You're a birther.... I wouldn't expect you to understand or, even if you did understand, to admit that the entire birther movement hurt the republican candidates with the center of the bell curve.

First I’m not a “birther.” I don’t promote or deny the possibility that this commie President is or isn’t a citizen. I simply argue that the evidence thereof is neither proof beyond any reasonable doubt or that the evidence thereof has ever been debunked except in the very, very partisan pumpkin-heads of partisan dipshits on either side of the issue.

Your explanation is simply partisan spin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Likely straight from the jaws of MSNBC, huh?

Most Americans inherently understand the concept of Occam's razor. When you show them a tiny little announcement in a Honolulu newspaper from a half a century ago, the vast majority of us take it for what it is, not for what you wacko conspiracy theorists want to turn it into. The more Obama prolonged the birth certificate nonsense, the better it was for his candidacy

I repeat, HORSESHIT!!!!!!!!! That’s leftist partisan brain-dead spin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for “MOST” Americans politically speaking, they don’t understand their fucking asses from holes in the ground! Your “Occam's razor” is simpleminded garbage for the simpleminded assholes who only vote for their share of the bribery or because they love wars.

.... hell... you birthers even succeeded in turning off centrist folks in 2012.... because you STILL couldn't let it go. Hey... keep it up. PLEASE.

Again, I’m no “birther” but who the fuck would expect you to Get It?????

“Centrist Folks?” People sitting on the middle of the fence get picket fence up their asses. American voting morons vote for their share of the bribery loot offered by the Duopoly. The largest offer gets the White House Prize and the Congress. You get to “HOPE” but nothing will “CHANGE.”
you're kind of a "Johnny One-Note". We get it... we understand that you fervently wish that everyone were as smart and knowledgeable as you are. We understand that you think that American politics is corrupt and your precious constitution is viewed differently now than it was in 1789. We get it. The big question is.... WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU INTEND TO DO ABOUT IT BEYOND WHINING ON AN INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD? My guess is.... not too much.

you're kind of a "Johnny One-Note". We get it... we understand that you fervently wish that everyone were as smart and knowledgeable as you are. We understand that you think that American politics is corrupt

How much ”THINKING” does it take to KNOW that American politics is corrupt? It’s a system corrupted and concocted by the Duopoly Major Parties to corner the market on the national debate, ballot access and crony Special Interest loot. It’s a system operated of the bribery, by the bribers and for the bribed. All others with actual issues to debate and conquer with constitutional decorum need not apply.

and your precious constitution is viewed differently now than it was in 1789. We get it. The big question is.... WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU INTEND TO DO ABOUT IT BEYOND WHINING ON AN INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD? My guess is.... not too much.


Too fucking bad you can’t make a rational constitutionally backed argument, huh Goober. Since it’s only your guarantee of rights and freedoms and restrictions on government intrusiveness, it’s no fucking wonderment to me that it bores you neo-commie bastards stiff.

What am I going to do about it Goober? I shall continue to shove the Constitution down your neo-commie throat and prove that you’re a leftist authoritarian without respect or loyalty to the founding principles of this nation. In short I’ll be a provin you and your ilk are neo-commie traitors to the nation and BIG government authoritarian sons & daughters-of-bitches!!!

How’s that just for starters Goober?????
I shall continue to shove the Constitution down your neo-commie throat and prove that you’re a leftist authoritarian without respect or loyalty to the founding principles of this nation. In short I’ll be a provin you and your ilk are neo-commie traitors to the nation and BIG government authoritarian sons & daughters-of-bitches!!!

How’s that just for starters Goobers?????

How's that for starters? Just about exactly what I expected you to say. CL standing on the ramparts... proclaiming truth, justice, and the American way on an out of the way message board in the corner of cyber space. I can see where it is ineffective as hell as a "starter" and will be, in all probability, totally ineffective as a "finisher".

You have no desire to actually change anything.... you just love to see your pontifications illuminating the pixels on the CRT screen.... classic narcissistic behavior.

How's that for starters? Just about exactly what I expected you to say. CL standing on the ramparts... proclaiming truth, justice, and the American way on an out of the way message board in the corner of cyber space. I can see where it is ineffective as hell as a "starter" and will be, in all probability, totally ineffective as a "finisher".

You have no desire to actually change anything.... you just love to see your pontifications illuminating the pixels on the CRT screen.... classic narcissistic behavior.


maineman, as a typical lib you are completely comfortable attacking the Constitution and those who ardently support it. Your attack on CL decrying his ardent support for the Constitution, the greatest political document produced by Mankind, and making "change" as one of your salient points makes one wonder why you bother living in the United States of America. No one would argue against adjustments to the modern age but not at the expense of altering the fundamental principles of the Constitution. If you want to change any of the fundamental principles of the the Constitution that produced the GREATEST NATION on this planet lo these hundreds of years......why the fruck don't you just get the hell outa here ?
How's that for starters? Just about exactly what I expected you to say. CL standing on the ramparts... proclaiming truth, justice, and the American way on an out of the way message board in the corner of cyber space. I can see where it is ineffective as hell as a "starter" and will be, in all probability, totally ineffective as a "finisher".

So, now it’s shoot the messenger time because you have no rational argumentative reply, right Goober?

If it’s so “ineffective,” what’s your claim to fame here besides silly neo-commie propaganda and leftwing spin?

“As a finisher,” seems it’s finished you off, you have no substantive reply.

You have no desire to actually change anything.... you just love to see your pontifications illuminating the pixels on the CRT screen.... classic narcissistic behavior.


But I’m at least not part of the problem like partisan idiots like you. Too fucking bad that I refuse to play the political musical chairs idiocy of Duopoly “Hope & Change.” I’m still waiting for you morons to produce what you think you’ve changed except the faces on the bastards you elect so we can tell them apart and the outrageous elevation of the National Debt. That’s “classic” moronic behavior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when was the last time you proved correct on the prediction of the outcome of policy?


You see when you cant get anything right no one listens to your rantings anymore.
So, now it’s shoot the messenger time because you have no rational argumentative reply, right Goober?

If it’s so “ineffective,” what’s your claim to fame here besides silly neo-commie propaganda and leftwing spin?

“As a finisher,” seems it’s finished you off, you have no substantive reply.

But I’m at least not part of the problem like partisan idiots like you. Too fucking bad that I refuse to play the political musical chairs idiocy of Duopoly “Hope & Change.” I’m still waiting for you morons to produce what you think you’ve changed except the faces on the bastards you elect so we can tell them apart and the outrageous elevation of the National Debt. That’s “classic” moronic behavior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't view myself as part of any problem by posting here.... you are the deluded poor sap who actually believes that your rants here will change the world even one iota. If you really wanted to actually do ANYTHING other than feed your own poor pathetic ego, you'd find a more productive outlet than this.

just sayin'
I don't view myself as part of any problem by posting here....

You’re part of the problem because you’re a neo-commie leftist moron who votes Goober!

you are the deluded poor sap who actually believes that your rants here will change the world even one iota.

And you’re sooooo fucking irrationally diluted and self-enthused that you believe you can read minds, know what others are thinking and ejaculate their motives and intentions. People don’t “change the world” on political forums, people that adorn political forums are simply morons that like to argue and be entertained all at the same time. If any of us had a smidgen of brains, we’d put them to one hell of a lot better use than arguing with other idiots. I come here because it’s better than the fucking boob tube.

If you really wanted to actually do ANYTHING other than feed your own poor pathetic ego, you'd find a more productive outlet than this.

But this is not my only outlet. I chase young women in my spare time. If I ever catch one, that will be a major achievement.

just sayin'

Your “sayin” sucks Commie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I chased a younger woman.... about twenty years ago... and she let me catch her. We're having a ball.... she's at the gym and I swam 1km first thing this morning. For me, this is much better than television and I alternate this with good books.

You should try being a bit less asshole-ish, imo.
I chased a younger woman.... about twenty years ago... and she let me catch her. We're having a ball.... she's at the gym and I swam 1km first thing this morning. For me, this is much better than television and I alternate this with good books.

You should try being a bit less asshole-ish, imo.

Commie opinions are asshole-ish!