T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
You post no facts. "What about" is you opining.
Those names are correct. The positions I outlined for them are correct. Prove me wrong.
You post no facts. "What about" is you opining.
never read links. Obviously you cannot articulate yourself.
Those names are correct. The positions I outlined for them are correct. Prove me wrong.
If you want a summary, anti-racism is an ideology that pretends to be about fighting racism while engaging in tactics that amount to injecting race into everything. Imagine the most fanatical feminists injecting "patriarchy" into every possible discussion, but then replace that word with "white supremacy."
It's nothing but a con game, but much of the left has bought into it wholesale.
Maybe don't say racist things. Try it. You'll feel better.
What have I said that is racist?
Good, then there is no problem.
I understand that trying to silence people is a popular tactic by the left, but it doesn't work on everyone.
I did not try to silence you. You're paranoid.
Do you see the problem with injecting race into discussions that have nothing to do with it? Furthermore, do you see the problem with certain minorities using alleged "racism" to get what they want out of people and the system?
Now you sound like a racist.
It's not racist to hold minorities to the same standards I would hold white people to.
Okay. I don't know what you're complaining about.
Then I guess you haven't noticed how many race baiters there are in this society. BLM is one of the worst groups about it.
You mean they should shut up and let cops kill them?
I mean they should study the facts about the situation. Multiple studies (some by black researchers) have found that cops do not disproportionately use lethal force against black suspects. When you adjust for every factor other than race, much of the results have actually found that cops are less likely to use lethal force against violent black suspects as compared with violent white suspects. Roland Fryer (a Harvard professor) did a study on this, for example.
People are reluctant to admit it, but FBI crime stats play this out -- because the black community does a disproportionate amount of violent crime, they have a disproportionate amount of police altercations. Some of those end up with lethal consequences.
The news fixates on anomalous situations. When a white cop kills or shoots a black suspect that isn't violent, that's very rare. That's what makes it shocking. Unfortunately, the amount of attention it gets makes it look like it's some epidemic, and then black celebrities decide to pile on, along with whites that want to virtue signal.
It's gotten so bad now that riots occur when even violent black suspects get killed, like the guy in Philly that was chasing a cop with a knife.
I believe racism against blacks is real.
I am more concerned that Trump does not pay taxes than some black guy stole a tv set.
I'm not saying racism doesn't exist. I'm just saying that much of the left blows it out of proportion. I can sympathize with holding elites more accountable, but I'm also not going to give a pass to rioters or looters.
I don't envy Biden- He has some serious cleaning up to do!