A lot of people have moved out of blue states into red states in the last decade.......


Well-known member
Just so you know,........When my boy DJT is again in the Whitehouse after this election He and the Supremes will be doing something to get some of those Electoral college votes reapportioned as they should be. A few from this Blue State and that blue State and a couple from that one over there with those totals added to the Red states that have received the immigrants fleeing those blue states. It only fair remember,....its the American way!

What we want does not matter to the New Slavers......we are to do as we are told.
Then shut up and do as your told old man. But you dont speak for the rest of us. What are they going to do? KILL US? Who gives a fuck,....we ALL die sometime,....even them. Piddly ass shit like that doesnt scare me at all,.....We ALL go,....even that ooogly mother fooker MAO is being eaten by maggots as we speak......
Just so you know,........When my boy DJT is again in the Whitehouse after this election He and the Supremes will be doing something to get some of those Electoral college votes reapportioned as they should be. A few from this Blue State and that blue State and a couple from that one over there with those totals added to the Red states that have received the immigrants fleeing those blue states. It only fair remember,....its the American way!

And turning those states Blue :)

Poor pasty face cross wearing mutant
Just so you know,........When my boy DJT is again in the Whitehouse after this election He and the Supremes will be doing something to get some of those Electoral college votes reapportioned as they should be. A few from this Blue State and that blue State and a couple from that one over there with those totals added to the Red states that have received the immigrants fleeing those blue states. It only fair remember,....its the American way!

Your boy? You've lost all credibility. What happened to you dude?
The time for YOU to get up off your ass and actually be productive and work is almost here. My advice to you is begin getting ready for it,....NOW. That way the adjustment will be easier for you. No work= no eat.
Says the guy who is right about as often as Walt is.