A Moron Is Closing In On The Presidency

Gore didn't mean that he, personally, was going to cure cancer, but that he would see that the government developed a cure.

Gore was way ahead of other Senators and created the legislation that put the internet on the way.

To rjhenn & Gonzomin: Gore said he personally invented the Internet. Biden said he would personally cure cancer. Both were double speaking individual achievements by using tax dollars. Advancing the tax collectors morality is the only thing both can possibly achieve.

The Chicago sewer rat expressed parasite philosophy this way:

"Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Infrastructure —— roads, bridges, etc —— were built by every government throughout history. In the last century Democrats added the education industry to the definition of infrastructure thanks to the XVI Amendment. In short: Tax dollar parasites absorb income tax dollars for the sole purpose of enriching themselves.

QUESTION: How was the TRILLIONS of dollars paid in a hundred years to a failed public education system spent? ANSWER: Parasites spent it on themselves and need more to repair the crumbling infrastructure.

On top of the lies contemporary Democrat parasites tell about infrastructure, they imply that governments are responsible for all of mankind’s achievements throughout history, when in fact parasites enslave:

You are deep in the right-wing swamp of fake news. Gore never said that he invented the internet. That's just another right-wing lie. The sort of thing that is common on Fox.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Gore never said that he invented the internet.

To rjhenn: Give it a rest. Environmental parasites lusting after tax dollars have been demanding Gore’s exact quote about the Internet soon after Gore said it in different words:

Al Gore famously blundered his way through a CNN interview in which he stated, “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”

His statement was, most likely, just a poor choice a words. While it sounds like Gore was trying to say that he partially supported the creation of the Internet through legislation along with many others, he did say the words: “I took the initiative in creating the Internet,” leaving himself the option to take credit if anyone wanted to give it to him. It is generally agreed that Gore is not personally responsible for single-handedly creating the Internet, but he may have played at least a partial role in fostering its creation through federal legislation. And many people [FALSELY] believe that the federal government essentially created the Internet through research and legislation.

Who Really, Really Invented the Internet?
by Colin Wood
July 27, 2012


Bottom line: Demanding one exact quote does not coverup Al Gore’s panoply of proven lies. He still claims he won the election in 2,000:

p.s. I am waiting for parasites to play the exact quote game with Joe Biden who said “If I'm elected, we're going to cure cancer.” Happily, clever doublespeak does not erase a parasite’s meaning.
Gore told the truth and rightys call him a liar. Trump lies over and over and rightys say he is telling the truth. This gets old.
Here we go again with the Russian Bots using Cyberspace for their "Swift Boat Attacks" and the usual Campaign Smearing of Democrat candidates.

Is anyone really surprised?

First of all, all that shit only works on idiots- you know Trump Supporting idiots! But don't let me rain on your parade- knock yourselves out idiots! LOL!

Because intelligent voters know how determine what is subterfuge and what is truth and reality!

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To rjhenn: Give it a rest. Environmental parasites lusting after tax dollars have been demanding Gore’s exact quote about the Internet soon after Gore said it in different words:

Al Gore famously blundered his way through a CNN interview in which he stated, “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”

His statement was, most likely, just a poor choice a words. While it sounds like Gore was trying to say that he partially supported the creation of the Internet through legislation along with many others, he did say the words: “I took the initiative in creating the Internet,” leaving himself the option to take credit if anyone wanted to give it to him. It is generally agreed that Gore is not personally responsible for single-handedly creating the Internet, but he may have played at least a partial role in fostering its creation through federal legislation. And many people [FALSELY] believe that the federal government essentially created the Internet through research and legislation.

Who Really, Really Invented the Internet?
by Colin Wood
July 27, 2012


Bottom line: Demanding one exact quote does not coverup Al Gore’s panoply of proven lies. He still claims he won the election in 2,000:

p.s. I am waiting for parasites to play the exact quote game with Joe Biden who said “If I'm elected, we're going to cure cancer.” Happily, clever doublespeak does not erase a parasite’s meaning.
You might as well "give it a rest". Every time you stick to facts, you undermine your position.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Gore told the truth and rightys call him a liar.

To Gonzomin: Gore lies about everything. He lies so much his opinions are built on lies. If he could not lie he would have no opinions.

Take a brief look at the real Al Gore. Start with

. . . the scourge of hotel masseuses solution to manmade climate change:

LOS ANGELES – Al Gore wants to combat global warming by controlling the population – sterilizing women.

By Frank Lake on June 25, 2011



Al Gore’s lies about manmade climate change made him very wealthy:

Al Gore, the world's first carbon billionaire?
By Sam Gustin
Posted 2:40PM 11/03/09


In case you did not know it Al Gore’s family fortune came from oil. Gore’s father was in Armand Hammer’s (Occidental Petroleum) back pocket. Al Core knows damn well that environmental garbage will not put a dent in petroleum production, but that does not prevent him from taking it down from both sides.

Hammer recognized the utility of buying politicians, and here Mr. Epstein understates one of his juicier stories: how the impecunious Senator Albert Gore Sr. got the wealth to enable him to live in splendor in Washington's Fairfax Hotel and to send son, Al Jr., now the vice president, to the pricey St. Albans school.

In 1950, Hammer made Mr. Gore "a partner in a cattle-breeding business, from which the Senator made a substantial profit." Thereafter, Gore was Hammer's designated door-opener in official Washington. When Mr. Gore retired, Hammer made him president of Occidental's coal division, where he "earned more than $500,000 a year."

Son Al next put the family's Senate seat at Hammer's service. At the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, Junior managed for Hammer to be seated in a section reserved for senators. Hammer lurked in the doorway, hoping to glad-hand the president, but Mr. Reagan brushed by him without a glance, and with reason. Years earlier, Alexandre de Marenches, the head of French intelligence, had warned him that Hammer was a Soviet "agent of influence."


by Edward Jay Epstein
Originally published: 1996



A Virtual Spy : DOSSIER: The Secret History of Armand Hammer. By Edward J. Epstein (Random House: $30, 418 pp.)
OCTOBER 27, 1996


Sharpshooters like Al Gore ——coupled with hundreds of millions of advertising dollars spent on television “news shows” —— convinced fools that man-made global warming is real. Advertising paid off when you compare the cost of advertising to the billions of dollars alternative energy companies rake in.

Al Gore never said this but his message is clear: ‘The only way to save the planet is to pay off parasites by handing them the key to the public larder.’

Al Gore’s pièce de résistance was the con job that said a consensus of scientists proves every wacko global warming theory. At best man-made global warming is designer-science. In 2012 a fact-loaded article in Forbes Magazine tore “consensus” to pieces:

On June 19, apparently timed to warm up spirits at the Rio+20 meetings at the U.N. Conference on Sustainability that began the following day, Senator John Kerry gave a sizzling 55-minute indictment on the Senate floor of those who challenge global warming crisis claims. He referred to a “calculated campaign of disinformation”, which he said “…has steadily beaten back the consensus momentum . . .


Finally, although any 98% climate consensus is 100% baloney, this is something all reasonable scientists should really agree about.

7/17/2012 @ 3:32PM |27,749 views
That Scientific Global Warming Consensus...Not!


Why do fools like you believe liars like Al Gore and John Kerry? Answer: Because fools are always filled with self-loathing looking for any cause that tells them they are not so bad after all.

The way it now stands there is little chance global warming parasites will be driven away from the public feed tub anytime soon. Worse still, Al Gore’s alliance with the U.N. was an invitation to foreign parasites to come join their American counterparts at the tax tub.

A few years ago Al Gore teamed up with then-U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to legitimize global warming. Fate truly works in wondrous ways! Two concerned individuals with nary a selfish motive between them found each other.

There is a lot more about the real Al Gore for anybody who wants to do the research.
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Just like every priesthood that ever was, Socialists try to make the transition from prohibiting and punishing reprehensible behavior to telling everyone how to conduct their daily lives. Socialists can, and do, get away with abolishing private property, taxing incomes, perverting the law, betraying the country, and violating the Constitution at every turn. For all of the things Socialists in government can do they cannot govern unless they force people to do as they are told. In short: YOU MUST NOT becomes YOU MUST.


Socialists praise moral garbage because they know nothing about governing. Whenever they cannot pass a specific law they put it out of reach by claiming “moral clarity” is settled law. That is what Democrats did with Roe v. Wade even though it was never a law:

WASHINGTON — As a White House lawyer in the Bush administration, Judge Brett Kavanaugh challenged the accuracy of deeming the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision to be “settled law of the land,” according to a secret email obtained by The New York Times.

Leaked Kavanaugh Documents Discuss Abortion and Affirmative Action
By Charlie Savage
Sept. 6, 2018


The problem comes in every time Democrats accommodate their agenda without altering the Constitution the correct way. Hell, Socialists cannot repeal an amendment they do not like let alone get one ratified they do like.

Socialism’s greatest coup was selling the lie that the Constitution is a living, breathing, document. After the lie took hold Democrats turned around and contradicted their living, breathing, argument with ‘settled law.’ Ergo, Democrat laws are not living or breathing because they are SETTLED LAW that cannot be repealed or amended. Protecting and defending Socialist law is why Democrats fight tooth and nail to seat their judges and the Constitution be damned.

NOTE: You were misinformed if you heard the original Bill of Rights are settled law. In the last hundred years the Bill of Rights for free Americans morphed into a Bill of Rights for government parasites.

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken

I was sure the plain folks reached their heart’s desire on the day Chicago sewer rat was sworn in. Now comes living proof that the dumber you are the more qualified you are for the presidency.


Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) listens to a staffer before answering questions at a news conference Dec. 12, 2017, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

"I think there's some issues that have such moral clarity that we have as a society decided that the other side is not acceptable," said Gillibrand. "Imagine saying that it's OK to appoint a judge who's racist or anti-Semitic or homophobic ... asking someone to appoint someone who takes away basic human rights of any group of people in America. ... I don't think those are political issues anymore."

Leftists Declare Fundamental Moral Questions Beyond Debate
By David Limbaugh
June 14, 2019


Democrats must believe they are morally superior to the rest of us. They have to believe it in order to justify their existence.

Bottom line: No television mouth asked a Democrat to explain: Why is your morality better than mine? Why is your religion better than mine? Why are your OPINIONS better than mine?

Most importantly, why do you get tax dollars to promote your beliefs?

Democrats always claimed that their nominees were intellectually superior to opponents. Adlai Stevenson was a certified genius who got his ass kicked twice by Dwight Eisenhower.

JFK was so smart the country was lucky to get him.

Democrats even made a case for Jimmy Carter who was so smart he got lost in minutia.

Of course, the conservative was not born that could compete intellectually against Bill Clinton and the Chicago sewer rat.

And do not forget that Hillary Clinton is still the smartest in the world.

Today, the Democrat Party’s entire claim on brain power resides in Joe Biden, Cherokee Warren, and Kirsten Gillibrand. Nobody in their right mind would accuse the other wannabes of being collectively burdened with an ounce of brains. Regardless of which Democrat loses the general election in 2020, a moron will be the party’s nominee in every election as far as the eye can see. Gillibrand just happens to be the dumbest of the Democrat Party’s three intellectual midgets this time:


She is so excruciatingly, insufferably, painfully stupid, shallow, pandering, desperate, and without ethics.

Kirsten Gillibrand. United States Senator from New York. Candidate for 2020 Democrat Presidential nomination.


Gillibrand was a Clinton neophyte and sycophant. She traveled with them, campaigned for them, and they for her. They raised money for her. Despite everyone knowing about Bill Clinton’s history with Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, and Monica Lewinsky — among others — Gillibrand was only too eager to associate closely with Bill. And it paid off. When Hillary was named by Obama as Secretary of State, she had to give up her Senate seat. Gillibrand, an Utter Unknown in a field of possibilities that included Andrew Cuomo and Caroline Kennedy, nevertheless was named by New York Governor David Paterson to that vacated Clinton seat.

She has been running for President ever since.

Why Gillibrand Is the Most Vapid Clown in the Car
Your call: As she fights to reach 0% in the polls, is she absurd or just plain stupid?
by Dov Fischer
June 14, 2019, 12:09 AM

Well crap Ned. I’m disappointed. I thought you were announcing your candidacy for President.
We all know how badly you hate Gillibrand. She is not going to be president. She is at the bottom of 23 candidates. we have a real moron in the Whitehouse now.
So the best Flanders has to offer is out of context cut & paste to memes that only excite the willfully ignorant audiences of Levine, Hannity, Savage, Maulkin, "Doctor" Laura, etc. :palm:

Trump loves fools like Flanders....that's why it takes a court order to get paid when you work for him in a blue collar job.

Carry on.

I wonder if Epstein’s sex trafficking took place in Hillary’s village:

Jeffrey Epstein, rich white guy and Clinton chum, was arrested on Saturday on suspicion of underage sex trafficking.


. . . Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express. I wonder what they did on that island?

The Morning Briefing: Rich Clinton Foundation Donor Epstein Busted for Underage Sex Trafficking
By Liz Sheld
July 8, 2019


Is Hillary horrified because children were abused? or is she alarmed because Bubba might be accused?

Or maybe Hillary is angry because she sees her last shot in a deadlocked convention evaporating like a fart in a high wind?

The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention. Forget that Hillary is old and sick. She does not have to campaign for the nomination. She has women and blacks sewed up, and she will not spend a penny until after she gets the nomination. If beating Trump is the game, Hillary has the “I won the popular vote.” fairytale going for her. Naturally, she has to avoid being indicted before the general election.

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Whatever faults you ascribe to Gillibrand, she's orders of magnitude better than Trump. Who is the moron who's already President.

you know what I hear every single time democrats and republicans talk about 'their guy/girl' being way better than the others???????

So the best Flanders has to offer is out of context cut & paste to memes that only excite the willfully ignorant audiences of Levine, Hannity, Savage, Maulkin, "Doctor" Laura, etc.

Trump loves fools like Flanders....that's why it takes a court order to get paid when you work for him in a blue collar job.

Carry on.
I wonder if Epstein’s sex trafficking took place in Hillary’s village:

The spokesman for former President Bill Clinton issued a statement Monday denying knowledge of the alleged child sex crimes for which Jeffrey Epstein was recently arrested.

"President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York," the statement read. "In 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein's airplane: One to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation. Staff, supporters of the Foundation, and his Secret Service detail traveled on every leg of every trip."

"He had one meeting with Epstein in his Harlem office in 2002, and around the same time made one brief visit to Epstein's New York apartment with a staff member and his security detail," it continued. "He's not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade, and has never been to Little St. James Island, Epstein's ranch in New Mexico, or his residence in Florida."

Fox News reported in 2016 that Clinton went on at least 26 trips aboard Epstein's "Lolita Express," according to Federal Aviation Administration records.

Bill Clinton claims he 'knows nothing' about Jeffrey Epstein's alleged child sex crimes
by Julio Rosas
July 08, 2019 06:51 PM
Updated Jul 08, 2019, 07:21 PM


Is there anybody on the planet who believes anything either Clinton says?

The Clinton Library refused to respond to a request from a television news network for information regarding former President Bill Clinton’s relationship with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who was arrested Saturday on charges of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls as young as 14.

In addition, the Washington watchdog Judicial Watch asked the Department of Homeland Security in 2015 for records of Clinton’s Secret Service expenses while he traveled with Epstein on the hedge fund manager’s private jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express.” But the department never handed over the records, reported OAN, the One America News network.

According to flight logs, Clinton traveled 26 times on Epstein’s Boeing 727 from 2001 to 2003, Fox News reported in 2016. Epstein allegedly offered sex to underage girls aboard the jet. An air hostess testified the “Lolita Express” had a bed where passengers had group sex.

In 2008, Epstein was prosecuted for soliciting sex with underage girls. But in a plea deal, he served only a 13-month sentence in a county jail in which he was allowed to go to his office during the day to work.

Only the first names of the female passengers were listed on the jet’s flight logs, Fox News reported in 2016. Clinton ditched his Secret Security detail on five of the trips.

On one of the flights, Clinton was with actor Kevin Spacey, who has been accused of sexual misconduct with an underage boy.

Clinton was on as many as 11 flights with Epstein assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused of grooming underage girls to perform sex acts with Epstein and his friends.

Epstein flew friends to his 72-acre island in the Virgin Islands where a team of human traffickers allegedly rounded up girls as young as 12 to service Epstein and his friends.

It’s unclear if Clinton ever visited the island.

On Monday, the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York unsealed an indictment accusing Epstein of paying underage girls hundreds of dollars in cash for massages and then molesting them at his homes in Florida and New York from 2002 through 2005.

Epstein “intentionally sought out minors and knew that many of his victims were in fact under the age of 18,” prosecutors said.

They also allege he paid some of his victims to recruit additional girls, creating “a vast network of underage victims for him to sexually exploit in locations including New York and Palm Beach.”

Trump’s labor secretary oversaw 2008 plea deal

The once-secret 2008 plea deal was overseen by Alexander Acosta, the U.S. attorney in Miami at the time and now Trump’s labor secretary. Epstein faced a potential federal indictment for sexually abusing dozens of girls between 1999 and 2007. He also was accused of directing others to abuse girls and paying employees to bring victims to him.

In the deal, he pleaded guilty to a lesser Florida state felony prostitution charge of soliciting and procuring a person under 18 for prostitution, avoiding a possible life sentence.

Acosta has defended the agreement, but the White House said in February it was reviewing his handling of the case.

In April, House Democrats confronted Acosta about his role in the case during a routine budget hearing.

The labor secretary said human trafficking was “an in-cred-ibly important issue” and his office did the best it could to ensure Epstein was punished.

“I understand the frustration,” Acosta said. “It’s important to understand that he was going to get off with no jail time or restitution. It was the work of our office that resulted in him going to jail.”

Prominent friends

Along with Clinton, Epstein’s prominent friends have included President Trump and Britain’s Prince Andrew.

Trump’s praise of Epstein in an interview with New York magazine in 2002 has drawn attention since the hedge-fund billionaire’s arrest Saturday.

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump said. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Epstein was a member of Trump’s South Florida club, Mar-a- Lago. But a court filing says the club dumped Epstein after he approached an underage girl there.

Meanwhile, Christine Pelosi, the daughter of the House speaker, said some favorite figures likely will be implicated in the Epstein case.

“This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may – whether on Republicans or Democrats,” she wrote via Twitter.

Clinton Library refuses to hand over info on Bill's ties to Epstein
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 07/08/2019 @ 2:21 pm
