a monopoly on force

Didn't we just go through an entire discussion, including showing Winterborn as an example, of how the vast majority are unwilling to trade their lives for a political cause? What makes you think that those "sheep" who refused to rise up as Patriots would suddenly rise up against the Patriots?

You assume the "patriots" would manage to find a common position to unite them after their convincing victory.
I've never driven an armored truck up the white house steps and through the door either, but if called to do so could so easily. :)

Get a better look at the White House lawn. You are not driving anything up to the steps.
I can see you've never served in the military, therefore your ignorance surrounding military and combat strategy is to be expected. FYI, there might be alot of stupid people who think that charging across the yard is the best course of action and we who are more tactically inclined call these people 'fodder'. Those of us with more experience will use these to mark our targets and provide better cover fire. It's a pretty simple concept, really.

Sir, I have indeed served. That is why I hold the position I do.

Marking your targets will help cut down on the more obvious defenders. But attacking a heavily armed and fortified building with no air support is not going to be a quick or simple task.

Suppressing fire will help, but the revolutionaries will still have to cross a large open area against automatic weapons.
Go have some tea and maturbate to pictures of the queen, you wanker.

Come on AHZ, the Queen, eh? You would though, i can tell that you would, you dirty dog.

She's on all the banknotes as well so it's literally anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
the cause is freedom.

That's fine but seeing as your good self, Southern Man and STY barely agree on anything how do you think that would translate to actual government?

I'm assuming STY would take the precaution of having SM lead the charge on the Whitehouse lawn so, admittedly, that may not be so much of a sticking point.
Yes I could see the White House calling in an air strike on the White House lawn. If they thought the president was threatened they would certainly use military force.
Then you're a bigger fool than I originally took you for.

I see the consequences. The revolution would have 1% of the population. The opposition would have 50% of the population (49% would just be sheep).
I suggest googling 3 percenters and oath keepers.

But the media would be the key. How they report the events would make the difference.
The media will learn quickly that they would need to shut the hell up or suffer consequences.

Suppose the revolution does manage to overrun congress and even take over the White House. The Secret Service would have the president out of the building before it was taken, so Obama would still be in power.
nobody is saying that simply taking those two buildings would end anything.

Have you seen the way the media reports on Obama? Do you think the newscasters would be talking about a revolution for freedom or would they be talking about racists and militia nutballs?
The first two assaults on media outlets would have the media scrambling for refuge somewhere. The clinton rules for targets of opportunity would be utilized.

Within hours Obama will be declaring martial law. Now all freedoms are gone. Now movement of people, supplies and weapons are extremely difficult. Now phone taps, email taps and covert surveillance is in full force.
and the revolution would grow by leaps and bounds as people who also mistrusted the feds, but continued to remain 'out of the fray' would see the overreach and decide to join against the gov. A self fulfilling prophecy you might say.