A New Nuremburg


We need a new Nuremburg for the science deniers that have already cost millions of people their lives. Every officeholder of the Republican party from 1970 to the time the Republican party accepts climate change (probably after it has lost all federal representation in congress to the Green-Socialist coalition) should be executed and thrown in the landfill.
We need a new Nuremburg for the science deniers that have already cost millions of people their lives. Every officeholder of the Republican party from 1970 to the time the Republican party accepts climate change (probably after it has lost all federal representation in congress to the Green-Socialist coalition) should be executed and thrown in the landfill.

Sounds pretty harsh, and unmerited.

I think the solution is simple and humane: require republicans to attend remedial high school science classes, until they can demonstrate a basic competency with evolution and climate science.
Sounds pretty harsh, and unmerited.

I think the solution is simple and humane: require republicans to attend remedial high school science classes, until they can demonstrate a basic competency with evolution and climate science.

Learning to parrot corrupt authority figures is not science.
Also, conservatives, libertarians, theocrats, monarchists, anarchists, etc.

your idiotic side note aside. It is true that the left and right are fusing together in an internationlist fascist third way. these extremists are masquerading as moderates and are intent on destroying america.