A lot of people have moved out of blue states into red states in the last decade.......

Just so you know,........When my boy DJT is again in the Whitehouse after this election He and the Supremes will be doing something to get some of those Electoral college votes reapportioned as they should be. A few from this Blue State and that blue State and a couple from that one over there with those totals added to the Red states that have received the immigrants fleeing those blue states. It only fair remember,....its the American way!

This could very well turn red states purple or blue.
Just so you know,........When my boy DJT is again in the Whitehouse after this election He and the Supremes will be doing something to get some of those Electoral college votes reapportioned as they should be. A few from this Blue State and that blue State and a couple from that one over there with those totals added to the Red states that have received the immigrants fleeing those blue states. It only fair remember,....its the American way!


It's called the census. Duh.
Just so you know,........When my boy DJT is again in the Whitehouse after this election He and the Supremes will be doing something to get some of those Electoral college votes reapportioned as they should be. A few from this Blue State and that blue State and a couple from that one over there with those totals added to the Red states that have received the immigrants fleeing those blue states. It only fair remember,....its the American way!
So now you want to suspend the Constitution to do another reapportionment? The way things are supposed to work, every ten years, we do a census, and reapportionment. trump did the last, back in 2020. The next is in 2030. If trump wants to do the next, he has to be elected in 2028.

If he does get elected in 2028, he would be expected to serve until 2033, when he would be 86.
Just so you know,........When my boy DJT is again in the Whitehouse after this election He and the Supremes will be doing something to get some of those Electoral college votes reapportioned as they should be. A few from this Blue State and that blue State and a couple from that one over there with those totals added to the Red states that have received the immigrants fleeing those blue states. It only fair remember,....its the American way!

Isn't that the job of the census?
It's called the census. Duh.
And it is in the Constitution how they are assigned to the state , and it is in the Constitution that the state Legislatures can appoint who they want to be their reps to the EC and actually who those reps will vote for , and State legislatures don't even need to hold elections they can appoint who ever they want.
But I am sure now a days if they EVER did that they wouldn't have a job for long.
Morons like stone don't give a shit about the Constitution or other peoples Constitutional rights JUST like his orange GOD Trump.
And He has even come out and told those morons he doesn't give a shit about them or anybody HE only wants their vote and as we all know their money too.
And the are so stupid that they don't even know Trump is telling them the TRUTH for ONCE.
Have a nice day