A lot of people have moved out of blue states into red states in the last decade.......

She spoke well enough face to face with the blowhard to increase her lead in the polls.
LOL..you know that those theatrics and her "joy" are not enough...that debate is old news...someone should tell her to get some new lines....and maybe a real idea or two...That was embarrassing and it's not going to get any better for her..
People are just not that stupid...
LOL..you know that those theatrics and her "joy" are not enough...that debate is old news...someone should tell her to get some new lines....and maybe a real idea or two...That was embarrassing and it's not going to get any better for her..
People are just not that stupid...
People are that stupid. Trump’s popularity as leader is exhibit one.
People are that stupid. Trump’s popularity as leader is exhibit one.
No, they aren't...
This isn't about personality for most...this is about their families, their community, their country...
People are frustrated and exhausted.....and rightfully so...
She's done nothing for them for almost 4 years...and she's got nothing for them now...
That was embarrassing yesterday....they tried so hard to help her...but there's just no help...
No, they aren't...
This isn't about personality for most...this is about their families, their community, their country...
People are frustrated and exhausted.....and rightfully so...
She's done nothing for them for almost 4 years...and she's got nothing for them now...
That was embarrassing yesterday....they tried so hard to help her...but there's just no help...

Sure she is shit quality....but the Regime is going to install her anyways.....they are rubbing our noses in it.
No, they aren't...
This isn't about personality for most...this is about their families, their community, their country...
People are frustrated and exhausted.....and rightfully so...
She's done nothing for them for almost 4 years...and she's got nothing for them now...
That was embarrassing yesterday....they tried so hard to help her...but there's just no help...
One sign of stupidity is repeating the same mistake, what the critics of Harris' intelligence keep doing. Don't stop.
One sign of stupidity is repeating the same mistake, what the critics of Harris' intelligence keep doing. Don't stop.
She is repeating the same mistakes , isn't she? I bet we've heard those remarks several dozen times lol... Still no actual policies.. That's all she knows how to do so I guess she can't stop...
People are that stupid. Trump’s popularity as leader is exhibit one.
Well we all know the MAGA have to be some of the stupidest people on the planet ,their Orange GOD comes right out and tells them he doesn't give a shit about them all he wants is their vote and their money and they laugh about it and keep giving a Billionaire their last cent.
Then they keep saying they are all about CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and their orange God comes out and tells them he wants to take peoples guns away and he he is going to get every government to he can to go after and shut down the left leaning MSM outlets.
Trump wants to stomp on some peoples Constitutional rights and take away their first and second Amendment rights and they still back him. That is not too bright.
As I have asked them and still haven't got an answer and that is What are you going to do when Trump is done taking away their Constitutional rights and starts coming after YOURS?
Again be careful what you wish for when you get what you THINK you want and it terns on you and bites you in the ass it is to late.
YES people who back a person like Trump are really stupid.
Have a nice day
My credibility is excellent,.........where it actually matters. :laugh:
No, Stone...it is not.

I have the same question: What the hell happened to you?

You and the other MAGA morons have become robots...saying stuff your masters want to hear...no matter how absurd it is.

You have all gone nuts.
Well we all know the MAGA have to be some of the stupidest people on the planet ,their Orange GOD comes right out and tells them he doesn't give a shit about them all he wants is their vote and their money and they laugh about it and keep giving a Billionaire their last cent.
Then they keep saying they are all about CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and their orange God comes out and tells them he wants to take peoples guns away and he he is going to get every government to he can to go after and shut down the left leaning MSM outlets.
Trump wants to stomp on some peoples Constitutional rights and take away their first and second Amendment rights and they still back him. That is not too bright.
As I have asked them and still haven't got an answer and that is What are you going to do when Trump is done taking away their Constitutional rights and starts coming after YOURS?
Again be careful what you wish for when you get what you THINK you want and it terns on you and bites you in the ass it is to late.
YES people who back a person like Trump are really stupid.
Have a nice day
Yup. They seem determined to learn the hard way.

Just so you know,........When my boy DJT is again in the Whitehouse after this election He and the Supremes will be doing something to get some of those Electoral college votes reapportioned as they should be. A few from this Blue State and that blue State and a couple from that one over there with those totals added to the Red states that have received the immigrants fleeing those blue states. It only fair remember,....its the American way!

Yup. They seem determined to learn the hard way.

One other thing I have NO idea how anybody that fought in the Afghan war could vote for Trump IF they have ever read the Agreement he signed with the Taliban.
An agreement with an entity we didn't recognize as a state or anything else but Terrorists and it states that right in the agreement several times.
He gave them everything they were fighting for for 20 years and then was STUPID enough to put the welfare and safety of our troops in their hands .
They agreed to make sure all our troops got out safe.
Now who would be stupid enough to put the safety of the troop that have been fighting them for 20 years in the hands of those people?
troops that had been wounding, and killing those people for those 20 years?
Trump is a real idiot.
He also helped them get seats in the government that helped them take it over , then promised them aid and complete recognition among other countries and help to rebuild .
He is a Traitor for helping our enemy.
Some how we need to get every Afghan VET to read this Agreement and see what Trump did for themselves.
Have a nice day
Just so you know,........When my boy DJT is again in the Whitehouse after this election He and the Supremes will be doing something to get some of those Electoral college votes reapportioned as they should be. A few from this Blue State and that blue State and a couple from that one over there with those totals added to the Red states that have received the immigrants fleeing those blue states. It only fair remember,....its the American way!

Maybe, but those people generally still vote for the Democrats, so these formerly "red" states will be moving in a more healthy direction. Ohio and Texas both are showing a big shift.
Isn't Texas getting closer to being a swing state?
I specifically remember posts from 2016 and 2020 with people proclaiming Texas was turning blue and showing polls of Clinton and then Biden either leading or tied at some point during the race then on election day it was never really close.

I don't think Texas has voted for a Democrat for statewide office since sometime in the 90's (Anne Richards?). But that doesn't mean it's going to stay that way of course. Times, and voters, change.

The WSJ had a big article last month on "Y'all Street" they called it, about the growth in financial jobs in the Dallas area and how Dallas had the second most financial jobs in the country after New York. Texas in experiencing a huge boom.

Since all we care about are politics the question is how many liberals are willing moving to Texas? When I visit the in-laws in Texas I hear plenty of people there complaining about the influx of Californians. Although small on a percentage basis within the state, California has a large number of Republicans (due to the size of the state obviously), and more than a negligible number have decided to leave.

Not everyone's life revolves around politics and plenty of people move to, and live in, states where their politics are not in the majority. But you keep hearing about Texas becoming purple or blue and it's yet to happen.