A message for liberals

Taking the same percentage of a poor person's income and a wealthy person's income is not treating everyone the same. The actual dollars left over or lack of dollars left over can adversely affect the poor person.

Should any portion of a poor person's income be used to erect a statue in a park when they can't afford to put food on the table? Should any portion of a poor person's income be used to protect wildlife when they can't afford proper dental care for their children?

From Interstate Highways to sidewalks in a small town do you believe a poor person should contribute to those things while being unable to afford medical care?

An equal percentage is only fair if everyone earned an equal income.

how about we forget about statues, sidewalks and wildlife on a federal level, then no body has to pay for them.....

we've got bike paths everywhere around here that were paid for with federal grant money, including a million dollar bridge over the interstate that you can't get to and wasn't needed........forty miles north of here they spent over a million dollars putting up fences so turtles wouldn't wander onto the interstate and get killed.......
[1]Those who control 90% of the wealth should pay 90% of the taxes. [2] Now that's fair and your idea of small efficient government has never born out. All your type do is preach small government and then give us even fucking bigger, more invasive and intrusive government that is also corrupt and incompetent. If we leave it up to you guys 3 families will own the nation, the rest of us will live in dire poverty and the whole country will become another corrupt kleptocracy like Zimbabwe.
1. That's what an equal tax rate does Moot.
2. Its never been born out because we've never had a majority of conservatives control congress and the presidency. Here's a clue Moot: big government Republicans aren't conservatives.
Taking the same percentage of a poor person's income and a wealthy person's income is not treating everyone the same. The actual dollars left over or lack of dollars left over can adversely affect the poor person.

Should any portion of a poor person's income be used to erect a statue in a park when they can't afford to put food on the table? Should any portion of a poor person's income be used to protect wildlife when they can't afford proper dental care for their children?

From Interstate Highways to sidewalks in a small town do you believe a poor person should contribute to those things while being unable to afford medical care?

An equal percentage is only fair if everyone earned an equal income.

Poor people use public facilities more. Rich folk don't go to public parks, and they don't go to public health clinics. By your logic, they should be paying a higher percentage.
how about we forget about statues, sidewalks and wildlife on a federal level, then no body has to pay for them.....

The problem is society, as a whole, would lose out.

we've got bike paths everywhere around here that were paid for with federal grant money, including a million dollar bridge over the interstate that you can't get to and wasn't needed........forty miles north of here they spent over a million dollars putting up fences so turtles wouldn't wander onto the interstate and get killed.......

Talking about society losing out a bike path reduces automobile use so everyone gains. Granted, there are many projects that are simply a waste of money but that's a different topic. Even programs that everyone agrees is worthwhile should not be paid for by taxing people who are struggling to live.

For example, public libraries are certainly a worthwhile government endeavor, however, affording proper food and shelter comes before libraries. Protecting wildlife so as to avoid extinction is definitely a worthwhile endeavor but, again, not at the cost of a child having teeth removed because the parent cannot afford a filling.

National Parks are a definite plus considering the population's ever-increasing rate but are they more important than healthy food for one's family?
Poor people use public facilities more. Rich folk don't go to public parks, and they don't go to public health clinics. By your logic, they should be paying a higher percentage.

Quite the contrary. If the poor had the opportunity to have a beach house or a cabin in the mountains then things would be equal.

Most people agree one needs to "get away" every now and then. That's why public parks are so popular. The poor have a place to unwind and relax.

I'm not sure what you mean by, "By your logic, they should be paying a higher percentage." I've never said the frequency of use should determine ones contribution. If that was the case it's no different than a person paying for anything else which goes against the very idea of having public places.
Quite the contrary. If the poor had the opportunity to have a beach house or a cabin in the mountains then things would be equal.

Most people agree one needs to "get away" every now and then. That's why public parks are so popular. The poor have a place to unwind and relax.

I'm not sure what you mean by, "By your logic, they should be paying a higher percentage." I've never said the frequency of use should determine ones contribution. If that was the case it's no different than a person paying for anything else which goes against the very idea of having public places.

So you don't believe that people should pay for the services that they use? Other people should pay for them?
Even programs that everyone agrees is worthwhile should not be paid for by taxing people who are struggling to live.

but that isn't the issue, is it......what we are dealing with is programs that everyone agrees are idiotic, paid for by taxes on people charged simply because they can afford it........
but that isn't the issue, is it......what we are dealing with is programs that everyone agrees are idiotic, paid for by taxes on people charged simply because they can afford it........

What we are dealing with is not enough programs that are not paid for by social parasites who contribute nothing to society to justify the large salaries they don't earn by taking advantage of market failures. Atlas must shrug - the workers must throw off the chains of the worthless bastards who do nothing and receive all. More government is the answer. Taxes should be raised as high as possible.
The ideology of ignorance and cruelty will be cleansed from humanity through blessed fire.

Koran 2:126
And when Abraham prayed: My Lord! Make this a region of security and bestow upon its people fruits, such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day, He answered: As for him who disbelieveth, I shall leave him in contentment for a while, then I shall compel him to the doom of Fire - a hapless journey's end!
So you don't believe that people should pay for the services that they use? Other people should pay for them?

The government should pay for them. The government, as the arm of society, has a right to tax, and a right to distribute justice to those who deny society of its rights. Those who attack the people who are merely practicing societies rights shall be justly purged from the Earth. All who corrupt humanity shall be cleansed.
The government should pay for them. The government, as the arm of society, has a right to tax, and a right to distribute justice to those who deny society of its rights. Those who attack the people who are merely practicing societies rights shall be justly purged from the Earth. All who corrupt humanity shall be cleansed.

Koran 2:126
And when Abraham prayed: My Lord! Make this a region of security and bestow upon its people fruits, such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day, He answered: As for him who disbelieveth, I shall leave him in contentment for a while, then I shall compel him to the doom of Fire - a hapless journey's end!
1. That's what an equal tax rate does Moot.
2. Its never been born out because we've never had a majority of conservatives control congress and the presidency. Here's a clue Moot: big government Republicans aren't conservatives.

Isn't just like conservatives to think that the only reason their ideology has failed so catastrophically so many times is just because it's not been done the same way? Conservatives say the darndest things.
You're arguments are idiotic because they prove too much. If you followed each of your arguments to their logical end, anarchy would be the natural result. And you know what I would do with such anarchy? I would reestablish an entity named "The Government", and infringe on your meaningless unprotected property rights all I want to, for the benefit of society, and kill all who resisted. Negative liberties are meaningless without the positive liberties that, by necessity, infringe upon them.
You're arguments are idiotic because they prove too much. If you followed each of your arguments to their logical end, anarchy would be the natural result. And you know what I would do with such anarchy? I would reestablish an entity named "The Government", and infringe on your meaningless unprotected property rights all I want to, for the benefit of society, and kill all who resisted. Negative liberties are meaningless without the positive liberties that, by necessity, infringe upon them.

You're an idiot.
Grow up.
Quite the contrary. If the poor had the opportunity to have a beach house or a cabin in the mountains then things would be equal.
then by all means, i think you should start a petition to congress that everyone should get a choice of a beach house or mountain cabin to be given to them using the general welfare clause.