I'm sorry, are you suggesting that the 'white house' would call in an airstrike on the white house?
and you still fail to see the resulting consequences from this type of action?
Yes I could see the White House calling in an air strike on the White House lawn. If they thought the president was threatened they would certainly use military force.
I see the consequences. The revolution would have 1% of the population. The opposition would have 50% of the population (49% would just be sheep).
But the media would be the key. How they report the events would make the difference.
Suppose the revolution does manage to overrun congress and even take over the White House. The Secret Service would have the president out of the building before it was taken, so Obama would still be in power.
Have you seen the way the media reports on Obama? Do you think the newscasters would be talking about a revolution for freedom or would they be talking about racists and militia nutballs?
Within hours Obama will be declaring martial law. Now all freedoms are gone. Now movement of people, supplies and weapons are extremely difficult. Now phone taps, email taps and covert surveillance is in full force.
Now the man you claim is dangerous has complete control. Anything congress says will be dismissed as words from hostages under duress.
Waco and Ruby Ridge became rallying points
after the smoke cleared and time passed allowing the truth to come out.
While it was going on it was reported as dangerous cults and militant survivalists.