Check out this link. It's the census instructions for 1960. Look at P5: P5) Is this person - White, Negro, American Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Hawaiian, Part Hawaiian, Aleut, Eskimo, (etc.)?

There was a lot of leeway for defining race. "Negro" was one definition but look at some of the others... Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, etc. They aren't races, they're nationalities. And note the "(etc.)" The person filling out the form could define himself anyway he wanted. Since Obama Sr. was a native of Africa it's not surprising he'd call himself "African."


THAT is the cogent point!
You want to know why the White House took so long producing the document?

Because the poutrage displayed by lunatics who bought into the whole "birther" nonsense did more for his poll numbers than anything Obama might have done himself.

Every time one of you "birthers" opened his/her mouth and spewed more nutty conspiracy theories, it was absolute GOLD and helped cement in rational folks minds just how desperate and petty Republicans and Conservatives all across this land could be.

That is the essence of this whole birther thing. The koolaid soaked birthers cannot, even now, comprehend how much their caterwauling HELPED to elect Obama. And, let's face it.... even if they DID have a blinding epiphany and realize that fact, they'd never admit it.
I don't supposed you've got an idea when that might actually happen?

You providing the truth, that is.

He has provided you with the TRUTH repeatedly. It isn't his fault you, as a stone cold Lib, are capable of accepting the TRUTH......or anything within light years of it.
That is the essence of this whole birther thing. The koolaid soaked birthers cannot, even now, comprehend how much their caterwauling HELPED to elect Obama. And, let's face it.... even if they DID have a blinding epiphany and realize that fact, they'd never admit it.

Assuming that you, and the other mentally deranged Libs are partially correct in your analysis of Obummerrhoid's bogus birth certificate.......Howzabout the irrefutable fact that this Consummate Fraud Obumsky was a rabble rouser at ACORN, the Criminal Enterprise indicted by the FBI in 13+ states ? Or, the irrefutable fact that he was the bosom buddy of the NON-REPENTANT COMMIE/TERRORIST Whackjob Bill Ayers who bombed a Police HQ and the Pentagon.....and later proclaimed on National TV that that he, Bill Ayers was "sorry he wasn't more successful at it". Or, Howzabout the TWENTY YEAR tenure the Obummerrhoid had in Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright's Cathedral of Hate.....and then categorizing that Black Racist whackjob Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright, in Obumsky's own words as: Pastor, Friend, and Mentor". ? Plus the other irrefutable TRUTHS stated in my Op-Ed......and finally, Obummerrhoid's "legacy" legislation: ObumskyCare .......A national Disaster that even has the DEMS, a significant number of whom are stone cold LIBs to discard this Obummerrhoidal Abomination like a putrescent turd ?
Assuming that you, and the other mentally deranged Libs are partially correct in your analysis of Obummerrhoid's bogus birth certificate.......Howzabout the irrefutable fact that this Consummate Fraud Obumsky was a rabble rouser at ACORN, the Criminal Enterprise indicted by the FBI in 13+ states ? Or, the irrefutable fact that he was the bosom buddy of the NON-REPENTANT COMMIE/TERRORIST Whackjob Bill Ayers who bombed a Police HQ and the Pentagon.....and later proclaimed on National TV that that he, Bill Ayers was "sorry he wasn't more successful at it". Or, Howzabout the TWENTY YEAR tenure the Obummerrhoid had in Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright's Cathedral of Hate.....and then categorizing that Black Racist whackjob Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright, in Obumsky's own words as: Pastor, Friend, and Mentor". ? Plus the other irrefutable TRUTHS stated in my Op-Ed......and finally, Obummerrhoid's "legacy" legislation: ObumskyCare .......A national Disaster that even has the DEMS, a significant number of whom are stone cold LIBs to discard this Obummerrhoidal Abomination like a putrescent turd ?

You have got to be a liberal that is trolling. I'll give you a 4/10 for the effort but this was stuff being said in 2008. It is now 2014, you need to come up with new material if you want to step up your troll game.
You want to know why the White House took so long producing the document?

Because the poutrage displayed by lunatics who bought into the whole "birther" nonsense did more for his poll numbers than anything Obama might have done himself.

Every time one of you "birthers" opened his/her mouth and spewed more nutty conspiracy theories, it was absolute GOLD and helped cement in rational folks minds just how desperate and petty Republicans and Conservatives all across this land could be.

Yeah right! Like G. W. Bush Dick Cheney their wars and their Wall Street bailout and Obama's fucking "Hope & Change" lies had nothing to do with the commie bastard's rising poll numbers, huh Goober?

The reason more likely was the crooked bastard Chicago gang were negotiating the cost of a fake birth certificate with the Chicago Mafia, huh Goober?
CL... I had many friends of mine in Maine who were moderate republicans and independents who were appalled at the birther nonsense and attributed it in large part to their turning away from McCain.... "the company you keep".
You have got to be a liberal that is trolling. I'll give you a 4/10 for the effort but this was stuff being said in 2008. It is now 2014, you need to come up with new material if you want to step up your troll game.

You're missing the point: The mentally deranged libs don't realize that a murderer twenty years ago is still a murderer and just because the plethora of crimes a person committed years ago, these are not washed away by time and make the present plethora of crimes more credible especially for the lib idiots that can't accept reality no matter how frequent and abhorrent they are as in the case of the Obummerrhoid.
Assuming that you, and the other mentally deranged Libs are partially correct in your analysis of Obummerrhoid's bogus birth certificate.......Howzabout the irrefutable fact that this Consummate Fraud Obumsky was a rabble rouser at ACORN, the Criminal Enterprise indicted by the FBI in 13+ states ? Or, the irrefutable fact that he was the bosom buddy of the NON-REPENTANT COMMIE/TERRORIST Whackjob Bill Ayers who bombed a Police HQ and the Pentagon.....and later proclaimed on National TV that that he, Bill Ayers was "sorry he wasn't more successful at it". Or, Howzabout the TWENTY YEAR tenure the Obummerrhoid had in Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright's Cathedral of Hate.....and then categorizing that Black Racist whackjob Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright, in Obumsky's own words as: Pastor, Friend, and Mentor". ? Plus the other irrefutable TRUTHS stated in my Op-Ed......and finally, Obummerrhoid's "legacy" legislation: ObumskyCare .......A national Disaster that even has the DEMS, a significant number of whom are stone cold LIBs to discard this Obummerrhoidal Abomination like a putrescent turd ?

well guys to me he sounds just like 90 % of the republicans I talk to on the internets
CL... I had many friends of mine in Maine who were moderate republicans and independents who were appalled at the birther nonsense and attributed it in large part to their turning away from McCain.... "the company you keep".

What's a "moderate" Republican? In New England no less? The fact remains that if all of the accusations about Obama's birth are such a load of crap, then why did it take 2 fucking years for the bastard to produce the birth certificate? Couldn't the commie have put the preposterous lie to bed early, early by just having the NY Times come to his place of funny political business and copy it and sell it coast to coast virtually overnight? What was the son-of-a-bitch hiding?
Oh! I keep forgetting that brainwashed Democrats are never, ever curious about anything a fucking Democrat politician does or says, it's all gospel to the partisan little twits, huh? They don't give a fuck why it took the commie 2 years to produce a birth certificate. They don't even care if the commie is a citizen in accord with the Constitution as long as the bastard is a Democrat. How fucking pathetic is that?????
asked and answered. Do you have any idea what a gold mine the birther nonsense was for the Obama campaign? Why would they want to cut it off early when it was earning them votes every day? The more birthers babbled, the more the middle of the bell curve was alienated by them and, concurrently, moved towards Obama simply because birthers were for McCain and Romney. Birthers are the gift that keeps on giving. Y'all are STILL doing it today! Thank you!
You have got to be a liberal that is trolling. I'll give you a 4/10 for the effort but this was stuff being said in 2008. It is now 2014, you need to come up with new material if you want to step up your troll game.

Could be. Of course, patriot666 thanked his post, so...
asked and answered. Do you have any idea what a gold mine the birther nonsense was for the Obama campaign? Why would they want to cut it off early when it was earning them votes every day? The more birthers babbled, the more the middle of the bell curve was alienated by them and, concurrently, moved towards Obama simply because birthers were for McCain and Romney. Birthers are the gift that keeps on giving. Y'all are STILL doing it today! Thank you!

That’s your and Zappy’s lame fucking excuse for ignoring the fact that the commie bastard took 2 years to produce what is likely a phony certificate. “Gold Mine” your fucking ass! It’s probably the reason the elections were as close as they were after the Bushwhacker, Dick Cheney and the pathetic deadbeat candidates McCain and Romney that the RINOs were producing. Fucking Gomer Pile could have beaten those dipsticks. Another reason the commie got elected is the very, very thorough job the black whining crybabies and leftist propaganda perpetrators have done convincing the moron minions that blacks are some kind of victims. The Obama vote was and is a pathetic ”Shame Of Slavery Victim” vote. The fucking commie is about as qualified to be President of these United States as Fidel Castro.
You're a birther.... I wouldn't expect you to understand or, even if you did understand, to admit that the entire birther movement hurt the republican candidates with the center of the bell curve. Most Americans inherently understand the concept of Occam's razor. When you show them a tiny little announcement in a Honolulu newspaper from a half a century ago, the vast majority of us take it for what it is, not for what you wacko conspiracy theorists want to turn it into. The more Obama prolonged the birth certificate nonsense, the better it was for his candidacy.... hell... you birthers even succeeded in turning off centrist folks in 2012.... because you STILL couldn't let it go. Hey... keep it up. PLEASE.