A Moron Is Closing In On The Presidency

To Gonzomin: Gore lies about everything. He lies so much his opinions are built on lies. If he could not lie he would have no opinions.

Take a brief look at the real Al Gore. Start with

. . . the scourge of hotel masseuses solution to manmade climate change:

LOS ANGELES – Al Gore wants to combat global warming by controlling the population – sterilizing women.

By Frank Lake on June 25, 2011



Al Gore’s lies about manmade climate change made him very wealthy:

Al Gore, the world's first carbon billionaire?
By Sam Gustin
Posted 2:40PM 11/03/09


In case you did not know it Al Gore’s family fortune came from oil. Gore’s father was in Armand Hammer’s (Occidental Petroleum) back pocket. Al Core knows damn well that environmental garbage will not put a dent in petroleum production, but that does not prevent him from taking it down from both sides.

Hammer recognized the utility of buying politicians, and here Mr. Epstein understates one of his juicier stories: how the impecunious Senator Albert Gore Sr. got the wealth to enable him to live in splendor in Washington's Fairfax Hotel and to send son, Al Jr., now the vice president, to the pricey St. Albans school.

In 1950, Hammer made Mr. Gore "a partner in a cattle-breeding business, from which the Senator made a substantial profit." Thereafter, Gore was Hammer's designated door-opener in official Washington. When Mr. Gore retired, Hammer made him president of Occidental's coal division, where he "earned more than $500,000 a year."

Son Al next put the family's Senate seat at Hammer's service. At the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, Junior managed for Hammer to be seated in a section reserved for senators. Hammer lurked in the doorway, hoping to glad-hand the president, but Mr. Reagan brushed by him without a glance, and with reason. Years earlier, Alexandre de Marenches, the head of French intelligence, had warned him that Hammer was a Soviet "agent of influence."


by Edward Jay Epstein
Originally published: 1996



A Virtual Spy : DOSSIER: The Secret History of Armand Hammer. By Edward J. Epstein (Random House: $30, 418 pp.)
OCTOBER 27, 1996


Sharpshooters like Al Gore ——coupled with hundreds of millions of advertising dollars spent on television “news shows” —— convinced fools that man-made global warming is real. Advertising paid off when you compare the cost of advertising to the billions of dollars alternative energy companies rake in.

Al Gore never said this but his message is clear: ‘The only way to save the planet is to pay off parasites by handing them the key to the public larder.’

Al Gore’s pièce de résistance was the con job that said a consensus of scientists proves every wacko global warming theory. At best man-made global warming is designer-science. In 2012 a fact-loaded article in Forbes Magazine tore “consensus” to pieces:

On June 19, apparently timed to warm up spirits at the Rio+20 meetings at the U.N. Conference on Sustainability that began the following day, Senator John Kerry gave a sizzling 55-minute indictment on the Senate floor of those who challenge global warming crisis claims. He referred to a “calculated campaign of disinformation”, which he said “…has steadily beaten back the consensus momentum . . .


Finally, although any 98% climate consensus is 100% baloney, this is something all reasonable scientists should really agree about.

7/17/2012 @ 3:32PM |27,749 views
That Scientific Global Warming Consensus...Not!


Why do fools like you believe liars like Al Gore and John Kerry? Answer: Because fools are always filled with self-loathing looking for any cause that tells them they are not so bad after all.

The way it now stands there is little chance global warming parasites will be driven away from the public feed tub anytime soon. Worse still, Al Gore’s alliance with the U.N. was an invitation to foreign parasites to come join their American counterparts at the tax tub.

A few years ago Al Gore teamed up with then-U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to legitimize global warming. Fate truly works in wondrous ways! Two concerned individuals with nary a selfish motive between them found each other.

There is a lot more about the real Al Gore for anybody who wants to do the research.

Damn, you believe anything, don't you? Mr. Conspiracy on board. Do you ever read a conspiracy that you are able to reject?
"But, but, but Clintion"....has NOTHING to do with Trump. Deal with it, you chumps.

If the Dems see evidence that Bill was involved in the Epstein/Trump underage girl ring, they will accept it and attack Clinton. If the Repubs read the same evidence with Trump, they will attack the evidence and whoever released it.
If the Dems see evidence that Bill was involved in the Epstein/Trump underage girl ring, they will accept it and attack Clinton. If the Repubs read the same evidence with Trump, they will attack the evidence and whoever released it.

Are you a moron ????

Clinton was on the flight manifest 26 times !

You picked a good name ... Gonzo !

Retard !
Are you a moron ????

Clinton was on the flight manifest 26 times !

You picked a good name ... Gonzo !

Retard !

Epstein was a mover and shaker in the fund raising department, so it's a no brainer that Slick Willy would be meeting and being wined & dined by him. As to whether the Slickster was a part of his sex parties is a whole other smoke to prove. If one examines the "evidence" that is offered in some of these links/posts, the time lines and frequencies contradict one another. But by the "logic" of this thread's author, the Orange Oaf's YEARS of association with Epstein "trumps" Clinton's by a long shot.

And again, Clinton has got NOTHING to do with Trump. Deal with it.
Epstein was a mover and shaker in the fund raising department, so it's a no brainer that Slick Willy would be meeting and being wined & dined by him. As to whether the Slickster was a part of his sex parties is a whole other smoke to prove. If one examines the "evidence" that is offered in some of these links/posts, the time lines and frequencies contradict one another. But by the "logic" of this thread's author, the Orange Oaf's YEARS of association with Epstein "trumps" Clinton's by a long shot.

And again, Clinton has got NOTHING to do with Trump. Deal with it.

There’s a reason to go back .... 26 times !!!!
Slanders starts another false thread. Gillibrand is not closing in on shit. She is barely registering in the polls and will be shut out of future debates. His terror sweats are due to his lack of knowledge about the facts. So many Dems scare him.even ones with no chance. To the bunker Slanders. Hide until it is over.
Your very existence, Flanders, is an affront to the very concepts of intelligence and morality.
I have permanently purged everybody even remotely similar to you from my private life.
I wish that I had the means to purge them from the universe itself, but failing that, I can at least express my contempt and disgust that troglodytes like yourself pollute the planet on which decent people try to live.
Your very existence, Flanders, is an affront to the very concepts of intelligence and morality.
I have permanently purged everybody even remotely similar to you from my private life.
I wish that I had the means to purge them from the universe itself, but failing that, I can at least express my contempt and disgust that troglodytes like yourself pollute the planet on which decent people try to live.

STFU !!! Who do you think you are ? You are not special in any way !

Go sit in the corner .... Niftydicklick !
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Epstein was a mover and shaker in the fund raising department, so it's a no brainer that Slick Willy would be meeting and being wined & dined by him. As to whether the Slickster was a part of his sex parties is a whole other smoke to prove. If one examines the "evidence" that is offered in some of these links/posts, the time lines and frequencies contradict one another. But by the "logic" of this thread's author, the Orange Oaf's YEARS of association with Epstein "trumps" Clinton's by a long shot.

And again, Clinton has got NOTHING to do with Trump. Deal with it.

There’s a reason to go back .... 26 times !!!!

Guilt through association doesn't fly in a court of law, toodles. But hey, if you can get the SAME type of or better evidence against the Slickster as with Trump regarding Epstein, I'm cool with that. In the meantime; https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/did-donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-rape-13-year-old-girl/

This is not the first time Democracy, the common decency of humanity and civilization has come under attack among barbaric, morally bankrupt savages. Yet Democracy and the common decency of civilization on Earth has survived for worse attacks in history such as global wars i.e. in particular the Independence War, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights war for the sake of the liberties of human beings, and other efforts to spare the world of the barbaric savages that dare to attempt to desecrate the common decency of humanity and civilization.

There are no democracies currently on Earth today.

The United States is not a democracy and never was. It is a federated republic.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Guilt through association doesn't fly in a court of law, toodles. But hey, if you can get the SAME type of or better evidence against the Slickster as with Trump regarding Epstein, I'm cool with that. In the meantime; https://www.nationalreview.com/corne...year-old-girl/


Oh look ! Lefty news sites .... who would of thunk !

Oh look, another intellectually impotent right wing flunkie who types about things BEFORE he reads them.

Pay attention, bunky….did I not say that I have no problem with Clinton being pursued on this like Trump IF there's the same type or better evidence?

Also, since the focus is on Trump and Epstein, how does Clinton figure into this?

But I digress, I'm fascinated as to how you determined that Newsweek and the National Review, which have been around before you were born are "lefty" news sites? They were and still are magazines first, ya know (those things made of treated paper with words and pictures on them).