENT! His "foreign policy" resides in his bulbous ugly-ass head, and there alone! We have NO idea of what Buchanan foreign policy might have caused, because the mutherfucker is NOT the president, and won't ever BE the president!

After seeing once again that he's about to lose another debate, our resident expert of US foreign policy lets his TRUE SELF come to the fore.

The REAL Dixie...the Dixie that proves the truth behind the assertion that vulgarity and insults are the last refuge of the weak-minded.

Good GOD Dix, why is it so difficult for you to form a rational thought free of vulgarity?
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The REAL Dixie...the Dixie that proves the truth behind the assertion that vulgarity and insults are the last refuge of the weak-minded.

well you better hurry and add it to your list you have going in your signature..that's about the only thing people see of you when you post the same rants over and over....:palm:
Dixie, you do realize that Wilsonianism is un-American, don't you?

No, actually I don't realize that, can you explain to me why it's un-American? Since it has largely been a part of American foreign policy since 1910, I think it could hardly be considered un-American. Wilson's Fourteen Points are still relevant, almost a century later.

But this issue isn't about Wilson, or a century-old foreign policy initiative of the US. It is about the very core foundation of who we are as Americans. What America stands for, what it means to be an American. Our founding principle is, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. This is either true or false from our perspective, we either believe this to be self-evident, or we don't. It's as simple as that. Our founders stated they believed this was self-evident, and thus, penned a Constitution based on that principle.

If you want to discard the principle, everything based on that principle fails, it becomes irrelevant and unsupportable in principle. The Founders didn't indicate that only white European men who live inside the confines of the US borders, are created equal and endowed with rights at birth, and everyone else is not entitled to liberty and have to fend for themselves! That is the principle you wish to adopt, and it FAILS!
No, actually I don't realize that, can you explain to me why it's un-American? Since it has largely been a part of American foreign policy since 1910, I think it could hardly be considered un-American. Wilson's Fourteen Points are still relevant, almost a century later.

But this issue isn't about Wilson, or a century-old foreign policy initiative of the US. It is about the very core foundation of who we are as Americans. What America stands for, what it means to be an American. Our founding principle is, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. This is either true or false from our perspective, we either believe this to be self-evident, or we don't. It's as simple as that. Our founders stated they believed this was self-evident, and thus, penned a Constitution based on that principle.

If you want to discard the principle, everything based on that principle fails, it becomes irrelevant and unsupportable in principle. The Founders didn't indicate that only white European men who live inside the confines of the US borders, are created equal and endowed with rights at birth, and everyone else is not entitled to liberty and have to fend for themselves! That is the principle you wish to adopt, and it FAILS!

The Founders believed, and all Americans believed, until the coming of your hero Thomas Woodrow Wilson, that if people aspire for their Natural Rights, that they must take the initiative on their own and caste off tyranny. Notice how Washington refused to support the French Revolution and the wars that ensued? According to you, Washington was being a bad American and denying that the French deserve those rights.
The Founders believed, and all Americans believed, until the coming of your hero Thomas Woodrow Wilson, that if people aspire for their Natural Rights, that they must take the initiative on their own and caste off tyranny. Notice how Washington refused to support the French Revolution and the wars that ensued? According to you, Washington was being a bad American and denying that the French deserve those rights.

That is your words, not mine. I know that in Washington's day, we were fortunate to be able to field an army of any kind, we certainly were not able to go marching around the world instilling democracy and liberty! Perhaps the mere logistics of trying to fight a war across an ocean in the 1700s, was a bit too daunting for even Washington? Sometimes your principles have to take a back seat to practicality, and that was the case then.

My point is, our founding principle... you either believe it, or you don't believe it. There is NOT a gray area! We either believe every human is endowed by their Creator, certain inalienable rights, or we don't believe that! If we DO believe it, we have an obligation to support and encourage it, wherever it is desired, and if we have the capacity and wherewithal, we should help lead the fight for it! That is what you do when you truly believe in your principles. Your problem is, you DON'T believe in that principle at all! You believe our rights are OURS and OURS alone, and anyone else who wants them, should have to fight for them, because they aren't "endowed" with them, they are "earned" by fighting tyrants! This contradicts our founding principles.